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Treatment of thrombosis

Treatment of thrombosis of folk remedies

Treatment of thrombosis alcohol tinctures

In folk medicine for the treatment of thrombosis are widely used alcohol tinctures. However, their use for compresses, and oral. With regular use of infusions decrease varicose nodes and perhaps even complete resorption.

You can prepare a tincture of acacia. To do this, a tablespoon of flowers pour 100 ml of alcohol, insist in a sealed container in a dark warm place. After 10 days, the tool can be used for external application in the form of compresses and rubbing.

For oral administration suitable tincture from the root of Potentilla white. It must be washed thoroughly and finely chop. On 50 g Potentilla requires half a liter of vodka. The ingredients are mixed in a jar, cover with lid and put in a dark place. Insisting 3 weeks, means take three times a day on a teaspoon.

Treatment of thrombosis of baths for the feet

Thrombosis of both deep and superficial veins therapeutic foot baths have a positive impact on the patient's condition. They relieve pain and sensation of swelling.

In folk medicine, for these purposes is often used a decoction of the tannin of the root. Pounds root pour water (5 liters) and boil for one hour. The broth is filtered and after that, it soar feet.

The same decoction can be prepared by replacing the root of tanning with a mixture of willow bark and oak. Ready broth can be poured not into the pelvis, and into the bucket and soak my feet up to the knees. After bathing to enhance the therapeutic effect, you need to wear elastic stockings or bandage the legs with an elastic bandage. In addition, after the procedure is not recommended for load, so the bath is best taken at bedtime.

Treatment of thrombosis with the decoction of medicinal herbs

Folk medicine knows many recipes, able to facilitate the course of the disease. For example, you can prepare a decoction of white willow or clover, which are considered the most active in this respect. Instruction manual is here.

Similarly, you must accept the followinginfusion: 2 tablespoons herb mixture of sage and mint with elecampane root (ratio 1:1:1) all night brew in a thermos 500 ml of water, and in the morning strain and, dividing into 4 parts and drink during the day before eating.

When you use decoctions of herbs for the treatment of thrombosis, it is recommended to stick to a diet to limit yourself in fatty and fried food.

Treatment of thrombosis with honey

Medicinal properties of honey are well known, it not only helps in the treatment of colds, but also in the fight against thrombosis.

For the treatment of thrombosis of the honey used in the composition of tinctures and decoctions. For example, mixing a Cup of honey into a glass of juice of onion and insisting the mixture for 3 days in warm, and then another week in a cold place, get a great tool to combat the disease. The composition need to be taken three times a day before meals for 1 St. spoon.

For the other funds will need 3 apples. They are placed in a pot, and, the Gulf of boiling water and wrapped the pot in a blanket, steamed under a lid for 4 hours. After that, the apples are pounded together with water, and then squeeze the puree through the cheesecloth, leaving only the broth. Drink it throughout the day, every time while eating a spoonful of honey.

Honey has a General positive effect on the body and helps to cope with the disease.