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Treatment of morning sickness in early pregnancy

Early toxemia – a pathological change in the health of women, adaptation of the body to pregnancy. It manifests itself in different symptoms, the most important of them are: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, salivation, aversion to tobacco smoke, different foods and smells. On the second and third stages of toxicosis in pregnant women in the urine, you may receive the protein and acetone, quickens the pulse, can be diagnosed loss up to 10 kg weight.

Possible causes of toxicity – hormonal changes, poor coordination of the processes of excitation and inhibition, the progressive influence of chorionic villi, ingrowing into the endometrium of the pregnant uterus. As soon as the formation of the placenta, the woman's condition is normalized, and symptoms of toxicity are minimized. Typically, this occurs at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy, in some cases, but also in twins and triplets morning sickness can take up to 18 weeks. To help women suffering from morning sickness, you can apply proven and safe recipes.

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Treatment of toxicosis lemon ginger water

These two products - ginger root and lemon, each individually, are an indispensable means of facilitating the condition of pregnant women. Lemon ginger water unites their useful properties and is a reliable tool for the prevention of nausea toxicity. Ginger contains many trace elements, has the qualities of an antidote, can remove toxins.

Use of ginger toxicity:

  • Ginger tea. Incomplete teaspoon of grated ginger root pour boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes. To the filtered infusion, add some honey, drink slowly in small SIPS. You need to remember that the high concentration of ginger could trigger the opposite effect and increase the nausea.

  • Mint-ginger tea. Prepared similarly to the previous recipe but, even with the addition of a small amount of mint leaves.
  • Dried fruit compote with ginger and raisins – a source of potassium and trace elements.
  • The seasoning of ginger. In cooked dishes, add a small amount of grated root or prepared ground ginger. Seasoning is used in the first and seconddishes, added to desserts and pastries.
  • A piece of ginger root can be slowly chewed in order to remove the nausea and excessive saliva.

Lemon as a medicinal remedy for toxicity is used, if a pregnant woman is not diagnosed hypertonicity of the uterus.

The use of lemon toxicity:

  • Drink of lemon. In 1 l of hot boiled water (above 60?) you need to add lemon, cut into wedges, few sprigs of mint, leave for half an hour. If desired, the finished drink can add honey to taste.
  • Lemonade. In a blender, chopped lemon (with zest and a sprig of mint), you need to pour cold water, add honey and leave to infuse in the fridge overnight. In the morning, strained the drink, it is necessary to filter and use for drinking.

Cooking ginger-lemon water:

  • Cut the lemon into slices, ginger root to grate.
  • Mix lemon slices with a teaspoon of grated ginger.
  • Pour a mixture of 2 liters of filtered water.
  • Infuse the water in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

Grated lemon you can substitute lemon juice. For faster, more concentrated drink lemon and ginger root pour a liter of boiling water. After cooling, in water add honey to taste. To get rid of nausea caused by morning sickness, you need to drink lemon ginger water throughout the day.

Clay toxicity

This is an inexpensive and accessible tool that can be purchased at any pharmacy, has many useful properties. In particular, clay is an excellent sorbent, purifying the intestinal wall from bacteria, viruses and toxins. In addition, it absorbs organic acids, antibiotics and other drugs. The number of elements that can absorb clay, 8 times its own weight.

How to use:

  • Stir a quarter teaspoon of clay in 150 ml of warm water;
  • Take 2 times a day;
  • The dose is subsequently increased to ?, next – up to 1 tsp.

When toxicosis pregnant women take clay on an empty stomach in the morning, concluding the procedure with a Breakfast of whole grain cereal. Food before treatment with clay must be at least 1.5 hours. When coping with toxicity you can use all kinds of this natural substance, it is still preferable white clay.

Fresh juices during pregnancy

Fruit and vegetable juices - extremely useful product for women expecting a baby. Vitamins, macro - and micronutrients, enzymes, organic acids, cellulose – all of these substances not only quench your thirst and enhance the overall immunity of the body, but also excrete toxins and serve to relieve the symptoms of morning sickness.

We should not flatter ourselves that canned juice has the properties of fresh product. Already 20 minutes after its preparation the amount of nutrients in the juice is reduced by 20%, and after sublimation and conservation in the finished product there's nothing left but sugar and preservatives. Woman who care about their health and the health of the unborn child, it is preferable to drink fresh juice. Contraindications for the prevention of symptoms of toxicosis with the aid of sokoterapii – Allergy to certain types of fruit and vegetables and problems with the digestive tract.

Pomegranate juice from toxicity

In addition to these properties, pomegranate juice is useful for pregnant women as a positive effect on the cardiovascular, digestive and circulatory system, the prevention of swelling and the increase in hemoglobin, this product helps to relieve nausea and restore appetite in early toxicosis. These properties are characteristic only of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, the finished product (particularly not packaged in glass bottles and in Tetra packaging), does not possess such properties.

Juice it is recommended to dilute with boiled water or beetroot, carrot juices, as pure it can be acidic. Pomegranate juice should not be consumed if a tendency to constipation, increased acidity of gastric juice. The optimal dose is one glass of juice a day, in divided doses.

