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Causes and consequences of thrombophlebitis

What is thrombophlebitis?

Thrombophlebitis is the inflammation of the walls of the veins accompanied by blood clots in the lumen of the vein. Usually thrombophlebitis is characterized by inflammation of the superficial saphenous veins. Thrombophlebitis often develops in varicose vein disease and chronic venous insufficiency. Varicose veins thrombophlebitis tends to recur and progress and provide a variety of complications.

Phlebothrombosis is a deep vein thrombosis. This disease is most insidious. The severity of disease is determined by the location of the clot and degree of obstruction they of the vein lumen. A phlebothrombosis can be identified by a distinctive swelling and a bluish coloration of the legs with a little pain, virtually no reaction. Can sometimes increase the body temperature, to be a slight malaise or weakness.

Causes of venous thrombosis

1. Venous stagnation. Can develop in the case of congenital insufficiency of venous valves of varicose veins, pregnancy, long stay in one position (on the plane, on the bus). The formation of blood clots contributes to the slowing of blood flow. Imagine it's easy if you consider how blood coagulates in the tube.

2.Hypercoagulability is a high potential blood clotting. Hypercoagulability in some cases is inherited. The study of genetic variations will help identify congenital predisposition to blood clots (thrombophilia).

The causes of high blood clotting include: dehydration ( hot weather, excessive consumption of alcohol), infectious diseases with high fever, uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives. Hypercoagulability may indicate early signs of cancer, for this reason, the patient should be evaluated for cancer.

3. Damage to the venous wall. Damage can occur due to infections of the surrounding tissue, injury to bones and heavy bruises. Such, for example, thrombosis and edema arising after ankle fractures. The combination of all these factors often leads to the development of thrombosis. For this reason, if you eliminate at least one of the factors that can reduce the risk of phlebothrombosis.

Consequences of blood clots, and thrombophlebitis

With the right approach to the treatment of thrombophlebitis is achieved fastremission of the inflammatory process, as well as getting rid of the pain. A month after the disease is very important to eliminate the reasons that caused it. In varicose disease and remove varicose veins or to use alternative radical treatment of thrombophlebitis. When the spontaneous thrombophlebitis, it is important to conduct a study of blood clotting, and upon detection of any violations to prescribe an appropriate treatment.

In the first year after suffering deep phlebothrombosis determined the future state of the venous system of the patient lower limb.

It is important during this year to follow all the recommendations phlebologist and surgeon do the operation. The treatment allows you to achieve maximum patency of the veins, which significantly improves the condition of the venous outflow. In the case of the development of post-thrombotic disease in the next two to three years, conducted a comprehensive study of the veins. If necessary, carry out surgery aimed at improving venous outflow.

Prevention of thrombophlebitis

1. Timely treatment of varicose veins and chronic insufficiency.

2. Getting rid of risk factors:
– wearing elastic stockings or knee socks on a plane or during pregnancy;
– in hot weather it is recommended to drink plenty of liquids;
prophylaxis in surgical interventions.

3. One should be mindful of their health and to promptly contact their doctor even at the first suspicion.