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Treatment of heart disease

Who established that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death for people around the world. The group of these dangerous diseases refers to coronary heart disease, deep vein thrombosis, peripheral arterial disease, rheumatic heart disease, myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes.

Timely treatment of heart diseases and their prevention is the key to long life of a person. After all, the majority of cardiovascular pathologies can be prevented or halt their progression, by addressing their risk factors. Most often it does not need costly drugs, as a means to combat the main killers of mankind are on hand.

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Garlic prevents heart attacks and blood clots

Since ancient times known beneficial properties of garlic for the human body. Modern scientists have scientifically proven that this plant allows to deal not only with colds. It turns out that garlic prevents heart attacks and blood clots.

It was found that garlic contains a substance such as ajoin. It is a powerful desagregants, diluting the blood is not worse than Aspirin. This substance was first dedicated Professor of chemistry Eric Block, who teaches at the University of Albany (new York).

Garlic stimulates the fibrinolytic system, prevents the process of adhesion of thrombi to each other and to the walls of the arteries. Experimentally it was found that a daily intake of three cloves of garlic can improve the process of resorption of blood clots by 20%. The study was conducted with the participation of students Medkov from India. Scientists suggest that after heat treatment the antithrombotic effect of garlic increases.

Also it is not necessary to abandon the use of garlic people who had already experienced myocardial infarction, or have serious heart disease. Cardiologist Arun Borgia, a practitioner in the Indian medical College Tagore, was closely involved in the study of useful properties of garlic. He was able to establish that this plant helps to dissolve blood clots and to reduce the degree of clogging of blood vessels in patientsatherosclerosis.

A. Borgia had my test on rabbits, which had marked atherosclerosis. Animals regularly eat garlic, as a result, it is possible to increase the lumen of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques.

In addition, the observation of 432 patients with myocardial infarction and regularly consuming garlic in food suggests that the mortality rate among this group of people was much lower. The results have been evaluated after two years of regular patients 2-3 cloves of garlic a day. More effect became evident three years later. Those patients who consistently consumed garlic, had suffered three times less.

This allowed the cardiologist Borgia to make the assumption that the use of garlic on a regular basis can reduce the process of clogging of arteries by blood clots and cholesterol plaques. And anti-sclerotic effects exposed and peripheral, and coronary arteries.

Further experiments only confirmed the assumptions of Dr. Borgia. So, the patients diagnosed with intermittent claudication were divided into two groups. One of them received garlic powder ("qui", the dose of 800 mg per day), and another group of subjects took a placebo. After five weeks from the beginning of reception studies, people treated with garlic powder, able to pass without stops and breaks the distance in 45 meters more than the control group. It's pretty impressive results, as patients with intermittent claudication suffer from pain in legs and not able to overcome even a small distance, so as not to take a break.

Important! Immediately start eating garlic after myocardial infarction not. Introduction in the diet should be smooth. The first intake of garlic is allowed only after comes the stage of remission. A day is not recommended to use more than 1 - 2 cloves of garlic.

Very useful for the treatment of heart disease garlic water. To cook it is not difficult. To do this, take two cloves of garlic, grind it and pour warm boiled water. Leave to infuse for the night. The resulting infusion drink in the morning, the garlic is crushed again and fill with water until the evening. Treatment should last for months.

Find out more: the Benefits and harms of garlic, cure garlic

Home remedies to strengthen the heart

Homefunds for strengthening your heart allow you to not only make the heart muscle stronger and improve his blood circulation, prevent the formation of blood clots.

  1. The fight against atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis always develops on the background of high levels of cholesterol in the body.

    To reduce LDL levels, you can use the following recipes:

    • You need to eat garlic fresh or cooked it oil. For this purpose you will need a glass of unrefined oil and a crushed clove of garlic. These two ingredients are mixed and infused for days. Then, in the resulting oil-garlic mixture add lemon juice (1 lemon) and insist in a cool dark place for another week. From time to time containers with oil should be shaken. The course of treatment is 3 months. Make the oil for 30 minutes before eating teaspoon 3 times a day. Three months later, need to take a break for 30 days, after which repeat the treatment.

    • Every day menu should include fresh fruits and vegetables. The best opponents of harmful cholesterol are fresh apples, citrus, cranberry and chokeberry. And citrus fruits are useful not only pulp but also the skin. It is recommended as often as possible to chew the lemon rind, as it contains essential oils that support the health of blood vessels.
    • You can use this recipe: take two parts honey and one part black chokeberry, thoroughly mix them and use a tablespoon 1 time per day.

  2. The rehabilitation period after the infarction (first few days). The heart muscle after a heart attack requires vitamins and minerals.

