Home / Treatment / Why do I get dark circles under the eyes? Causes of

Why do I get dark circles under the eyes? Causes of

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The phenomenon of dark circles under the eyes is quite common and can be caused by many reasons, including health problems. Therefore, in some cases, the dark circles under the eyes should be the cause of treatment to the doctor.

Causes of dark circles

The lower eyelid skin may signal the condition of the body, as it is thin and has a lot of capillaries.

Causes of dark circles include the following:

  • Individual peculiarities. Some people have bruising in the lower eyelids can be observed throughout life. Sometimes they are more vivid, sometimes pale. This is due to the anatomical fragility of the vessels under the eyes. Most often, this issue affects the fairer sex. They damage the already fragile blood vessels constant irritation while removing makeup.
  • Injury. Bruising in this area arise from a blow to the nose or directly into the eye. In this case, the bruising caused internal bruising due to damage to the vessel walls. This is the reason most obvious. To reduce bruising, it should in the first hour to make it to the cold. This will cause vasospasm and will help to stop the bleeding.
  • Bad habits and non-observance of daily routine and lifestyle in General. Bruising can be caused by long-term work at the computer, watching TV and any other loads on vision, as in this case increases blood flow. Initially, the eyelids swell and redden, and later under the eyes are formed bruises. In the same way is manifested chronic fatigue and lack of routine. Excessive alcohol consumption disrupts the blood circulation in the body as a whole. Since the lower eyelid skin is very thin, bruises under the eyes appear very quickly. The capillaries become less elastic and brittle. Likewise affects them nicotine. To get rid of the problem, it is necessary to abandon bad habits and to organize a way of life.
  • Age. The older a person is, the more fragile than become his vessels. Most of the bruising suffered by women who crosses the threshold of 40 years due to a hormonal imbalance in the body. In the background extinction of sexual functions are deterioratingthe condition of the skin that leads to bruising under the eyes. In addition, both men and women with age produces excess amounts of melanin, which is most noticeable on the lower eyelid skin.

  • Kidney pathology. It is important to remember that any malfunction of the urinary system primarily affects the lower eyelids. They swell and turn blue. In particular, acute renal failure manifested by the appearance of pronounced bruising in this area. It peripheral vessels react to this pathology, is significantly expanding. Pyelonephritis is another disease that is the cause of blue under the eyes. A similar reaction is observed both in acute form and in chronic. Such pathologies can be attributed to nephroptosis and glomerulonephritis. Depending on the phase of the disease, bruising will be more or less pronounced. Therefore, in the case when in addition to you're blue in the eye area occur with kidney problems, be sure to consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

  • Diabetes insipidus. It is known that the work as a whole organism in General and kidneys in particular, to a certain extent depend on the hormones produced by the endocrine gland. Therefore, such diseases as diabetes insipidus may cause bruising. If a person is constantly thirsty, increased daily volume of urine, and under eyes there are bruises, you should as soon as possible to go on reception to the doctor and tell him about these symptoms.

  • Lack of vasopressin. This hormone is produced in the adrenal glands, if it is not formed in the body required amounts, vessels suffer from becoming brittle and porous. As a result, bruising in the eye area.

  • Heart disease and blood vessels. In this case it is of any pathological process in the myocardium or endocardium. When cardiac abnormalities are formed venous stagnation, which will manifest itself in the form of dark circles. It can be microinfarcts, mini-strokes, blood clots and scars in the endocardium, etc.

  • Rosacea. Rosacea - this condition cosmetic is manifested in the fact that the capillaries dilate and form a mesh. Blue spots with red patches appear not only under the eyes but on the wings of the nose.

  • The deterioration of the venous outflow in the eyedepression.
  • Most eye diseases: blepharitis, cataract, blepharoconjunctivitis, anophthalmic. Bruises are formed as a result of the fact that the fragile capillaries cannot withstand increased blood flow in the eye area. Most often, the appearance of blue accompanied by additional symptoms, depending on the specific disease, for example, the increase in body temperature, the appearance of purulent discharge and pain.

  • Most diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. It is known that adenovirus and Pasteurella adversely affect blood vessels, increasing their permeability. The result formed the bruises under the eyes.
  • Genetic predisposition. This can be attributed to how anatomical features and a number of abnormalities of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, etc.
  • Unbalanced diet, in particular lack of food consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Their lack of impact on the skin condition and the condition of the vessel. Insufficient intake of vitamins and trace elements.
  • Insect bites.

  • Disease teeth.

  • Allergic as to cosmetics, and to stimuli in the environment – pollen, pet dander, etc.

  • Anemia.

