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Treatment of streptococcal in children

Streptodermii in children

Streptoderma is a streptococcal skin lesions. It often affects the children, because their immune system is not formed until the end, and in close contact in closed children's groups (through clothing, touching, toys) the infection spreads very fast.

The incubation period of the disease amounts to about seven days, after which the child may occur cutaneous itching, increased body temperature, enlarged lymph nodes. The main symptom of a streptococcal in children is the appearance of the skin is small (about the size of a match head) transparent bubbles with fluid, surrounded by a red ring. Over time, these vesicles become ulcers, and the skin around it peels off in scales.

Treatment of streptococcal in children

The primary goal of treatment of streptococcal in children is the elimination of the factor of pathogenicity is the bacterium Streptococcus, and increase the immunity of the child. Treat patients in STI clinics. Since streptoderma is an extremely contagious disease, patients are isolated in a separate chamber. The room where the patient, must be cleaned daily with disinfectant, well ventilated and to use quartz. Have a sick child needs to be your kitchen utensils, bedding and other personal care items.

If the skin is very itchy, you need every day to cut my nails and the skin around the ulcers lubricate the alcoholic tincture of iodine. When streptoderma affects an extensive area of skin, it is recommended to temporarily refrain from water treatment. Instead, you need to frequently change bed sheets and clothing.

Drug treatment involves the use of antibiotics, for example amoxicillin.

Boost immunity helps vitamins and vitaminosoderžaŝej drugs. Modern medicine uses treatment of streptococcal (vlok). Is also used treatment of heat and cold. Warm soaks and hot compresses help to open pus blisters, and cold reduces inflammation and reduce the activity of the bacteria Streptococcus.

In the treatment of streptococcal actively use massage to help remove dead skin cells and boost elasticity. It also contributes to the dilation of blood vessels and excretion from the sebaceous glands of excessive secretions.

It must be remembered,that is, applying to the affected area gadgets, be sure that they are not heated and not dried out. To change the gadgets you need after every 15 minutes. Children streptodermii treated with lead water, a solution of boric acid and resorcinol.

To soothe the inflamed skin use a variety of powders, drying, cooling and relieves itching. For such purposes, use powder starch, talc, zinc oxide, white clay (applied with a cotton swab).

Stronger effect have salicylic ointment and band-AIDS. At the small area affected skin water procedures is useful to sulfur, resorcinol, or tar soap. To dry the pus resulting from the bursting of the bubble, they are smeared with iodine or green paint.

If the child streptodermii becomes chronic, you may need surgical treatment with the removal of dead tissue and the affected skin. Also sometimes the bubbles split open with a sterile needle and placed on top of the dressing with antiseptic solutions. Widely used in the treatment of streptococcal in children and herbal medicine. Coli Streptococcus kill such plants as burdock, onion, garlic, and yarrow. Decoctions, infusions and ointments on the basis of medicinal plants used for the preparation of lotions, poultices, powders and ointments.