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The treatment of sepsis

The treatment of sepsis folk remedies

The treatment of sepsis Sophora Japanese

One of the most effective methods of treatment sepsis is the infusion of Sophora japonica. This tree has such substance as rutin, which in combination with vitamin C can strengthen blood vessels, reduce their fragility, to help with the bleeding characteristic of the disease.

The tool, which is an infusion of the fruits and buds of Sophora japonica, administered orally with ascorbic acid. The infusion is prepared from fresh and dried fruits in the ratio of one to one and one to two. Taking the drug should be 10 drops 4-5 times a day.

Treatment of sepsis with Echinacea

Echinacea is a medicinal plant that the Indians of North America used to treat wounds, burns, and blood poisoning. It is best to treat sepsis suitable oil Echinacea.

It is prepared by the following method: take 500 grams of fresh roots of the plant, washed and shredded; pour it in 2.5 l of fresh crude sunflower oil and insist 40 days. After this oil is filtered through a thick layer of gauze and take 2 hours after meals 3 times a day 1 tablespoon. The oil can be used for external use (compresses).

Every 10 days of taking Echinacea you should take a break. There are also contraindications: do not take it for patients with leukemia, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis, autoimmune diseases and pregnant women.

The treatment of sepsis according to the recipes of the white Lama Vostokov V.

V. Vostokov offers two popular method for the treatment of sepsis. The first way is tincture of chamomile flowers, Hypericum, birch buds, immortelle and strawberry leaves, of each herb need to take 100 g. 2 tablespoons herb mixture pour 400 ml boiling water and insist in a thermos for 8-10 hours. Drink infusion before meals 2 times a day 1 glass.

The second method is a mixture of 100 ml of nettle juice and 100 ml juice of sour apples. To take it is half an hour before the morning meal.

Every 20 days of treatment you must doa break for 10 days.

Also for the purification of contaminated blood to eat 100 grams of fried beef liver.

Treatment of sepsis with dandelion roots

Patients with sepsis will also help the roots of the dandelion. You must gather them in early spring or late fall, then carefully dried and crushed to a powder in a glass or porcelain container . 1 tablespoon of powder is poured 400 ml of boiling water, tightly closed and infused for two hours. You need to drink the infusion of fresh, in the morning. The course of treatment is 7 days, then you need to take a break for 10 days.