Home / Treatment / The analysis on hormones of a thyroid gland (the norms of the hormones TSH and T4)

The analysis on hormones of a thyroid gland (the norms of the hormones TSH and T4)

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What are the thyroid hormones pass for analysis?

At the moment, the Internet abounds with material on medical subjects. In particular, there are articles on blood test to assess the level of production of thyroid hormones. As a rule, these texts are not written by doctors, and therefore illiterate and contain a lot of factual errors. Such materials will not answer questions, but merely to confuse the reader.

Among the thyroid hormones are unaware of the authors include in addition to triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) also TSH and TPO. But it is fundamentally wrong.

The first two hormones related to the category of thyroid rightly. They really are synthesized the thyroid. While TSH is a nonspecific hormone synthesis which takes other endocrine organ — the pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland is a small gland located in the brain. The main function of the pituitary through the release of active substances (I must say that it allocates a number of active substances, their number is determined by dozens) to regulate the entire endocrine system.

Thus, TSH (so-called thyroid-stimulating hormone) is a "signal" hormone of the pituitary gland. Due to its influence, the thyroid gland increases the intensity of work and releases more active substances.

TPO also cannot be attributed to the thyroid. This substance is generally hormone is not, but is an antibody. Immune system identifies it for destruction of iodinated substances. However, all four of the above substances need to be considered together because they are closely related to each other and form the mechanism of the thyroid gland.

Thyroxine (T4 tetraiodothyronine). One of the two major thyroid hormones. Is a big part of all synthesized by the thyroid gland compounds (90%).

Triiodothyronine (T3). Is anotherthyroid hormone. Its activity exceeds the activity of T4 to 1000%. The composition of T3 contains three iodine atoms instead of 4, so chemical hormone activity grows significantly. Many believe it is the main triiodothyronine thyroid hormone, and T4 — the "raw materials" for its production. T3 is synthesized from T4 by exposure to 4-x nuclear hormone selenium-containing enzymes.

And TK and T4 are the specific hormones of the thyroid gland, that is, relate to thyroid hormones. Their synthesis required for normal operation of the autonomic and nervous systems, as well as for key exchange, through which occurs the operation of Autonomous energy-consuming processes: the contraction of the heart muscle, conduction of nerve signals, etc.

Specific hormones can exist both in free and in bound state. For this reason, the results of laboratory tests often identify several graph: the free T3 is the hormone or free T4 hormone. May also be referred to as the FT3 (Free T3) or FT4 (Free T4). A large part of the thyroid substances are associated with protein compounds condition. In the allocation of hormones in the blood they combine with a special protein TSG (tireostatikami globulin) and transported to the vital organs and systems. Once transportation is complete, thyroid hormones reverts to free-form.

Activity is hormone-free, therefore, to evaluate thyroid function study, this indicator is necessary and most informative.

TSH is a pituitary hormone affecting the thyroid gland through effects on receptor cells called thyrocytes.

Such exposure may cause the following effects:

  • The increase in the intensity of synthesis of thyroid hormones (due to the fact that the cells of the thyroid gland start working more actively);
  • The capacity of the tissues of the thyroid gland. The growth of tissues are amplified, diffuse changes in the body.


The next most important indicator antibodies. The estimate of the number of antibodies to iodinated compounds necessary for proper diagnosis.

There are three types of antibodies:

  • Proteins to TPO (thyroid peroxidase);
  • Proteins in the TG (thyroglobulin);
  • Proteins to RTG (TSH receptor).

In laboratory tests often indicate abbreviated forms of the names of substances. At – a antibody. TG, RTG, TPO.

Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase

TPO is one of the major enzymes directly involved in the synthesis of thyroidhormones. Depending on the degree of deviation from the normal result, increased concentration of these antibodies may not appear or lead to hypothyroidism (lower levels in hormone thyroid). Level rise is relatively frequent: about 10% of women and less than half the number of men (5%) on a global scale.

Since the concentration of iodine-containing substances maximum in the thyroid gland, thyroid peroxidase and disrupts the cells called thyrocytes. As a result the number produced by the thyroid hormones falls. Wrong exceeding the target marker of the disease, but research and statistics show that the increase in the content of TPO leads to hypothyroid thyroid diseases is approximately 5 times more often than in similar cases when the hormone level is normal.

