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Treatment tendons

The tendons treatment of folk remedies

Most often, problems with the tendons associated with inflammatory processes that are caused by a disproportionate load. They can take various forms. Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendon and it happens not only from physical exertion but also from the presence infections. Most commonly affected are the Achilles tendon attached to the heel bone as a result of sports injury or wearing uncomfortable shoes. Signs of tendonitis include tumor formation, pain and limitation of motion.

Over the tendon can occur soft to the touch bump, sometimes there is a sensation of heat on the skin. Treatment tendinite – rest and the application of various means of relieving inflammation. With the muscles of easy and moderate easy to fight. There is a wonderful way to relieve the pain and swelling with a special fixing bandage, made in the form of a "gypsum".

For this you need to whisk one protein raw chicken eggs, add 1 tbsp of alcohol, vodka is suitable, rubbing alcohol or moonshine. All mix well and add 1 tbsp involving flour. Ready mixture is applied evenly on the elastic bandage and apply to the damaged areas. You must not tie tight bandage on top and leave to harden. Change the "plaster" every day until full recovery.

Treatment stretching of the tendon colostrum and milk

Good helpful advice can always be useful to people in the event of damage to tendons. It is especially important that the application of such recommendations can easily fulfill any person in the home. Here, for example this happened with one woman. After falling from the roof she damaged the leg in the area of the ankle. Strong stretching of tendons resulted in swelling of the feet and ankles, skin at the site of injury acquired purple color.

Was unbearable pain, no anaesthetic it was impossible to do. She would rather be on foot, and then came the idea of using colostrum (milk that appears after calving cows), because it contains a huge number of different nutrients. After a week of using these procedures, the tumor is gone. If no fresh colostrum, you can use the dry mixture, bringing it to desired consistency with water.

There is the effect of the treatment of minor sprains and applications of hot compresses with plain milk. Bands change as they cool. Just remember,warm procedures should be performed after removal of the inflammation of the tendons.

Treatment stretching of the tendon herbal extracts

Treatment stretching of the tendon with the tinctures, thanks to the curative properties of herbs many had experienced, and now their secrets are available to all who wish to improve their health. Strained tendons can eliminate a cold compress with infusion of comfrey or calendula. 1 tablespoon prepared, well-chilled of tincture diluted in 300 ml of water and apply by using moistened in such a solution bandage.

Treatment with decoctions of herbs

Often injuries of the tendons of the calves and feet happen when you try running barefoot, hence stretching and tendit Achilles tendon. To fix insufficient attention to the development of the capacity of the calves and feet, you should practice a special complex of gymnastic exercises.

Well, if the injury occurred in folk medicine will always find the most wonderful recipes of treatment. Many diseases are cured with herbal decoctions, and if the damage to the tendon can take advantage of the healing properties of broths.

A decoction of elecampane: 3-4 tablespoons of elecampane pour boiling water, boil, infuse and apply to the affected area bandage soaked in the resulting broth.

A decoction of elderberry: in tension of the tendons on the arm boil in 3 liters of water the green pith, then add 1 tbsp of baking soda. Cool, no filtering applied in the form of baths, immersing the damaged part of the arm up to the shoulder area.

A decoction of plantain seeds: 2 tbsp seeds of plantain pour 1 Cup of boiling water. Boil. Cool, stir, strain and take 2 tbsp 3 times a day.

A decoction of hay dust: 1/3 of a large pot to fill with hay dust, cover with cold water, put on fire, cook for 15 minutes, to insist. Its application in the form of baths reduces pain, swelling and inflammation.

A decoction of pine-twigs: pour in an enamel dish (3-5 litres or 10-30 litres) until half or 2/3 of pine twigs, fill the rest with cold water, boil 30 minutes, to insist. Apply for baths.

Treatment of tendons with onions

First method: crushed to a pulp several onions, mix 1 tablespoon of sea salt. The resulting mass, put on the gauze and apply on the injury. Keep this compress for 5-6 hours several days in a row.