    To support its work will help the following recipes:

    • A glass of fresh carrot juice in combination with any vegetable oil. The dose should be divided into two parts and drink during the day.
    • A combination of equal parts of turnip juice and persimmon with honey or combination of honey with the juice of radish, beetroot and carrots. They should take half an hour before eating a tablespoon three times a day.
  3. Preventing the development of arrhythmia. Arrhythmia is one of the most serious complications of myocardial infarction, which greatly aggravate the disease.

    To reduce the risk of arrhythmia, you need to eat foods enriched with magnesium and potassium:

    • Walnuts. Once a day is useful to eat a mixture of crushed walnut kernels (100 g.) and buckwheat honey (2 tbsp). It is best to share this sweetthe cure three times.
    • To strengthen the heart good to eat in a day 100-150 g fresh dried apricots.

  4. The fight against coronary heart disease. Sugar is very harmful for people with coronary heart disease, so it is advisable to replace it with honey.

    There are several options how to do it better:

    • The combination of honey and Royal jelly in a ratio of 100:1. The course of therapy of 2 weeks or more. The day you need to take half a teaspoon of the mixture before Breakfast, lunch and dinner. It should be kept in the mouth until complete dissolution.
    • Honey water. On a glass of water, you will need tablespoon of honey. You need to drink it throughout the day. Very useful to adopt a combination of honey and pollen.

3 the most important product for the heart and blood vessels


That selenium is an essential trace mineral necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and vessels first began in two European countries – in Germany and in Finland. This is due to the fact that there is a population of previously experienced acute shortage of selenium.

To eliminate this problem, the government of Finland took a decision to require the addition of selenium to fertilizers used in growing feed for animals intended for slaughter.

Such a measure not been in vain. For the last 20 years the number of deaths because of cardiac pathologies in Finland decreased by 61%. At the same time to consume selenium the population has become three times more.

Scientifically sound is the fact that a lack of selenium has a negative impact on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, leading to the development of very serious diseases of the heart. The fact that a family of enzymes GP (glutathione peroxidase) that protect the body from oxidative damage presents a selenium-containing tetrameric glycoproteins. They contribute to the restoration of lipid peroxides, that is, act as natural antioxidants. Therefore, a lack of selenium in the body leads to the formation of degenerative changes in the myocardium of the heart.

During the myocardial infarction, selenium-containing enzymes have a protective effect so as to limit the area of damage the muscles. Naturally, this reduces the risk of subsequent complications, particularly heart failure. Also on the ECG during an experimental heart attack, it is possible to consider that a lack of selenium leads to a dropcardiac index six times, ischemic lesions develop much faster.

Experimentally proved and confirmed by repeatedly practicing cardiology that the treatment of patients with myocardial infarction with selenium and tocopherol promotes a speedy recovery of patients. Therefore, the conclusion of scientists is clear: the less selenium in the body, the higher the risk of heart attack, stroke, and cancer.


Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids found in oily fish that live in the seas and in some plants. Thus, a very high concentration of omega-3 in soybean oil and linseed oil. They are Champions on the content of these acids among the products of plant origin.

Omega-3 help the body to effectively deal with atherosclerosis, prevent blood clots, do not give oxidized LDL can damage the vascular wall making it more resistant to proliferation of lipids. Omega-3 indispensable element in the treatment of heart disease. Regular intake of omega-3 can boost the immune system, improve bronchial trunk, to normalize blood pressure, prevent the development of allergies, optimize the work of all mucous membranes. If the body is no shortage in omega-3, its combat any inflammation will occur faster and more efficiently.

Omega-3 can be detected in the composition of the membrane of every cell of the human body. This outer shell protects the contents of the cells from external pathogenic factors, and provides its normal function. Also the membrane is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses between nerve cells, for the storage and timely reproduction of information by the cells of the myocardium, cells in the retina, cells of the whole organism. Without omega-3 and omega-6 cannot full development of the child can not be normal work of skin and kidneys. Therefore, the body needs to do and omega-3 and omega-6. One of the sources of recent acid acts as olive oil.

Do not forget protooncogenes property of omega-3. Their regular use allows the body to more effectively fight breast cancer, prostate cancer and other tumors.

Disease, which helps omega-3 eczema, psoriasis, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer's, depression.

Of course, the benefit to the human body from the omega-3 is large, but independently produce these fatty acids it is not. So if they are not coming from the outside, it disrupted all systems without exception. Particularly acute is the lack of these acids affects the functioning of the immune, reproductive and cardiovascular systems.Because it is so important to consume foods rich in omega-3, but it should be done correctly.

If the recommended ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 is 1:1 or 1:2, then the average person in real life, consume these acids in a ratio of 1:5 or 1:10. The result of this malnutrition sad: omega-3 absorbed in very small quantities or not absorbed at all.

A grown woman should get per day 1.6 g Omega-3, and the average adult male – 2 g these acids. This volume allows all body systems to function optimally.

