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Treatment of tinnitus

Treatment of tinnitus folk remedies

All that one way or another, we call "tinnitus" can occur for various reasons. However, they clearly indicate the alarm is supplied by our body. It is possible that the cause of tinnitus is a tumor of the auditory canal, the presence of the tick, atherosclerosis, food Allergy, noise trauma, intoxication by alcohol, nicotine and drugs pressure, diabetes, or incorrectly set dentures.

Most often doctors prescribed for this malady iodine, nicotinic acid, an extract of aloe and vitamins a, B1, B2.

Most illnesses are cured without consequences at an early stage, so no harm will be to visit a specialist. As an additional treat, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine, do not forget to consult with your doctor about the possibility of their reception is in your case.

Treatment of tinnitus diluted in water liquid ammonia

Patients suffering from tinnitus, you can try the following recipe. Dissolve 1 tbsp. of ammonia in 200 ml of boiling water, then soak in the liquid with gauze or cotton cloth and apply to forehead as a compress. Keep the compress is recommended about 40-50 minutes. Enough for 5-6 days to make these packs and tinnitus will take place.

Treatment of viburnum with honey

A simple and affordable recipe for the treatment of so common of tinnitus is pounded with honey Kalina. A piece of the mixture, wrap in piece of cheesecloth, folded in several layers and insert the tampon all night in my ear. It 1 time in a day to carry out this procedure for 14-21 days, and you will be able not only to get rid of tinnitus and improve hearing.

Treatment with tincture of lemon balm

Not only get rid of the noise of the escorts, but also to restore the hearing you can, if you use the following recipe of folk medicine. To prepare a tincture of lemon balm 1 part dried chopped herbs mixed with 3 parts of vodka.

Week the mixture to infuse in a dark place. Use a tincture can only be after straining, digging in each ear, 3-4 drops of warm liquid. Then in the ears, you have to insert tampons of wool and tie the head with a woolen scarf. The treatment is carried out until complete recovery.

Treatment of tinnitus and lacrimation infusion of lemon balm

The proposed remedy will help to cope with the noise effect inthe ears, with tearing in the cold and wind. For the 4 tbsp. chopped lemon balm (leaves), pour a liter of boiling water and infused for 1 hour. The infusion is drunk as a tea without straining throughout the day, sweeten with honey. Treatment usually does not exceed 3-4 weeks.

Treatment with a decoction of medicinal plants

Mix equal amounts of crushed leaves of black currant, as well as the leaves and flowers of black elderberry and lilac. To prepare the broth 2 tbsp. spoon collection, pour two cups of water and boil under the lid on the water bath for no more than 20 minutes with continuous stirring.

After cooking the broth should stand for another 10-15 minutes and then strain. Take the remedy 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals in the amount of 70 ml. the Course of treatment until full recovery.

Other folk remedies for the treatment of tinnitus

Onion and cumin. Pretty effective for treating disorders of the ear (buzzing, ringing, hissing sound in the ear) is oven baked onionstuffed with caraway seeds. After cooling, squeeze out the onion juice and bury it 2 times a day 2-3 drops in each ear. After the disappearance of the noise does not stop digging, at least 2-3 days to consolidate the result.

The rice water. Good effect in the treatment of this disease has also congee. To cook 3 tablespoons of rice with the evening pour two cups of water and leave overnight. In the morning drain the liquid and rice to add clean water in the same amount. After the mixture boil without salt literally 2-3 minutes and remove scum. In the finished porridge, add 3 large cloves of garlic and eat the rice hot. If such treatment is carried out every day, then gradually the noise will go away.

Potatoes. To get rid of annoying noise in ears possible and this simple way as using potato pieces coated with honey for insertion in the ears. For each ear is taken only one bite of the potatoes. The top of the head to tie a warm scarf. Carry out the procedure regularly till complete cure.


No matter how harmless did not seem a recipe for the treatment of this unpleasant disease folk remedies should not be abused for self-treatment, so as not to cause further complications. Before using folk remedies, please consult your physician.