Second method: chopped onion (4-5 medium heads) mixed with 100 grams of sugar, stir well, put the mixture in a thick layer on a cotton cloth and apply to the affected area.

If You are a supporter of folk remedies to treat tendon fresh, chopped leaves of sage and apply them as well as onion compresses. It is effective for edema of the slurry from the powder concoctions, diluted with water.

Treatment of tendons oils

1. Smart drug under tension is lavender oil, to cook it very easily. Will need a few tablespoons of herbs of lavender and any vegetable oil. Mix well, the oil should cover the herbal raw material, and keep in a warm place for a week. After insisting the oil drain and lubricate the sore area several times a day.

2. Mix 2 drops of pine oil, 2 drops of lavender oil and one teaspoon of any vegetable oil. The mixture, morning and evening, daily light movements to lubricate the skin over the tendon.

3. Inflammation of the tendons of the foot one teaspoon of vegetable oil mixed with 5 drops of the oils of geranium, lavender and cloves. RUB into the affected place this mixture can be 48 hours after the injury twice a day. To ease the pain in the first two days after injury, the affected area is recommended to apply the lotion 6 times a day, for five minutes, consisting of one glass of ice water and 5 drops of lavender oil.

Treatment of tendons with liqueurs

During the infusion of the nutrients plants saturate the water and thus obtained folk remedy using lotions or use inside passes them to the body and tissues.

Tincture of shepherd's purse: stimulates the regeneration of tendons and cartilage, relieve and accelerates the regeneration processes, prevents transfer of disease into the chronic stage. One tablespoon of dried herb shepherd's purse to insist in one Cup ( 200 g) of boiling water for two hours. Soaked inthe infusion of gauze bandage, apply on the damaged area and fix it with bandage. Bandage to remove after it dries.

Tincture of sage: anti-inflammatory and restorative action will have an infusion of two tablespoons dry grass mugwort steamed 200 ml of boiling water, infused for half an hour. Strain and drink a tablespoon before meals 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of inflammation of tendons ointments

Calendula ointment: mix equal parts of dried flowers of calendula and baby cream. Apply to affected area, covering at night with a bandage. Eliminates inflammation and infection.

Ointment of mugwort and pork fat: is prepared from 100 grams of lard interior and 30 g dry sage. Mixture cook on low heat, cool, apply on the affected area with a thin flat layer.

Treatment a poultice of clay

500 gr. clay diluted with water, until the consistency of a paste. Adding 4 tbsp of vinegar from apples, you can use it. Moisten the cloth and apply on the affected area and tie with a handkerchief, leave for 1-1.5 hours, remove and tightly bandaged. After 5-6 treatments unpleasant symptoms are stretching, tendons restore its function and swelling and pain no sign.

In order to prevent need to learn how to avoid fatigue. Preferably at the first signs of diseases of the tendons time to begin treatment. Of course, folk remedies are not a panacea. They can clean up the symptoms of tension, relieve swelling and pain, but if the injury is serious, need medical attention. Inflammation of the tendons occurs as a result of various factors and does not pass by itself.

Sometimes it is necessary comprehensive treatment and elimination of any disease that causes changes in the tendons, for example, diabetes or arthritis. More difficult to treat at home tendon rupture. Treatment of such injuries is carried out with the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in severe cases, the intervention of the surgeon.

Other folk methods of treatment of tendons

Bear gall bladder. Warm, heated in the oven the gall applied as a compress and kept for a night. Helps as an anti-inflammatory drug with absorbing effect.

Therapeutic wraps. Prepare a mixture ofheated bottles of Apple cider vinegar, added 2 tsp of salt and 4 drops of iodine. Dampen a cotton cloth in this mixture, gently squeeze and apply on the area of the tendons, well cover with slices of ice. Wrap the poultice with a towel and leave for 15 minutes. After its removal it is necessary to impose a pressure bandage.

Treatment warm. Heat helps to relieve the swelling. Slightly heated the sand, pour in the bag of the material and impose on an injured leg, leaving for 10-15 minutes. You can use salt, wheat.