To provide the daily requirement of omega-3 daily to include in your menu following foods:

  • Salmon (70 g);
  • Canned sardine (90 g);
  • Flax seed (1-1,5 teaspoons);
  • Fresh nuts, not the past roast (7 to 9 pieces);
  • Rapeseed oil (tablespoon);
  • Canned tuna (120 g).

Vegetable unsaturated fatty acids absorbed in the body much easier than animals. But to abandon the acids of animal origin is impossible.

In order to maximize the body's absorption of omega-3 must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Twice a week on the table needs to be fatty sea fish. This could be mackerel, herring, trout, salmon, tuna, sardines, etc. Sometimes the fish can be replaced by other seafood and eggs.
  • Salads need to fill with vegetable oils (walnut, sesame, canola or olive).

Of course, fresh marine fish is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. But a lot depends on the conditions of its habitat. If it was grown in artificial ponds and were fed with feed or flour, the amount of omega-3 in fish is negligible. Fish caught in the sea, eats only plankton and sea plants, so it contains much more essential fatty acids.

  • Decomposition of omega-3 occurs during fish Smoking and during the process of salting. Only freeze can deprive the fish of fatty acids by 50%.

  • An important method of preserving fish, but rather a brine, which it is poured. Optimal fill is considered to be olive oil. Only one jar of sardines with oil will containthe three-day norm of omega-3 for an adult. Worse, if the fish is canned in its own juice or in a saline brine.

  • In the morning it is very helpful to eat a teaspoon of flax seed or drink a teaspoon of Flaxseed oil. This will allow not only for a knock to supply the body with omega-3, but also solve the problem of constipation. So the flax seed doesn't stick to your teeth, it can grind in a coffee grinder and dissolve in water, after which the resulting liquid to drink. You can add flax seed to salads of fresh vegetables to improve their taste, or salads with flax oil. But you shouldn't use too much oil or consume expired products.

  • It is not possible by 100% to obtain omega-3 from food, can help supplements. Daily dose indicated on the package of such tools that will allow you to avoid overdose. However, the shelf life is BAD is also essential.

To summarize, should summarize the useful properties of omega-3.

They can prevent and fight diseases such as:

Omega-3 found in breast milk and can cross the placenta to the baby. So you can judge the importance of these acids for normal fetal development and for growth of the newborn.

Find out more: Interesting experiments and research of the amazing benefits of omega 3

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a plant product, which has many positive effects for the treatment of diseases of the heart. With it is possibleto prevent the formation of blood clots, normalize blood pressure, improve the condition of the vascular wall.

Ginkgo biloba has an antioxidant effect, is a prophylactic for preventing coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes, glaucoma and other ophthalmic diseases. It is useful to take the drug to improve mental activity.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of impotence in men, and also to improve the immune forces of the body, especially during the struggle of the immune system with various inflammatory reactions.

The first clinical trials of Ginkgo biloba have been conducted in the West in the 70-ies of the last century. Even then, scientists have discovered that it has a positive effect on the course of chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Subsequently the preparation was subjected to more focused study in a variety of countries, including Japan, America and some European countries. Now paste and the powder of the leaves of this plant in America is used as the best means to normalize cognitive processes (improving attention, concentration, memory).

The main antioxidant in Ginkgo biloba acts as quercetin. After it enters the body, it accumulates in the nerve fibers and in the endocrine glands and for a long time stored there.

Useful qualities of this herbal drug are manifold, here are just some of them:

  • Optimization of brain functioning, improvement of cognitive processes due to the normalization of blood circulation.
  • Maintenance of visual acuity, which deteriorates with age.
  • Treatment of impotence in men.
  • Hydration of the skin.
  • Prevention of cancer by providing antioxidant effects.
  • Prevention of hair loss, strengthening hair follicles, increased hair growth.

Find out more: Useful properties and application of Ginkgo biloba

Potassium for the heart

Potassium for the treatment of diseases of heart is the indispensable trace elements. Together with sodium it helps to maintain the normal functioning of the heart muscle, namely:

  • Leads to normal heart rhythm.
  • Struggling with atherosclerotic changes.
  • Do not give sodium salts to settle to the vascular wall.
  • Oxygenate the brain, preventing oxygen starvation.
  • Regulatespressure, reducing it to normal values.
  • Potassium supports the health of blood vessels, arteries and capillaries are normal.

Insufficient intake of potassium in the body is fraught with expansion of borders of heart, disorders of its rhythm, development of arrhythmias, pressure drop etc. are Not less dangerous overabundance of potassium in the blood. Therefore, it is important to know the daily rate of potassium intake. For an adult it is 2500 mg.

Get potassium from food, presented in the table:


Potassium in mg/100g.

% RSP%




Dried potatoes






Dried apricots



Wheat bran






Chicken protein





38.8% of

Tomato paste





34.9% of



34.6% of



34.4% of

Flax seed





28.7% of






26.9% of



26.3% of

Dried apples



Dried bream


21.4% of



21.2% of

Salted mackerel


20.8% of

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist