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Treatment of chickenpox

Treatment of varicella folk remedies

Today chickenpox is a common and extremely contagious disease of an infectious nature. It occurs under the influence of the special herpes virus on the human body. To the obvious signs of this disease include multiple skin rashes on the body. They are small blisters filled with turbid fluid where large quantities of it contains virus.

Typically, these painful rashes are characterized by high temperature and weakness. Often this viral disease is observed in children under the age of seven years. The infection occurs most often through airborne droplets. Sources of the virus are considered to be sick person. The incubation period usually lasting on average two weeks. A few days before the rash appears the person is already infectious.

Red spots appear first on the face and scalp, and then apply to abdomen, back, arms and legs. Rashes is summarized, following, why do bubbles with the liquid. After the bubble burst, it heals under the crust is light brown.

All people with this disorder necessarily should be isolated. Since the advent of the latest painful of the bubble of the person is considered noncontagious. Treatment of chickenpox involves the treatment of skin rashes in the usual green paint. Also in the fight against numerous rashes you can apply a antiseptic. These include potassium permanganate and methylene blue.

Avoid scratching the affected areas that may become inevitable formation of scars. To relieve the itching, your doctor may prescribe a suitable antihistamine remedy. With the development of severe purulent dermatitis demonstrates the use of modern antibiotics. Usually in most cases in childhood chickenpox occurs quite favorably. Some adults experience a variety of complications and deterioration of health.

In extremely rare cases, brain damage. This type of disease is called vetranary encephalitis. With the development of this disease in addition to skin rash and fever, there are strong headaches and various disorders of the nervous system. Special trigeminal neuralgia often lasts more than two weeks. In the initial stages of the fight against chickenpox holds special events that helpquickly deal with intoxication and reduce pain.

For these purposes, the immunoglobulin is administered intramuscularly. If there are secondary bacterial complications, it is necessary to apply special antibiotics of new generation. A special glucose solution will help significantly reduce the level of intoxication. To prevent the spread of the virus and strengthen the immune system it is recommended to take vitamin C in conjunction with other special vitamins of group B.

Treatment of varicella sea salt and herbal teas

When the sustainable nature of varicella to the affected areas on the skin to make a bag with sea salt to enough hot. Shown special warm bath with a decoction of chamomile and sage in a ratio of 1:1. After such baths can be applied to bubbles on the body poultice from potatoes, wipe them with a swab dipped in table vinegar. Also blisters can be lubricated with a special mixture which can be prepared from equal parts chicken protein, white clay and fresh unsalted bacon.

To remove the intoxication recommends before going to bed to do an enema on the basis of warm infusion of chamomile. An hour after each meal advised to take for 70 ml of the healthful drink that includes Valerian root, a decoction of the flowers of hawthorn and pepper mint. For cooking this means you should take 1 tbsp of each component and pour mixture of 500 grams of water.

After bubbles is covered with a crust, you can process them melaminovoy liquid ointment. If necessary, the ointment may be diluted with an equal amount of clean water. With regular use of the ointment after the skin rashes will not remain scars.

Treatment baths

It is recommended to avoid severe overheating of the skin. You can take a bath 20 minutes before bedtime with starch. The water temperature should not be above 37 degrees. Quite a handful of starch in a single procedure.

As an excellent analgesic can be consumed pharmacy of vegetable drug", Zostrix" which blocks the main formation of chemical substances for instantaneous transmission along the nerve cells of pain impulses. This tool can be used on Saivasensitive skin.

Treatment of varicella with propolis and herbs

Moreover, at this stage, varicella is recommended to lubricate the affected skin areas twice a day 4-proventol tincture of propolis. Then you can sprinkle painful bubbles unique powder bergenia or your role. Also experts advise to grease the medicinal decoction of peppermint which you can prepare yourself.

For this you will need 1 tbsp. l. dry herb and 1 Cup of boiling water. You can make special healing ointment on the basis of 10 grams of honey and 1 tablespoon of ash. In addition to exterior procedures inside you should take an infusion of oatmeal. You will need 200 ml of cool water and 1 tbsp of grains. The tool recommended to insist at least a day, and then strain. Infusion can be taken 200 grams three times a day.

Varicella useful effective decoction of the bark of the elm may. It should be brewed as a tea and consumed at least two times a day. One of the miraculous methods of treatment of skin rashes is wiping infusion of immortelle. Per Cup of boiling water only need 2 tbsp of immortelle. Insist for hours and applied topically throughout the day.

All patients chicken pox you should avoid overheating of the skin, nervous shocks, and not to use hormonal medications. Recommended daily stop rubbing for enhancing natural immunity. To help the body quickly fight off the infection, it may be advisable bathing. Salt water for these purposes is more preferable.

Treatment of varicella bitter herbs

With a significant exacerbation of the disease excellent therapeutic effect, as a rule, having the correct blood purification. Special decoctions of bitter herbs are beneficial for overall health. To prepare the tools you will need: 1 tsp gentian and barberry, which should pour one Cup of boiling water. Drink a healing broth can be up to three times a day before meals. However, he produces a diuretic and laxative effect.

Quick recovery also fosters external and internal use of the unique essential oils of sandalwood and geranium. Pure undiluted oil to lubricate the affected area at least four times a day. Also the tool can be added to water when bathing. One swim will take at least 6drops of oil, and the procedure time will be at least 15 minutes.

In the early stages of chickenpox with a strong external manifestations on the skin helps to cope with modern UHF-therapy, or special short-term effect of infrared laser of low power. Of great importance in the treatment is proper nutrition of the sick person. The diet recommended include eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, potatoes, chicken, red meat and fish. It is desirable to limit the use of salt and sugar, chocolate, nuts, raisins, dates, grapes and all citrus fruits.

Refrain from fried and spicy foods. In the treatment of alcohol banned. During exacerbation of symptoms can be alleviated chickenpox any mono-diet. For example, rice or vegetable.