A blood test for the presence of this substance is conducted to identify diffuse toxic goiter and autoimmune diseases.

Antibodies to thyroglobulin

The excess level of antibodies to thyroglobulin occurs much less frequently than a similar result for antibodies to thyroid peroxidase. According to statistics, the number of persons with the identified deviation from the norm in a big way about 5% of women and about 3% of men.

The rate is quite variable and may indicate the presence of two types of diseases:

In the second case we speak of two forms of cancer: papillary or follicular, as it is in these types of tumors is increased the formulation TG. The thyroglobulin is produced only by thyroid cells or malignant tumor cells. If there is greater than normal, as the patient and doctor should be wary. TG also acts as a tumor marker.

After surgery to remove the tumor along with affected thyroid the thyroglobulin level should fall to a minimum rate (down to zero). If not, the reason lies in the recurrence of cancer.

Be aware that with high rate of antibodies to TG, the result may be incorrect. Create antibodies with iodine-containing protein TG single structure and are connected so firmly that distinguish secreted by the lymphocytes and the protein thyroglobulina laboratory study impossible. To assess the level of TG is required to conduct an independent analysis.

You also need to keep in mind that exceeding the level of thyroglobulin is not always an indicator of cancer. Conduct analysis on the concentration of TG in the blood of patients with non-remote thyroid gland is simply meaningless. A tumor marker exceeding the TG can be considered only in the case if the gland was removed.

In patients with other changes on the rate of TG may be different from the norm, for many reasons: diffuse pathological transformation of the endocrine organ, where the amount of tissue growing, nodular formation, and If relatively healthy the patient is prescribed a blood test for thyroglobulin, it means only one thing: the clinic, investigating, wants to cash in on the ignorance of man and includes a list of laboratory tests that do not need.

To identify the presence of cancer in patients whose thyroid gland has not been removed, it is advisable to appoint a blood test for the content of calcitonin. This is a really important marker of cancer. It allows you to identify medullary carcinoma of the thyroid gland. With cell carcinoma is an extremely dangerous and almost incurable in the late stages of the disease. Neither chemotherapy nor radiation therapy does not give anything like adequate results. The only way to cure this thyroid tumor — on time to perform the surgery. This requires early detection of the disease.

As a rule, in patients with diffuse changes on the likelihood of developing medullary cancer is minimal. If there are nodular and diffuse-nodular changes in the thyroid gland, the purpose of a blood test for calcitonin is necessary. The study of venous blood should be performed in conjunction with fine-needle biopsy.

Antibodies to RTG

Analysis for the presence of antibodies to receptors of thyroid-stimulating hormones are assigned to patients with confirmed disease of the thyroid gland (for example, when diffuse toxic goiter).

The study of the venous blood is carried out on the background of conservative therapy with drugs that reduce the level of development of specific active substances. Studies show that the level of reduction antibodies to RTG often depends on the outcome of the disease. If therapy does not bring the desired effect, and the degree of concentration of antibodies is not reduced, this means the unfavorable course of the disease. In this case, the patient must be assigned to the surgical treatment.

However, exceeding the target by itself is not an absolute indication for surgical intervention. When making the decision the physician must proceed fromsystem factors: the General course of the disease, extent of nodal and diffuse changes, the size of the goiter, etc.

Thus, a person with suspected thyroid disease or with confirmed disease of the organ is necessary to study venous blood the following indicators:

  • T3 (triiodothyronine);
  • T4 (tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine);
  • TSH;
  • Antibodies to thyroglobulin;
  • Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase.

To examine or not other measures — is decided by the endocrinologist based on the patient's history.

Why the thyroid produces hormones?

The thyroid gland produces hormones to create the Foundation necessary for normal work of all systems and organs. It ensures a stable energy metabolism in the body and the autonomic nervous system.

Figuratively the body can be imagined as a multi-storey building, powered by coal, and the functioning of the thyroid gland – as the work of a coal boiler plant. The coal in this case is ourselves thyroid hormones.

If you add coal to the boiler room too much, all getting hot. The people who work in the building suffer from too high temperatures, sweating, losing consciousness, etc. If you add too little coal, the heating effect is insufficient, the premises will freeze. People will fret about the cold, to dress warmly, and try to hide from the low temperatures.

It is obvious that in that and in other case, normal operation is missing, and everyone will think only about how to escape from adverse conditions.

In the above example, the employees represent all other hormones (pituitary, adrenal, pancreas, etc.) produced in human body and also organs and systems.

In normal condition the role of the thyroid is almost invisible, but as soon as crashes and violations have severe consequences. The thyroid gland provides the necessary framework for the minimum effective and stable functioning of the entire body.

Depending on the type and shape of pathological changes in the thyroid, there are two basic cases:

  • Synthesized hormones too much (excess);
  • Specific hormone is insufficient for normal functioning of the body (lack).

Excess thyroid (thyroid hormones)

Analysis of venous blood is fairly easy to determine the excess amount of hormonesof the thyroid gland. This is known as "hyperthyroidism" and its consequences for the organism are referred to as thyrotoxicosis.

An excess of thyroid there are a number of symptoms:

  • Hyperthermia. In other words, the increase in body temperature. Persistent and recurrent, up to subfebrile (37.1 – 37,7);

  • Strengthening mental and physical activity. The person becomes aggressive, nervous and excitable;
  • Change of body weight. The body weight has been steadily falling, despite the fact that you'll be sick of brutal appetite and consume more food;
  • Tremor. Marked limb tremor (shaking fingers and hands), and sometimes the head.

In the later stages or when a significant deviation of the level of thyroid hormones from the norm are observed more formidable manifestations of hyperthyroidism:

  • Cardiac work. Hypertonicity of the vessels, raising pressure and persistent tachycardia even in the absence of physical load;

  • Disorders of the nervous system. The person suffering the intellect, concentration and memory;
  • Disorders of the digestive tract. Frequent constipation or diarrhea, "indigestion," disorders of the stomach and intestines.

When hyperthyroidism observed systemic violations in the work of all organs.

Indicator of hyperthyroidism is an increased level of triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine (T3 and T4). The level of pituitary hormone TSH is sharply reduced. The detection in the blood increased concentration of free thyroid hormones, even to a small extent, the patient is assigned a special treatment to normalize their content.

If the excess is significant, and conservative treatment does not give the desired results, is assigned to surgical intervention.

Lack of thyroid

A condition in which the level of specific substances thyroid in the blood is below the designated minimum, is called hypothyroidism.

For hypothyroidism is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • Hypothermia. The decrease in body temperature to a level at 35.5 degrees. The temperature becomes normal even during physical activity;
  • The pressure reduction. Bloodpressure falls below the normal marks (up to 90-85/60-50). Observed hypotension;

  • Swelling. Fluid from the body is excreted in very low speed. Interferes with the normal operation of the excretory system, kidneys handle worse. There is a serious swelling of the limbs and face;
  • Insomnia. At night the patient can not sleep, and the day feels weakness, lethargy and fatigue. Biological rhythm becomes;
  • Increase in body weight. Often hypothyroidism is accompanied by obesity. The reason for that — reducing the rate of metabolism;

  • Lack of effectiveness of other endocrine glands. Contributes to adverse effects. The decrease in the level of development and the impact of sex hormones entails the extinction of libido and sexual dysfunction, disruptions of the menstrual cycle. The weakening of secretion of digestive hormones contributes to unstable sugar level in the blood, disturbances in the digestive system. The decreased production of pituitary substances affect the nervous system and organism in whole;

  • The deterioration of the skin and nails. The skin becomes dry and flabby, nails brittle, hair falls out.

By lowering the level of hormones to critical levels is also observed deterioration of the heart (bradycardia , etc.). Analysis of venous blood reveals decreased levels of thyroid substances. Simultaneously with the analysis on hormones is necessary to carry out the analysis on antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (TPO) in order to identify the cause of dysfunction. The source may be an autoimmune disease.

At the same time, as too large or insufficient number of thyroid hormones negates the reproductive function of the human body. Problems with the thyroid gland is one of the main reasons for the difficulties with the pregnancy. Women already pregnant and planning a maternity, you should also pay attention to the increased TSH.

A major problem is hormonal dysfunction in children and adolescents. If in the early and transitional ages, there is a surplus or deficit of thyroid hormones, there is a risk of mental retardation due to the underdevelopment of the brain or problems with the nervous system.

Thus, the active substance of the thyroid gland, for all its stealth play a major role in the functioning of the body and normal life. The deviation of the level of thyroid-stimulating active substances leads to severe systemic disorders, which significantly reduces the quality of life.

What are the tests for thyroid hormones pass for different occasions?

if the endocrinologist recommended to take hormonal tests, but did not specify what figures are required, it is important to know for sure. If you have a clear understanding of the result will be as informative as possible, and not have to pay extra money for unnecessary tests.

The initial examination

If the patient goes to the endocrinologist for the first time with complaints or for routine examinations, it is necessary to investigate such indicators:

  • TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone);
  • T4 St. (free tetraiodothyronine);
  • St. T3 (free triiodothyronine);
  • Antibody to thyroid peroxidase (TPO).

This list will be enough to assess the General condition of the thyroid gland.

The suspected elevated levels of hormones

If the patient present signs of excess thyroid hormones (hyperthermia, etc.) is necessary to exclude hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis).

In this case, the list of indicators for analysis would look like this:

  • TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone);
  • T4 St. (free tetraiodothyronine);
  • St. T3 (free triiodothyronine);
  • Antibody to thyroid peroxidase (TPO);
  • Antibody to the TSH receptor (rttg).

The latter figure may most clearly indicate the presence of hyperthyroidism.

To monitor the effectiveness of treatment with thyroid preparations are investigated:

  • T4 free;
  • TSH.

Analysis of other indicators is not required, because specific treatment numbers remain the same or their dynamics is not of interest.

In the presence of nodular changes in the thyroid gland

If there are nodes in the thyroid gland, initial blood tests should include determination of the level of the following substances:

  • TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone);
  • T4 St. (free tetraiodothyronine);
  • St. T3 (free triiodothyronine);
  • Antibody to thyroid peroxidase (TPO);
  • Calcitonin (tumor marker).

The latter figure allows you to accurately identify cancer characteristic of the nodular goitre in the early stages.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy are investigated:

  • TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone);
  • T4 St. (freetetrajodtironina);
  • St. T3 (free triiodothyronine);
  • Antibody to thyroid peroxidase (TPO).

It is important to keep in mind that pregnant TSH level hormone is often below the indicated standard. It does not mean the presence of diseases or pathological processes.

If an operation on elimination of papillary or follicular tumors of the thyroid gland

You need to make sure to bring your hormone levels and levels of specific proteins in normal to exclude cancer recurrence.


  • TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone);
  • T4 St. (free tetraiodothyronine);
  • Antibody to thyroglobulin;
  • The protein thyroglobulin.

If the operation resection of the tumor, medullary

After such an operation are investigated:

  • TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone);
  • T4 St. (free tetraiodothyronine);
  • Tumor marker calcitonin;
  • The cancer specific antigen CEA.


When deciding about testing for the concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood need to follow a small set of rules. They will improve the informational content and to avoid unnecessary expenses:

  • The concentration of antibody to thyroid peroxidase are investigated once. Repeated blood donation on the definition of this indicator no information will not bring, because it changes the numerical values do not affect the dynamics of the disease. A competent specialist endocrinologist aware of this and does not recommend to take this analysis twice;
  • In the same analysis cannot study both free and bound thyroid hormones. Results for those other indicators will be blurred. If you strongly recommend that comprehensive analysis, it is simply a trick to increase its revenues;
  • Patients with neoperabelnoy for cancer of the thyroid gland should not be tested for thyroglobulin. This protein is studied only after the removal of the thyroid gland is the tumor marker of recurrence. Even a relatively healthy person, the rate of this protein may exceed the norm. It about what does not speak. If the doctor or laboratory insisted on the inclusion of thyroglobulin in the analysis, it is a deceptive maneuver, to extract money;
  • If the patient has no suspected hyperthyroidism, to investigate the antibody to thyroid-stimulating substance is not necessary. This analysis is costly and must surrender strictly on the testimony of a competent specialist to exclude hyperthyroidism or assessment of therapy with confirmed hyperthyroidismthyroid;
  • Calcitonin is examined once. If the time of last inspection levels of calcitonin in the blood of the patient is not a new node, to take a test is meaningless. The same applies to operation to remove cancerous tumors. Only these two cases are grounds for re-detection of calcitonin to eliminate the appearance of tumors and recurrence.

Standards of thyroid hormones in women

It should be noted that a single norm of the hormones are long gone. Now the norm is determined depending on the type of apparatus in which the blood is investigated, and the type of reagents. For the "reference" indicators adopted by the figures recorded in international documents and agreements. Therefore, the indicative numbers to talk is still possible.

Norms of specific hormones thyroid and pituitary hormone TSH are universal for women and men. They are characterized by the same numbers.

Triiodothyronine (T3 hormone) in the free state

The study of this substance is associated with a number of technological challenges and requires increased staff skill and attention. In violation of the technology index can be unreasonably high. If there are doubts about the correctness of a result, the patient is assigned to the associated hormone analysis (total T3).

The norm in modern clinics and laboratories is from 2.6 to 5.7 of patanol/liter. Errors in the study of T3 occur very often.

Rent analysis as a General rule, one time. The study re-required in some cases:

  • If the level is higher than normal triiodothyronine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone in the normal range;
  • If the level is below normal triiodothyronine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone in the normal range;
  • If the level is below normal triiodothyronine, and tetrajodtironina the normal range.

Tetraiodothyronine (T4 hormone) in the free state

In the analysis in modern laboratories that its norm is in the range 9,0-19,0 of patanol/liter. In different institutions the possibility of slight changes the upper boundary in the range up to 3.0 units, but no more.

Mistakes made when conducting this analysis as a lot. If the description laboratory research at the same time there is a low level of tetrajodtironina, and thyroid stimulating hormone normal, or Vice versa, then the analysis is likely carried out with violations. So the result is inexact. In this case, it is recommended to study again at another institution.

The normal thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH)

Has a normalized value on a global scale. Is from 0.39 to 3.99 micro-international units per milliliter. If you use devices of the latest generation, the upper limit increases by 1 unit.

If you are using an outdated ELISA method, the range in the description will be much lower (from 0.26 to 3.45). Allowed high, to half of the unit, the error, so it's best to retake the analysis in a modern clinic, and, at the same price.

Analysis of calcitonin

The norm of this substance is not strictly established. Each institution has their own. The analysis requires a great precision since even a slight, half a unit value may indicate the start and even the development stage of the formation of a malignant tumor.

Wise appeal in a special endocrinological centres stimulated analysis. When it is injected intravenously a solution of calcium salts, and after this after a certain time interval is estimated, the concentration of calcitonin in the blood.

Analysis of antibodies to thyroid peroxidase

Standards not established by international agreements or documents. The upper and lower limits vary from clinic to clinic. On the sheet describing the study, the form of which is accepted by the laboratory will determine the range. From it and be repelled by the assessment standards.

The most common standards from 0 to 19-20 units or up to 120. This variation is due to the difference of devices and approaches to conducting research.

When the total primary interpretation (by the patient) should keep in mind several features:

  • The degree of excess concentration of antibodies in venous blood is not important. For the assessment of the endocrine system an important fact that output increased in the upper limit. It is not necessary to pay special attention to panic, even if the result exceeded a thousand times;
  • The result, located within the laboratory range, always recognized norm. Various indicators, whether they are near the lower or upper limits, are absolutely equivalent. Even if the described result is just one less than the upper limit, it means that the indicator is normal. You must consider this fact and do not be afraid significant concentrations, if it fits into the normal number range.

The degree of concentration of antibodies to thyroglobulin

In laboratories, equipped with equipment of last generation, this indicator varies in the range from zero to 4.1 or 65 units.

The reasons for the non-compliance of antibodies to TG may be two:

  • The presence of rareautoimmune diseases (autoimmune thyroiditis, Hashimoto's);

  • The presence of oncological diseases of the thyroid gland (papillary or follicular cancer).

In fact, and in another case to confirm the diagnosis we have to take other studies. So just to confirm Hashimoto's thyroiditis, it is necessary to estimate the concentration of thyroid hormones and to conduct functional studies. The diagnosis of "thyroid cancer" requires a fine-needle biopsy of the tumor.

Not always even in patients with cancer exceeded this figure. Their number is not more than 30%. Other cancer patients have antibodies to thyroglobulin are normal. The reason for this is still not fully understood.

You should also compare the results obtained from patients in different laboratories. They are not equivalent to each other and by the method of proportions recalculated to be can not, because there is a fundamental difference in technology and approach to research. It is especially important to know that people who undergoing surgery for removal of a malignant tumor of the thyroid gland.

Repeated blood donation for these patients may help to identify recurrent disease. It is desirable to observe one rule: analysis on the concentration of antibodies to TG is best to take in the same laboratory where it was held in previous times.

As for the analysis of blood on hormones it is possible to recognize the disease of the thyroid gland?




T3 total and free

T4 total and free

The thyroglobulin

Thyroxine-binding globulin

Antibody to thyroglobulin and to thyroid peroxidase at

Diffuse toxic goiter: subclinical (no symptoms)


the norm

the norm




Diffuse toxic goiter: complicated


the norm




Diffuse toxic goiter: a rare



the norm




Hyperplasia of the thyroid gland (adenoma glandular tissue)





Do not change

Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland (Endemic goiter)

Elevated or normal

Increased or normal

Drastically reduced






The concentration decreases




Autoimmune thyroiditis


In the early stages T3 and T4 increased, while depletion of thyroid, these figures drop dramatically



Increased (additionally determined by antibody to TSH receptor)

Thyroid cancer


Reduced or norm

Reduced or norm



Do not change

The table of indicators of thyroid hormones

T3 hormone (triiodothyronine) total

The age of the patient



15-20 years

From 1.23 to 3.23

80 — 210

20-50 years

From 1.08 to 3.14

70 — 205

More than 50 years

From 0.62 to 2.79

40 — 181

TK hormone (triiodothyronine) free

the age of the patient


PG/ml * 1,536 = pmol/l

30-50 years

From 2.6 to 5.7

1.7 — 3.7

T4 hormone (tetraiodothyronine) shared

The age of the patient




59 — 135

4.6 — 10.5


71 — 142

5.5 — 11


75 — 230

5.8 — 17.9

Children: 1-5 years

90 — 194

7 — 15

Children: 5-10 years

83 — 172

6.5 — 13.4

T4 hormone (tetraiodothyronine) free

The age of the patient




9.0 — 22.0

0.7 — 1.71


7.6 — 18.6

0.6 — 1.45

Children: 5-10 years

10.7 — 22.2

0.83 — 1.73

Children: 10-15 years

12.1 — 26.9

0.94 — 2.09

The hormone TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)

The age of the patient



0,4 — 4,9


0,4 — 4,2

Pregnant women 1st trimester

0,1 — 0,4

Pregnant women 2nd trimester

0,3 — 2,8

Pregnant women 3rd trimester

0,4 — 3,5


0,7 — 11

Children up to 2 years

0,5 — 7,0

Children from 3 months to 5years

0,4 — 6,0

Children from 5 to 14 years

0,4 — 5,0

Interpretation of TSH levels:

  • Less than 0.1 mkme/ml - thyrotoxicosis (suppressed TSH)
  • From 0.1 to 0.4 mkme/ml - probable hyperthyroidism (reduced TSH)
  • From 2.5 to 4 mkme/ml is high-normal TSH levels
  • From 0.4 to 2.5 mkme/ml - low-normal TSH level
  • From 4.0 to 10.0 mkme/ml subclinical hypothyroidism

  • Over 10,0 mkme/ml - symptomatic hypothyroidism

Other hormones

The name of the hormone


The normal value of the indicator

TG (thyroglobulin)


< 54 ng/ml

Antibodies to thyroglobulin

At to TG

0-17 U/ml

Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase

At to TPO

< The 5.5 IU/ml

Antibodies to the TSH receptor


At-RTG: negative

Of ≤ 0.9 U/l

At-RTG: dubious

1,0 — 1,4 IU/l

At-RTG: positive

Antibodies to MAG (microsomes. fraction of thyrocytes)

Antibody to MAG

< 1:99


How to pass a blood test for thyroid hormones?

Often, patients who have blood testing for thyroid, ask for help in the Internet. There they expect to find General recommendations how to prepare for the study, and procedure of the fence.

However, the network abounds with materials of extremely questionable content. Even a cursory viewing of a knowledgeable doctor will determine the failure of most of the recommendations. Compounding the matter wide rastirazhirovanny such "articles"because the sites are copying materials from each other, only slightly paraphrasing the words, butleaving the essence.

Such recommendations should be avoided. Only in this case, the analysis will turn out highly informative.

For example, a common recommendation to stop taking a thyroid medication during the month prior to study, and iodine-containing medications for one week prior to analysis. Such information is fundamentally wrong, but ignorant people will take it for"face value".

In fact, the patient need to know and follow a few simple rules:

  • The level of all thyroid and related hormones does not depend on power mode. The analysis can be taken both before and after a meal. The concentration of these substances in the blood stable;
  • Hormonal tests can be taken at any time of the day. The concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone although varies depending on the time of day, but fluctuations of the index are so small that the morning and evening, the difference is not significant role;
  • Cancellation of hormonal preparations may pose a risk to health and reduce the effectiveness of treatment. In many cases it is against the background of conservative therapy and the analysis that aims to determine the effectiveness of treatment and to monitor the dynamics of the process. The only recommendation is not to take medication on the day of the study;
  • Iodine-containing drugs do not require cancellation at all. Their admission could not affect the concentration of hormones, because the basis of any iodinated drug — salts of this element. The transformation of the original substance does thyroid gland, which begins to work harder or worse from taking the iodine;
  • During the menstrual cycle changes the background of sex hormones, not specific substances of thyroid or pituitary hormones. No specific day of the cycle, including the period of menstruation, is unsuitable for blood tests for hormone levels of thyroid, and does not require special correction results.

Interpreting the results of analyses on hormones of a thyroid gland

The transcript obtained in the laboratory indicators without any professional assistance — business senseless and ungrateful. Only a doctor can correctly and competently interpret research results. Separate action in this direction lead patients to the wrong conclusions.

In General, we can talk about some of the most common formulations and model results. Indicators of pituitary hormone TSH and thyroid specific hormone needs to be interpreted systematically.

If the hormone TSH above normal

Almost always, this means hypothyroidism (reduced thyroid function). As soon as the iron stops producing necessary tothe normal functioning of the body's level of active substances, the pituitary gland secretes TSH stimulating hormone.

If the background of the increase of hypophyseal hormone tetraiodothyronine(T4) below the norm, one can speak of overt hypothyroidism.

May be a situation in which T4 remain normal, then talking about a hidden form of hypothyroidism.

In fact, and in another case, the thyroid gland is working overtime. However, if T4 is normal, thyroid is in euthyroid status, which may develop into a more formidable disease.

When the level of TSH in the patient observed the following clinical manifestations:

  • The reduction of psychomotor activity. The man looks listless and lethargic;
  • Sleep problems (constantly sleepy, no matter how long a person may rest);
  • The fragility of bones, nails and hair;
  • The weakening of muscle tone.

When euthyroid status specialized therapy is not assigned. All the help to the patient is reduced to a constant monitoring of the development process. If he stops, no further action is required. If the level of synthesis of T4 is below normal, is assigned to the substitutive treatment with synthetic thyroid hormone to normalize the state (from 7 months to a year).

This pattern of erroneous result of the analysis is the most commonly in people with existing, or just of the impending problems with the thyroid gland:

  • If the TSH is within the boundaries of established normal values, and tetrajodtironina standards. With almost one hundred percent probability of the error of the study. In 1% of cases speech can go about the autoimmune Hashimoto's thyroiditis or excess dosages of drugs for the treatment of diffuse toxic goiter;

  • If the TSH is within the permissible value, and triiodothyronine (T3) below the norm – error of laboratory;
  • TSH is normal, T4 is also within the allowable values, and triiodothyronine below the established level – error of the laboratory;
  • TSH is within the normal range, and thyroid hormones above the error of the laboratory. It is simply impossible, because there are no objective reasons for the intensification of synthesis (no signal from the pituitary gland).

Otherwise, if thyroid-stimulating hormone is above the established norm, is a situation of hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis). If the TSH is rejected down from normal and thyroxine is above, talking about overt hyperthyroidism. If specific hormones within the boundaries of valid values is hyperthyroidism in a latent form. In all of these cases require immediatetreatment by a physician.

The only exception is pregnant women. During pregnancy the levels of thyroid stimulating hormone may fall below the predetermined level. This is part of a natural physiological process that does not require close attention and treatment.

What is the difference between the results of analysis for thyroid-stimulating hormone free T4 during pregnancy?

When it comes to endocrinological examination of a pregnant woman, the physician should be especially careful. Hormonal balance of the expectant mother changes substantially. This applies not only sexual, but also the pituitary and thyroid hormones.

