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Prevention of scoliosis in children

Scoliosis develops as long as the body is growing (about 18 years). Therefore, the prevention of scoliosis should care since a very early age.

Parents should keep the child comply with some rules:

  • The baby should not be planted sooner than he wants to do it himself.

  • Do not drive a child in one and the same hand all the time.
  • Vitamin D is produced in the body under ultraviolet light. To saturate the child's body in this vitamin, good for bones, take for a rule daily stroll with the baby in the fresh air, regardless of the time of year.
  • Develop a child's good posture: head slightly raised, shoulders deployed, not protruding blades, the line of the belly, not outside the line of the chest.
  • Workplace and other furniture should match the growth and age of the baby. Distance from the table to the eye shall not be less than 30 cm.
  • For school buy child backpack with two padded shoulder straps. Crossbody bag – practically a guarantee of scoliosis.

  • Baby bed should not be too soft. If possible, purchase a mattress. The pillow is better to choose medium size.
  • Do not allow your child to watch TV or read lying on your side.
  • It is recommended to sit no more than 20 minutes. To relax the muscles and prevent the development of a stoop, it would be better to get up, at least for a half-minute. Sitting, let the baby changes the position of the feet: feet close or divorced, forward or backward.
  • The "right" to sit also to be able to. Sit on a chair closer to the edge, try to keep your knees bent at a right angle, back straight, put elbows on the armrests, to the extent possible, to remove pressure off the spine.
  • Encourage physical activity of the child, give preference to playing sports. Useful are morning gymnastics, hardening, running, skiing.
  • Exercise for scoliosis will increase overall body tone, improves the function of the respiratory, nervous and endocrine systems, will be raising strong-willed qualities.
  • In scoliosis the child are not recommended asymmetric sports (badminton, tennis, rhythmic and sports gymnastics), because they can have a negative impact ondeformed spine.
  • The positive effect of scoliosis makes swimming. When the disease is most often practiced breaststroke on the chest with a long pause slip. Butterfly and crawl for scoliosis is not recommended. These styles of swimming increases the twisting of the vertebrae and flexibility of the spine. You can apply them to individual elements.
  • The child who already has signs of scoliosis, you should make it a rule to regularly perform not only the exercises tonic character, but a special course, which is required for strengthening the abdominal muscles, back and chest, improving posture and tissue trophism.
  • At least every 3 months its advisable to take courses of electrostimulation of the muscles – of course, consult your podiatrist. Warm up along the spine to strengthen the natural muscular corset. However, it should be remembered that this procedure is supportive rather than curative in nature. To correct deformation in the early stages can therapeutic massage or surgery thereafter.
  • You should pay attention to the child menu. A balanced diet has a beneficial effect on the structure of muscles and bones. Daily diet animal protein should be 100 grams. Salts of calcium and phosphorus in the body should come from natural foods, but not in the form of pure salts. Children in sufficient number of healthy dairy products, fish, vegetables and fruits.

Prevention of scoliosis in adults

Active lifestyle, proper nutrition and good posture is the prevention of spinal curvature in adults.

If you have a sedentary job, pay special attention to the workplace. Make sure that the back remains smooth. Best is a chair with backrest and armrests, on which feet will stand on the floor and knees bent at a right angle. If you have long read at the table, for the book we recommend to purchase a stand. So you hold the neck is not Valon, and right. Also check the lighting and the way the monitor is. In short, make sure that the position in which you are working, you have a simple and did not require twisting. And try to get up from the table as often as possible, do workouts for your spine, neck and feet.

If you most of the time standing, often try to change the supporting leg and posture. If the work involves carrying heavyobjects, the load should be distributed evenly in both hands.