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Causes, symptoms and complications of varicose veins

What are varicose veins?


Varicose veins is a swelling of peripheral veins under the skin, most often on the surface of the leg muscles, the veins look like swollen and strongly sinuous, bluish color. Nodes are formed at the same time, a valve apparatus is destroyed. The outflow of blood in the veins can't go standard. When the flap valves are closed – the problems begin. The blood does not move, it will come up. Veins due to stagnation of blood feel the pressure.

When it becomes high – due to his blood as if pushed, and excess stretching of the venous wall, which initially are of different thickness. The vessels stretch. Their edges pressed against the skin and become visible. This formed the characteristic "webs" (spider veins). If the vessel is visible through the layer of the epidermis – hence, it is weakened. The thicker the vein, the more noticeable their blue color. Created nodules that are noticeable on the legs.

This disease is quite known since ancient times. Archaeologists met the first mention on this subject in the laws on medicine, which was created in the Byzantine state. In the hands of the Egyptian pharaohs were elastic bandages that help in the prevention of disease. Methods of treatment tried to access specialists in medicine - Hippocrates, Paracelsus and Avicenna.

This pathology is very common. From it suffers every fourth inhabitant of the planet. Among the main factors of development – lack of development of connective tissue. For the development of varicose veins necessary predisposing conditions. This partly explains why among the visitors phlebologist so many women. In their body rebuilding hormones is active.

It is very important to take care of the condition of the veins. They bring a lot of anxiety, starting with the ugly appearance of the feet. This is a big threat to the health and even life. When the disease reaches the started state, start its complications. Meanwhile, if you turn to doctors in time of sickness it is easyto get rid of. If the time to begin treatment, surgery is not required. This is the best way to make veins disappear by themselves, having a normal appearance.

According to statistics, varicose veins suffer 18-20% of the population and almost 50 % of patients in the initial stage are not even aware that seriously sick. Most often this disease affects women.

Causes of varicose veins

Causes of varicose veins can be a long time in a standing position, obesity, pregnancy, long-wearing stockings or socks with tight elastic bands, and congenital weakness of the connective tissue. The above applies to the primary reasons for the development of the disease.

Varicose veins are formed when the wrong course of blood through the veins. Scientists investigated the causes of this disease, is not inherent in any other living species in such an extent of suffering. Among the established causes:

  • Bipedalism. The researchers explain disease of the lower limbs excessive pressure exerted on them in the body. The post blood lasts until the muscles of the heart. Particularly at risk are those who spend on the feet lots of time.
  • The predisposition genetically. Most people have this disease is a factor transmitted from parents. Statistics in this case is very clear – infants whose parents suffered from this disease, the likelihood to get varicose veins increases to 70%. But this risk can be avoided if you do not create factors. Hereditary varicose veins are often manifested at a very early age.
  • The nature of the work, the standard way of life. The lack of mobility of many modern professions have a certain risk. Phlebologists suggested using the term "computer.".
  • Disorders of the endocrine and hormonal system. Because of the peculiarities of the body in women, the periods of hormonal failures the causes of stagnation of blood. For them, the most dangerous periods – puberty, pregnancy, the time after childbirth. Also dangerous time, when menopause occurs. This sexual category of patients appealed to the doctors 2-3 times more often. In the women's bodies do not have enough of the hormones called estrogens. Instead, what prevails is the so-called hormone of the corpus luteum. It is believed that he has muscle relaxing effect. This contributes to varicose veins.
  • Obstacles in the blood flow through the veins. They arise as a purely mechanical formation of a blood clot, the uterus and the tumor.
  • Stress and nervous disorders affect the condition of vessels. In the wall of the veins have nerve endings, which give them elasticity. Whenthe increasing pressure, exposure to toxins, alcohol the gleam of the vessels lose tone and expands.
  • Arterial-venous anastomoses. Can be formed due to the pressure in the arterial flow of blood cells.
  • The so-called muscle pump is in the calf muscles, and they constantly need to be activated. It is very important to stay healthy, avoiding protracted diseases, cough and seizure.

Factors contributing to the development of varicose veins, can be overcome by making sure their health.