In the process of gestation the level of thyroid stimulating hormone, usually reduced. The essence of this phenomenon consists in the following: within the uterus develops a special organ, the placenta. It is capable of producing specific active substance HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Its mechanism of action is similar to the principles of thyrotropic hormone. It also promotes more intensive secretion of active substances of the thyroid gland. Just for this reason, the synthesis of TSH falls. If the intensity of the production of pituitary the active ingredients will remain the same, the thyroid gland will secrete into the blood an excessive amount of thyroid hormones, hyperthyroidism will occur. For this reason, assessing the degree of concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone in the venous blood of a pregnant woman, you need to perceive a decrease in TSH levels as normal.

During the period of gestation, this hormone is in an unstable state, and its synthesis depends on the intensity of production of HCG. In this regard, a particularly important indicator is the level of free tetrajodtironina (T4 hormone). It is necessary to determine the presence of pathological processes of the thyroid gland in pregnant women.

The classic picture of the normal pregnancy — thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland is below the set limit, free tetrajodtironina the normal range.

If thyroxine is beyond the upper bound, but only slightly — this can be seen as a normal variant. But the same can indicate early thyroid disease. To clarify the need to conduct additional surveys.

In the case where the level of T4 is much exceeded, and against this there is the increase in the content of triiodothyronine in the blood (can be individually or both at once), you should immediately start treatment and bring the hormones to a state of norm.

To appoint a pregnant woman assays for associated(General) tetrajodtironina makes no sense. During gestation increases the concentration of special transport protein that binds a hormone. Therefore almost always, this figure will be outside the norm, but no diagnostic value, this increase will not have. But the excess of TSH concentration during the period of gestation indicates a serious problem. This situation can negatively affect both the mother's health, and the health of the unborn child.

The excess level of thyroid-stimulating hormone tells about a lack of thyroid substances. To thyroid to work harder, the pituitary gland sends a chemical signal to the body. Prolonged excess levels of TSH iron mother may be diffuse and nodular changes. The body will begin to change and grow in order to capture the right amount of salts of iodine, however, the degree of synthesis did not increase. Retain the condition of hypothyroidism. The body of the child will also suffer because the nervous system is led by the brain can not properly form in terms of lack of iodine containing hormones.

According to studies, pregnancy on the background of extremely low concentrations of specific substances of the thyroid gland most often ends in miscarriage. The child who was carried on the background of serious excess of TSH, may be born with disabilities of mental development. However, this situation is easy to change and allow the hormonal status of the pregnant woman to normal by taking synthetic hormones.

Sometimes doctors strongly recommends the termination of pregnancy because of perceived threats to the intellectual development of the child. As the statistics and medical practice in the 21st century to give birth to a mentally disabled child due to lack of TSH is practically impossible. To terminate the pregnancy in any case is not necessary. The doctor who gives such advice, clearly has insufficient qualifications.

Thus, the analysis that aims to assess the overall condition of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to investigate not only specific substances, but also those that affect the functioning of the body a direct influence: pituitary hormone TSH and proteins-antibodies. The thyroid gland performs a basic function, necessary for the normal and stable operation of the whole organism.

Depending on the intended disease, tests vary. In one case it is necessary to test blood for antibodies alone, in the other case, on the other. Some substances are tumor markers, but blooddetermination of their levels is only in a few limited cases, and interpreted the results ambiguous.

The days of rationing of indicators of hormonal blood tests are long gone. Norms are calculated in different clinics independently, on the basis of the applied instruments, chemical reagents and its own methods. Therefore, in each clinic the result. Try to interpret the results from different clinics is equivalent to the principle — it is empty because no recalculations of these indicators can not be.

Some of the standards from which repelled the specialists still exist, and they are secured in the medical records worldwide. To correctly decipher and interpret descriptions of laboratory studies can only doctor. The patient runs the risk of be wrong, to put themselves the wrong diagnosis and causing your body great harm by resorting to self-healing.

Delivery of analyses on hormones of a thyroid gland does not require any training or special rules. All information about this network is nothing more than fiction or confusing to the average layman-scribbler with no medical training. When referring a pregnant patient to an endocrinologist is important to remember that in this condition, hormonal changes drastically and requires a special approach to the study of blood.