  • Rapid loss of body weight. A thin layer of fat under the eyes, performing the function of protection of vessels during rapid weight loss disappears, resulting in formation of bruises.
  • Diseases of the pancreas. Any changes affect the condition of the skin. It becomes thinner and drier, and this means that the capillaries under the eyes Shine stronger.

  • Parasitic infestation of the body. When the presence of worms, he was suffering not only from intoxication, but from sleep disorders. Therefore, the dark circles under the eyes – often a sign of worm infestation.

  • Violation of metabolism.

The colour of bruises to say about the cause of

Indirectly, the cause of the bruising its owner can specify their color.

For the physician, the color is the most important indicator by which to identify the disorder:

  • If the bruise has a slightly red tint, then the cause could be either an allergic reaction toirritant or problem with the urinary system, or rosacea.
  • If the bruises have a yellow tinge, their appearance can be caused by disease of the blood or liver. The farther I went the pathological process, the more saturated will be the color of a bruise. Sometimes it becomes dark brown in color.
  • If the bruise is purple, most often it occurs due to lack of oxygen in the body. Such problems result in the disruption of the lungs, or anemia.
  • If the bruise is black shade, then the cause is often an excess of melanin, or chronic fatigue syndrome.

When a person gets injured, the bruise goes through several stages, and each of them has a different color.

If the reasons for the appearance of blue under the eyes are not anatomical features, you should look for them in the human body. Almost any pathology is expressed by the fact that a person has seen the dark circles under his eyes. To determine the source of illness is possible only together with the doctor, having examined the whole complex of symptoms of a particular disease.

How long does it take a black eye?

Time for which will be a black eye depends on the cause of his offending. If it was the result of a failure in the body or in the presence of chronic pathologies, the bruise will not go up until the person is completely cured. The intensity of its color will change from time to time. When any disease becomes acute – bruises are magnified when there is a period of remission become lighter. However, they were not held up until the pathology is resolved.

As for the bruise caused by trauma, the time of its passage depends on the correctness and efficiency of the measures taken. If nothing is done, the recovery time often is delayed and may take up to 3 weeks. But do not hope that the hematoma will be able to get on the second day. However, it will not be as bright, and with proper treatment will be entirely held on the 7th day.

We must start with the fact that as soon as possible to make the injured place cold. It will help to narrow the blood vessels and reduce bleeding, and therefore bruising the next day will be blue-black, but slightly paler. Then it is important to use the pharmacy tools that promote increased blood flow and lymph drainage from the damaged area. Thanksthis will be excreted from the body of dead skin cells. These include Indovazin, Caffeine, Pain.

Cold applied only on the first day of injury, subsequent you must influence the bruise warm.

At the time of the bruise affects the nature of the injury, the force of the impact when you have it, the individual characteristics of the organism metabolism.

There are several stages of a bruise:

  • The red color of a bruise is due to the fact that under the skin there is an outpouring of fresh blood.
  • Green indicates that transformirovalsya hemoglobin to biliverdin.
  • Then the bruise turns yellow, this suggests that the hemoglobin continues to decompose and is converted into bilirubin.

  • The brown color of the bruise indicates the final stage of decomposition of hemoglobin when it turns into hemosiderin.
  • The final stage is the disappearance of the bruise and the return of the skin the original color.

On average, black eyes exist for up to 10 days. Previously, to get rid of them will fail, because the hemoglobin must go through all stages of development until complete resorption.

There are several cases in which should not wait for the moment when the bruising from the impact will be on their own.

Topic: How to quickly remove dark circles under eyes?

The doctor should be treated after the injury of the people watching:

  • Double image before my eyes. This is a serious symptom, as it may indicate that damage to the retinas.
  • Before my eyes everything is blurred, vision it is impossible to concentrate. This may indicate violations in the work not only visual apparatus, but also in the brain. Therefore, if the image after the impact within 30 minutes remains vague and unclear, you should seek medical help.
  • If that appears, a bruise is accompanied by the fact that there was broken teeth or bones of the nose.
  • If the person is injured, suddenly lost consciousness.
  • If the victim is unable to move the eyeball.
  • If the eyes appear colored spots, having a divorce, the formation of flash.
  • When in addition to the characteristic pain from the injury the person experiences dizziness , and nausea. Rather, these symptoms indicate a concussion.

  • If there aresigns of infection of the eye secretes pus, the location of the bruise becomes edematous and painful, body temperature rises.
  • If the haemorrhage is not only under the skin, but in the eyes.

To after the attack there were no complications and bruising as fast as possible, it is important to be able to render competent assistance. Most often dark circles under the eyes disappear without any consequences for human health. Within 10 to 20 days they are on their own, without influence from the person.