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How to quickly remove dark circles under eyes?

If human life is in the moving and physically active, it is not surprising that from time to time it can detect from such unpleasant "discovery", like a bruise: black and painful that he would "emblazoned"on the face, spoiling not only the appearance but also the quality of life. A bruise is called not that other, as hemorrhage located in the upper layers of the skin. Certainly not with absolute precision to predict its occurrence. Some people don't even notice the bruise, and only a soreness and puffiness are forced to pay attention to identify this unpleasant fact on your face.

The cause of the black eye can be different: some people are such bleeding occurs even after minor damage in a domestic environment (it should cling to the piece of furniture or do awkward movements), and others the appearance of a bruise is preceded by a serious physical trauma (often the shot). No need to ignore the category of people that is susceptible to bruising due to the individual characteristics of the organism, because the breakage of blood vessels is quite common today.

Black eye — a frequent phenomenon, everyone at least once in my life seen it from other people or due to certain circumstances he was going through this trouble. We cannot deny the fact that such nuance draws more attention to themselves, but, unfortunately, not positive. Loved ones seek to find out the"owner" of the bruise the cause, strangers, just watching the look and create a trail of ambiguous remarks. In short, the black eye one big disadvantage, so everyone strives to get rid of this defect.

The content of the article:

What is a bruise really?

It is not necessary to possess medical education, to realize the fact of dissimilarity between intradermal and external bleeding. Of course, in the case the outer is more or less clear, because in this case there is a violation of the integrity of the skin that is not a prerequisite for the formation ofintradermal hemorrhage.

The mechanism of occurrence of the bruise the following: shock, blood vessels undergo a defeat and under the influence of mechanical action are injured, then the blood that's in them fills the subcutaneous space, saturating the thickness of the epidermis, and forms, in fact, a bruise.

Everyone knows the modification of the color of a bruise, from purple-red through purple to yellow or pink hue. Initially, the invisible bruise, after a couple of days it is quite clearly visible on the skin, and over time, its size and colour intensity is reduced.

Many people, not having special training in the field of medical care, try immediately after the injury to apply something cold to the injured place. This is due to emergence of painful feelings and the natural human desire to limit them. In fact, applying cold to the injured area of the face or body is the correct tactic, since only in this case it is possible to limit the size of the bruise and speed up the healing process.

First aid

Timeliness and promptness are the key words to keep in mind, providing first aid to another or helping themselves after the injury in the eye area.

First of all, you need to apply cold. In this case useful means in the form of snow, ice or even coins. The most commonly used cold compress: this gauze cloth, folded several times, should be moderately wet with cold water and apply to the injury so as to compress not only bedspreads, but also 2-3 cm than the area of damage, because initially the swelling is somewhat diffuse in nature.

Pain management

A cold compress is the classic method for solving this kind of problem. The popularity of the method is due to its versatility, as by applying cold, you can not only avoid extensive swelling and significantly reduce pain.

But as the pain sensitivity of each person is different, we can not exclude the fact that a cold compress will not bring the expected result, so in some situations a person needs to take pain medication.

It should be noted that despite the good analgesic effect, aspirin has the same side effect as blood thinners, which makes the use of this drug is inappropriate in the case of bruising.

Medicine for black eye

Applying cold to the affected area of the face is only part of the actions to treat a black eye. The main part of therapy is applied to the swollen place a special medicines, this will not completely get rid of the appearance of a bruise, but in any case, will accelerate the healing process.

Today pharmacies ready to offer a variety of anticoagulant drugs of different forms: ointments, gels and creams are the most relevant for the treatment of bruises.

The most popular and effective drugs from the black eye:

  • Troxevasin. The demand for the drug due to its high quality regular troxevazina applying to the damaged area will ensure the elimination of black eye for 2-3 days;

  • "Bruise-Off" ointment, a feature of which is its composition. Piyavochnoe extract is widely known for its anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory action. The visible effect is achieved after 2-3 days since the beginning of the application. Ointment is of value more as a concealer — its ability to retouch a black eye is not inferior tonal cream;
  • Heparin ointment. If heparin ointment applied to the affected area at intervals of 8-9 hours, you can expect a positive result in the shortest time. The fact that the tool contains in its composition components that can not only dissolve the existing subcutaneous hemorrhage, but also significantly reduce the pain that accompanies a black eye.
  • "Lioton". This tool for several reasons recognized and endorsed by doctors: the product has not only anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory effect, but also the ability to strengthen the walls of the vessel.

An alternative to these drugs can be tools, which include ascorbic and nicotinic acid, known for its ability to prevent the breakage of blood vessels and capillaries.

Folk medicine in the treatment of bruises

Adherents of folk medicine will come to the aid of the following tools:

  • Options: lotions from badyagi, cooked in a ratio of 1:2 (1 teaspoon powder to 2 teaspoons of warm water) will speed up blood circulation, thereby contributing to the resorption of the bruise undereye. The tool is not scarce — virtually every pharmacy can offer this dried sea sponge, crushed to a powder;
  • Potato: a homogeneous mass of warm grated potato effectively contribute to early disappearance of the bruise under the eye;

  • Honey: the healing effect will have a pack made of honey, 1 egg yolk, 0.5 St. tablespoons of flour and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. After applying a homogeneous mass on the bruise, the area of the skin covered with plastic wrap. The beneficial effect can be achieved if the procedure is repeated 2-3 times for two days.

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How to mask a black eye?

Circumstances not allowing to be at home until the complete disappearance of the bruise on her face, forced to disguise it, after all, aesthetic appeal is important for every person.

Foundation, powder, concealer or theatrical makeup — many tools available today ready to help in case of such an unfortunate defect, as the black eye. It is important to correctly approach the issue and properly apply concealer: if it is suitable type and skin tone, and the layer is not too thick, forced makeover is invisible to others.

It is best to disguise the black eye help two-tone correctors, consisting of light green and Nude pigments. Green perfectly conceals redness and bruises, and with a natural shade you can paint green. Be sure to apply the makeup and on the other side of the face to keep color balance.