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Bumps on legs

Causes and symptoms of lumps on legs

What are the bumps on your feet?

Speaking of the cones on the legs means the increase of the bones in the foot. It is not only cosmetic flaw, but a serious reason to go to the doctor-orthopedist. Another name for this disease – congenital deformity of the big toe. The big toe deviates inward of the foot, bringing people lots of troubles from discomfort and inability to wear your favorite shoes to severe pain that interferes with normal lifestyle. This affects not only bones but also ligaments and tendons.

Causes of bumps on the legs

Causes of bumps on the feet is many other pathologies, which were bursitis, exostosis, osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joints, or, most characteristically, the transverse flatfoot. It is noticed that the development of hallux valgus is also influenced by genetic factors, disorders in the endocrine system and osteoporosis. It is noteworthy that the mismatched shoes is also able to render his master a disservice. In "risk group" consists primarily of high heel shoes and narrow toe: the load on the foot is distributed unevenly so that its anterior is deformed and there is arthrosis of the big toe joint. The causes of hallux valgus include various injuries of the leg and foot, birth defects or the effects of the severe neuromuscular diseases (poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy).

It is extremely important to detect an emerging bump and to contact the doctor, because it affects the successful outcome of treatment. Otherwise, you will have pain, you may need surgery or they will become limp.

A survey conducted by the podiatrist. Usually necessary to do an x-ray of the foot, which allows to detect the deformation, its degree and possible comorbidities (arthritis, cysts, avascular necrosis, inflammation of the periosteum, etc.)

Symptoms bumps on legs

What are serious symptoms that require an immediate visit to the podiatrist? First and foremost is the formation of lumps in the region of the metatarsophalangeal joint. Also pay attention to the swelling and redness near the big toe (at the base). It is also possible thickening of the skin, appearance of blisters or the unpleasant painful sensations. A bump appears when the head of the metatarsal bonebecomes protruding and there is a deviation of the big toe outward. The foot area is pressed by shoes, causing discomfort and pain.

Treatment bumps on legs

To treat bumps on feet it is necessary to use the target orthopedic devices, which include special insoles, cushions, arch supports and ties. It is also recommended to do a warm foot bath, massage and physiotherapy. Traditional medicines help to relieve pain and inflammation bone. Do compresses, applied lotion, draw veins with iodine, and so on.

Special attention deserves the surgical treatment, which is often the subject of disputes. When conservative methods of treatment become ineffective, surgically the correction of deformity that gives a good aesthetic result. The tip of the deformed joint by incising the joint is fixed with plates, screws, wires and sutures. This procedure is called azotemia. But this operation does not prevent the recurrence of the disease, besides the postoperative period can be very painful and long-lasting from two to six months the patient is required to limit the load on the foot, which reduces his ability to work. Perhaps the development of postoperative complications (infections of soft tissues, bleeding, osteomyelitis, displacement of bone fragments, etc.).

To avoid these problems, it is important to carry out preventive measures. First of all need to abandon the narrow uncomfortable shoes, carry out exercises for the feet, to do massage, walking barefoot on uneven surfaces. This will improve the muscle tone of the foot, preventing the development of transverse flatfoot and arthritis.