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Tetanus in children

Most often, tetanus is found in children aged three to seven years. Mainly this disease is the summer season and more covers rural residents. Death in tetanus is above 40 %.

The causative agent of tetanus enters the body through cuts and wounds on the skin, microtrauma can also cause disease. This is usually for injuries and damage stop. In newborns, the virus can enter through the wound in the navel or umbilical cord residue. Once tetanus gets into the body of a child, the virus begins to multiply rapidly. This generated tetanospasmin, which can penetrate into the Central nervous system of the child and to redirect blood flow around the body.

Symptoms of tetanus in children

Onset is acute, infected the child refused to breast-feeding and becomes alarming. Incubation picture lasts 5 to 14 days. The main feature of tetanus is the involuntary contraction of masticatory muscles, causing the child can not open his mouth. The decline in the muscles of swallowing difficulty swallowing. On the face at the same time can be expressed by the cry and the smile, the mouth is stretched, the corners of the sink a little, and the skin on his forehead folded.

After a short period of time added other symptoms of tetanus are: reducing muscle long range, hands and abdomen. The process of connecting also the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. Seizures seizures appear suddenly. At first, the character of the convulsions of short duration, but their duration and frequency are increasing gradually. The patient feels unbearable pain, while being fully conscious.

Tetanus can be burdened by manifestations of tachycardia, arrhythmia, sweating, contractions of peripheral vessels and increase pressure. Frequent contractions of the muscles may develop acidosis, interferes with the operation of the cardiovascular system. Cause of death can be respiratory paralysis and asphyxia or paralysis of the heart.

Treatment of tetanus in children

The detection of tetanus in a child it immediately hospitalitynet, carried out surgical treatmentdamaged skin, removing damaged tissue, determine the form of antibiotic therapy, prescribe an appropriate course. Once intramuscularly injected tetanus toxoid in an amount of 1.5–2 thousand IU. When a difficult disease kids move to the ICU artificially ventilated lungs and intravenously administered the vaccine.

To overcome cramps, prescribed antipsychotics and hypnotics in combination with antihistamines substances and analgesic pharmaceuticals. In the prevention of tetanus infection from the age of three months infants routine vaccination is carried out.