Symptoms of varicose veins

In order not to miss the onset of the disease, you need to know the first symptoms of varicose veins and the time to take the necessary measures.

The main symptoms of varicose veins are:

  • The pain in the legs, feeling of warmth, and sometimes burning sensation through the veins of the legs;
  • Heaviness in the legs;
  • In the evening appear swelling in the legs;

  • At night cramps of the feet;
  • Dilated veins;
  • Calf leather is a dark colour, there are seals, possible sores.

It is also possible to indicate the following symptoms of varicose veins:

  • There are manifestations, covering only the area of the popliteal fossa, and the rear surface of the legs. In thick skin, as with excessive hairiness of the feet, manifested less.
  • Easily detectable – the affected vein palpation seem convoluted.
  • If the patient lay, lifting his feet – the mesh disappears, and in a vertical position again thicken.
  • Felt kind of heaviness in the legs, pain, dull in nature, seizures. Often the patient complains of a burning sensation. Especially symptoms worsen in the evening or after a period of prolonged standing.
  • Feet can also swell, particularly in the area of soft tissue. They also occur in the ankles, in the lower areas of the legs.

These are the main symptoms of varicose veins. They are overlaid, if not treat the disease in time. Trophic changes are propagated on the skin of legs and feet. The epidermis becomes dry, blue shade, is easy swelling. Because of the progression of varicose veins are observed:

  • Pigmentation.
  • Indurate (seal).
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Disturbed nutrition of the skin.

If there are third-party symptomsvaricose veins, such as fever or weakness – then the disease has passed the stage of complications. There are enough rare symptoms, such as bleeding at rupture sites. Most often they occur at night.

Complications of varicose veins

  • Optimal build modes in work and leisure, that allows to reduce the orthostatic load, which is especially important in congenital predisposition.
  • Choosing different body positions, if you have to sit a lot.
  • Refusal posture "foot to foot".
  • Renunciation of all things, which is strongly compressed lower limbs, groin area, waist, stockings with tight elastic bands.
  • Long walks in comfortable shoes is not tight, heel and studs, which are valid only during the holidays, provided the smallest duration of their wear.
  • Avoidance of constipation, chronically increases the pressure level of the circulation of the pelvis.

Allowed the following:

  • Cycling (improve circulatory system).
  • Swimming.
  • Location during the rest of the legs on some hills (at the level of 15-20 cm above the heart).
  • Regular morning or evening charging.
  • Hirudotherapy.

  • Optimal normalization of weight.
  • Menu of a healthy diet.
  • Avoiding harmful habits of Smoking.
  • Procedure a contrast shower.
  • 1.5 liters of water per day.
  • A special set of exercises that promote the efficient flow of blood.
  • Prescription drugs or herbal preparations to improve the tone of the venous wall.

This is a simple action. They are recommended for use in the majority of cases revealed no acute contraindications.

Prevention of varicose veins is very important, especially in modern society. At the initial signs of varicose veins can be due to compliance with fairly simple rules to slow the progression of the disease and avoid its progression. To prevent varicose veins, try to avoid hot baths, saunas, and are not a long time in the sun. All the above helps to reduce venous tone, which contributes to blood stagnation in the legs.

Also for prevention of varicose veins in no case do not wear constricting items such as socks and stockings with tight elastic bands, as these wear badly compresses the veins,that negatively can affect in the future the health of the feet. Also, do not wear high heels, the heel should be no higher than four cm is Not recommended to engage in such sports as tennis, weightlifting, bodybuilding as the sport increases venous pressure in the legs. You should not sit foot to foot as the throwing knees to one another creates an obstacle for normal blood flow in the legs.

Useful tips. If after a long day at work or just at the end of the day, you feel heaviness in the legs, during rest or sleep, try to keep legs above your body, ie as it is in a good condition.

If you have to sit a lot or stand a lot, try as often as possible to change the position of the feet, i.e. if you stand, step from foot to foot, walk in place, if you sit and do the rotation stops. Doctors suggest after taking a shower to rinse the legs with cold water.

Varicose veins there are a few sports that have a positive effect on the body is swimming, walking, skiing and Cycling.