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Treatment snot from a baby

Treatment mucus the child folk remedies

When you become a parent there is nothing more important than caring for the baby. His health comes to the fore. In the autumn children are especially susceptible to colds. Long walks in the open air, cold wind, wet feet after jumping through puddles without a doubt undermine the immune system and increase the risk of catching the infection. It is easier to prevent it than to treat.

So before you walk always wear a toddler is not only beautiful and comfortable clothes, but in the warm. After a walk don't forget to check hands and feet if they are cold, then the baby should be warmed, for example, in a warm bath. The first sign of impending illness snot. If you do not pay attention to the treatment, it can lead to such serious diseases as otitis media or sinusitis. Many children allergic reaction to medicines sold in pharmacies, can also be addictive.

In the treatment of sniffles, many parents do not want to poison your child, “chemistry”, so we turn to traditional methods. However, you need to know what type of cold treat. Necessarily, before choosing one of the popular methods, it is necessary to show the child the doctor.

Treatment snot mustard

A good way to get rid of the nozzles is to put dry mustard to the feet and from top to wear warm socks. This will help to warm up the frozen feet and keep them warm. If you didn't have the mustard, you can just add dry mustard in socks. In these warm compresses child can run around the house, play and sleep. Your child does not like such treatment? Then you can just make a footbath, add mustard. Before bedtime you can also do a foot massage.

Treatment snot from a baby warming the sinuses

This method is suitable for children of any age who had liquid snot. You can use chicken eggs, potatoes, hard boiled porridge, warm sand or salt. One of these products to be wrapped in cotton or linen fabric, is then applied to gavrilovym sinuses. You should be careful not to burn the child.

Treatment mucus ointments and essential oils

This method of treatment snot is better to use before sleep. Inall ointments for rubbing contain essential oils. Most often it is eucalyptus, fir, peppermint, pine needle, lavender or cypress. Using rubbing back and chest You are not only a good warm up baby and oil vapour to clear baby's nose and let him calm to breathe through the night.

For best effect, the body can be wrapped with a towel or warm woolen scarf. For very young infants, the rubbing is not recommended. Therefore, it can be put next to the crib handkerchief moistened with eucalyptus oil.

Treatment snot honey and aloe juice

Without these two unique for its healing properties means there is no treatment for the common cold. The combination of these two components significantly enhances the effect of each other. These drops are very effective and help to quickly get rid of sopel. For cooking this means you need to mix the juice of aloe and honey in proportion 1:1. The resulting miraculous solution have to bury your nose to the child several times a day and definitely at night. With this method, the snot from the baby will disappear in a day.

Treatment snot beet juice

This delicious vegetable is also an excellent assistant in the treatment nozzles. There are several ways of its application.

Recipe No. 1. Rinsing each nostril with a decoction of beets or its juice.

Recipe№ 2. Use drops from the juice of fermented beets. You can use the juice or RUB the beets on a grater and squeeze the juice using cheesecloth. Then leave for a day under ordinary towel at room temperature.

The resulting composition to drip into the nose, 2-3 drops several times a day. You can also add honey in the ratio 1:3 (one part honey, three parts beet juice).

Recipe No. 3. For the most resilient children can be to do “swabs” from the raw beets. This method is good for clearing the nose from highly liquid nozzles. For this you need to RUB on a vegetable grater and wrap the resulting mass in a tube. Then paste it into the nostrils and walk as an hour or two. But you should be careful with beet juice. It can sting the nose and even cause pain.

Treatment snot onion juice

Recipe No. 1. Onion is a natural antibiotic. It perfectly enhances the body's defenses in fighting infection and unpleasant snot. Onion juice is used as a potent anti-inflammatory and disinfectant means. However, it should be handled with caution. With a strong concentration of onions can burn the delicate nasal mucosa of the child.

Start treating onions is possible with ordinary inhalation. To do this in a custard kettle slice the onions and pour boiling water. Inhale the steam through the spout. This method will help to avoid discomfort from firing the face or eyes. You can also add this excellent decoction of mint, eucalyptus, or chamomile. After this inhalation, it is desirable not to eat or drink for about an hour.

Recipe №2. Archery, as well as from beets, make a kind of “tampons” for the nose. They are great help to get rid of a stuffy nose. But the procedure is not pleasant, not all kids can agree on it. There is another method: grate onion on a fine grater, resulting slurry was put in cheesecloth, and then on the wings of the nose. Such a wonderful poultice should hold for 15 minutes. But don't leave the baby alone, read his favorite book or tell a story. This will make the discomfort from the procedure.

Recipe No. 3. 30 minutes before each meal, you can give a sick child a teaspoon of honey-onion mixture. For this purpose a paste of onion or its juice should be mixed with honey in the ratio 1:1. In addition, you can treat the nasal mucosa onion or garlic oil. Onion or garlic should be grated on a small grater, the resulting mixture, pour a glass of hot vegetable oil. To insist under the towel for 6-8 hours, then strain.

This oil helps not only in the treatment of the nozzles, but also for its prevention, especially in the period of the epidemic.


Without a doubt, the cold is easier to prevent than to treat it. Therefore it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to training and prevention. This will help to strengthen the immune system of the child and will not allow the emergence of snot. But if the trouble still happened, then these simple and proven techniques will help you to choose your efficient and effective recipe to combat colds. Good parents, it is important to remember that before you try any remedy for an ailing child, try it initially for yourself.