Orange juice during pregnancy

The availability of the oranges in any time of the year allows you to always have fresh orange juice.

The beneficial properties of the juice from the oranges for pregnant women:

  • Reduces the intensity of nausea in the morning sickness;
  • Improves appetite and normalizes impaired digestion;
  • Is used to prevent anemia;

  • Nourishes the body with vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, E, essential amino acids, magnesium and zinc;

  • The pectin of the fruit to improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • Strengthens the immune system and the cardiovascular system.

The optimal time of consumption of orange juice for 20-30 minutes before meals. Contraindications – Allergy to citrus fruits.

Grapefruit juice during pregnancy

Drinking grapefruit juice, you need to remember that its property of neutralising the action of many drugs. The juice contains vitamins C, PP, B, K, and beta-carotene, salt of the minerals necessary for the full development of the fruit pectins.

Useful properties of grapefruit juice, important during pregnancy:

  • Relieves symptoms of toxicity: heartburn, nausea, headache;
  • Reduces blood sugar level;
  • Used to prevent constipation;

  • Eliminates puffiness, eliminates fluid from the body;
  • Is a natural antidepressant.

Grapefruit juice is contraindicated for those who suffer from pathologies of the digestive tract, liver and bladder. The recommended daily dose – 150-200 ml, in divided doses.

Carrot juice during pregnancy

Traditionally considered to be carrot juice is the best source of carotene. In addition, it has many properties that are useful to pregnant women: heals the intestinal tract, strengthens the skeletal system and replenishes the stock of useful minerals.

The properties of carrot juice is useful for early morning sickness:

  • Improves appetite;
  • Normalizes digestion;
  • Eliminates heartburn;
  • Stimulates metabolism;
  • Is an additional source of energy as it stimulates the metabolic processes in the cells of the nervous system.

Carrot juice should be consumed simultaneously with vegetable fats: olive or sunflower oil (1 tsp per 150 ml of juice). So better absorbed its useful components. Carrot juice can be drunk in pure form, without diluting with water. The optimal dose is 150 ml per day. Contraindications – ulcers of the stomach and intestines, gastritis, enterocolitis.

Apple juice during pregnancy

The availability of apples at any time of the year allows you to always have freshly squeezed Apple juice. This drink is effective in early toxicosis, as it has a tonic effect, perfectly relieves the symptoms of dehydration that can appear after frequent vomiting. Also contained in Apple juice, the vitamins A, C, E, B and potassium, calcium, manganese and iron to help prevent anemia.

It is not recommended to abuse this drink to those who have a history of peptic ulcer disease, gastritis. The recommended dose of 2-2. 5 cups a day.

Best medicines, relieving symptoms of morning sickness

To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of early toxicosis of pregnancy, after consulting a doctorthe use of drugs.

Liquid chlorophyll toxicity

It is a means of natural origin produced from the leaves of alfalfa by special technology. Capsule with chlorophyll or a solution contain the juice of this plant, concentrating a green pigment that contains special cells converted solar energy. The drug has a wide range of applications with the ability to increase the cellular respiration and to saturate the cells of the human body with oxygen.

Use of liquid chlorophyll to the toxemia of pregnancy:

  • Facilitates proper assimilation of food nutrients, vitamins and minerals;
  • Detoxifies and cleanses the body from radionuclides;
  • Effectively relieves headache;
  • Completely repeating the hemoglobin molecule, reduces the risk of anemia;
  • Normalizes hormonal.

It is recommended to use liquid chlorophyll throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. It is used in the morning on an empty stomach – 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water.

Essentiale from toxicity

The preparation Essentiale is traditionally used as hepatoprotector, is used to maintain normal liver function. He transportorul in the human body phospholipids derived from natural soy. The ability of the drug to remove toxins, allows to use it as an effective means for early morning sickness.

Properties Essentiale important for pregnant women:

  • Ensures optimum exchange of substances;
  • At the cellular level affect the formation of placental cells;
  • Actively involved in most biochemical reactions in the body;
  • Helps to reduce the intensity of such symptoms of toxicity, such as nausea and vomiting.

The dosage of Essentiale – early admission (for 2 weeks) it is recommended to consume 2 capsules of funds 3 R/day. Then the number of capsules reduced to 1 for the reception and the reception frequency remains the same throughout the month. The drug is taken during a meal, drink 150-200 ml of pure water. Contraindications – hypersensitivity to the components of the tool.


If a pregnant woman gets enough vitamins from food with vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes. These multivitamins can play a positive role in the prevention of toxemia and the reduction in the intensity of his symptoms.

They have significant properties for pregnant women:

  • Stimulate the growth of the placenta and bring the end of toxicity;
  • Help the body to transfer high loads;
  • Have a tonic effect;
  • Ensure optimum performance of the nervous system, thereby reducing the effect of toxicity.

These properties have almost all of the vitamins designed for pregnant women (Materna, Alphabet mother's health). For reviews of the consumers, most effectively reduce the symptoms of toxicosis multivitamins Elevit pronatal, whereas Vitrum prenatal many women who take this drug, increases the nausea and vomiting.

Before you use a natural or medications against the symptoms of toxicity, you need to consult a doctor, a leading pregnancy, to consider possible contraindications.