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Causes and symptoms of angina

What is angina?

Angina is a sharp pain in some parts of the heart that occurs because of a lack of blood supply. This is because the blood vessels are clogged or narrowed.

When stenocardia makes itself felt, the patient feels in the chest area squeezing pain, which may be in the jaw, arm, neck, shoulder. Pain angina can last from thirty seconds to thirty minutes. But most often it lasts for three minutes, if the patient has taken any medicine or just lay down to rest.

Causes of angina

Under certain stress on the heart there is a lack of oxygen, this leads to a sharp pain in the heart. And the reasons can be different: due to excessive exercise, eating heavy or spicy food, stress, exposure to cold or heat, after drinking alcoholic beverages.

Mean angina impending infarction?

Angina pain is sometimes sharp and not so prolonged, as during a heart attack. Besides, when a heart attack, nausea, weakness of the body. Also pain during a heart attack does not disappear after taking the pills or rest.

However, if the pain of angina occur often enough and long persist, it may lead to heart attack.

We should not think that any pain in the heart is a sign of development of angina. For example, if the pain subsides in less than thirty seconds after taking the water or a deep breath, then it is not angina.

Treatment of angina

If you suddenly felt a sharp pain in the heart, you need to be comfortable sitting down and taking one nitroglycerin tablet or two drops of one percent solution on a piece of sugar or 2 tablets of validol.

If the pain in 5 minutes will not work, you can re-take your medicine (Nitroglycerin re-take only 5 minutes! not more than 3 tablets!). It is also possible to take thirty drops of sage to calm the patient. Angina, increased blood pressure, but it passes itself after attack.

Exercise angina

Run them, but only to the extent of physical exercise and to start small. Loans to start walking for five minutes and thenyou can bring the walks up to one hour. And consult a doctor, what kind of sport do and what you will not do harm. Due to the physical exercise you can better supply the heart with oxygen, not to gain weight and avoid stress.

Stable and unstable angina

Stable angina is angina. This usually develops after severe stress or hard physical exertion.

Unstable angina - angina at rest. Occurs under all load conditions and irrespective of stressful situations. Lasting and frequently manifests itself. Doctors sometimes say that unstable angina is the initial symptom of a heart attack, but it has not been proven.

Prevention of angina

You need to lead an active lifestyle and constantly to give your body exercise. This is not to overstrain yourself, not to cause once again the attack of angina pectoris. The load should be increased gradually. You also need to take nitroglycerin for prevention during stressful difficult situations when you feel that you may soon start attack.