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High fever without symptoms in a child

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If the child has fever and other symptoms of any disease is not observed, parents begin to worry, not knowing what was happening with their baby. And some, on the contrary, do not attach importance to what is happening, and not even give the child fever medicines.

How to react if the thermometer shows 38°C and above, and other symptoms are not in a hurry to appear and clear things up?

The reasons for the high temperature with no symptoms

The reasons for high temperature with no symptoms include:

  1. Bacterial or viral infection (in this case, the symptoms appear only after some time, and sometimes identifying them can only be a doctor).

  2. The reaction to what the child has cut teeth.

  3. Child overheated (it is important to understand that babies can overheat not only in summer but also in winter).

The younger the child, the more common high temperature without symptoms, because:

  • toddlers have poor thermoregulation, so they are much more likely to overheat,
  • a disease in young children are different than adults
  • there are many infections that affect only children up to the age of 3-5 years,
  • many infections child tolerates the first time, so the body may react with fever,
  • a small child is in many respects helpless, sometimes he just can't complain to parents that he has a headache or stomach, so the symptoms are, but adults just don't understand

  • very often the temperature rises in the period when babies are teething, and it happens before the age of 2.5 years.

1. Overheating

Children are very often overheat inheat. As infants, if they are too warm to wear, bedding, can overheat even in winter.

In this case the child becomes restless, begins for no apparent reason to act up or, conversely, behaves apathetic, and sluggish. The temperature rises to about 38 – 38,5 ° C What to do in such a situation:

  • first ventilate the room well below the air temperature was around 18-22° C,
  • in that case, if your baby is overheated in the sun, then get him home or at least sit in the shade,
  • remove from child all warm clothes or at all undress him
  • wet the sponge with cool water and wipe the skin of the whole body, face,
  • throughout the day, ensure you drink plenty of liquids.

If the cause of the temperature increase was overheating, then it should return to normal within hours without using any fever reducing medicine.

In that case, if these measures fail, then give your baby antipyretic and consider other causes of illness.

2. Reaction to teething

The most common cause of high temperatures without any symptoms be cutting teeth.

Signs that point to it:

  • the child tries to scratch the gums, pulls into his mouth everything that comes his way,

  • your child from 5 months to 2.5 years (in this period of teething),
  • the temperature is in the neighborhood of 38° C and above does not rise,
  • baby's gums are inflamed, you can look through the edges of the cutting teeth,
  • after 1-3 days, when the tooth erupted, the temperature drops,
  • when the previous cut teeth, the child also saw an increase in temperature.

There are two metrics that noticed young mothers: when teething, the child refuses to eat, there is excessive salivation. But these symptoms are quite controversial.

Increased secretion of saliva begins in children from 2 months when the teeth have not cut. During this period, just beginning to function in salivary glands. With regard to the loss of appetite, it is a logical consequence of elevated temperature.

Dr. Komarovsky on the increase in temperature during teething in children:

Than a fever children teething?


  • in order to removesore gums, you can use special gels,
  • provide plenty of warm drinks,
  • periodically ventilate the room (in the absence of the child), maintain a temperature of 18-22° C,
  • if the temperature rises higher than 37.3° C, temporarily eliminate walking and bathing, let the child stay at home and often sleeps
  • if the child is naughty or too sluggish, and the temperature rose to 38° C or above, give him an antipyretic (to this situation best suited Nurofen or paracetamol, as they have an analgesic effect, relieves itching in the gums to help soothe baby).

3. Multiple infections with high fever without obvious symptoms

Very often, the symptoms a child has, parents just can't see them yourself. If you go to the doctor, he will reveal them during the inspection, diagnose the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The infection is localized in the throat

If the child is still very young, the mother is not always able to inspect his throat and to understand that something is wrong. The baby itself also can't complain about something that was bothering him. Therefore, a high temperature for no apparent parents of the symptoms may occur in several infectious diseases.

  • Acute pharyngitis. This is the most common in babies infection that is accompanied by high temperature. At survey of a throat there are sores, rashes and redness.
  • Herpangina. This infection is accompanied by high temperature as well as the appearance on the temples, the tonsils and the back of the throat bubbles throat pain.
  • Angina. This disease can be observed only in children older than 1 year to 2 years it is very rare. When tonsillitis occurs with fever, ulcers and white patches on the tonsils sore throat.

If your child is diagnosed with strep throat, you should immediately begin taking a course of antibiotics. When herpangina antibiotics are not required, and when the pharyngitis is dependent on its type (viral or bacterial).

Conclusion, if your kid has a fever and is suspected a sore throat, then immediately call your doctor. Before you can take measures that were recommended in the eruption of teeth (excluding the use of gelsfor gums).

Acute stomatitis

If the child has stomatitis, he usually refuses to eat, and there is increased salivation and temperature. During the inspection of the oral cavity can be seen on the tongue and mucous membrane sores or blisters.

If you have these symptoms, call the house doctor, but before his arrival can take steps already listed above. It is also recommended as often as possible to rinse the mouth with a solution furatsilina, sage or chamomile. Also it is necessary to temporarily exclude an acidic, sharp, hot and hard foods that may injure the inflamed areas, replacing it with a liquid and puréed meals with a neutral taste, not too hot.

Acute otitis media

Symptoms – pain in the ear and fever. If the child is still small and can't talk about what was bothering him, he will grab his ear, to refuse to eat and sulk.

As treatment the doctor prescribes a topical treatment with antibiotics in the form of droplets and (or) systemic treatment with tablets or injections.

A sudden rash or Roseola

This disease usually occurs only in children aged from 9 months to 2 years. It begins with a high fever (of 38.5° to 40° C) that lasts for 3-5 days. Also sometimes there is an increase in occipital, submandibular and cervical lymph nodes. After a few days the temperature is reduced, but the body appears fine pink rash that without any treatment is 4-5 days.

The disease causes the herpes virusthat is widely distributed. According to statistics, the rash carries 70% of all children up to 2 years.

Urinary tract infection

In most cases of the symptoms is observed only fever. Rarely can a little swelling of the feet and face, urination becomes frequent, sometimes painful.

In order to diagnose the disease, you need to do urinalysis. Bacterial infection, requiring treatment with antibiotics.

Conclusion: in that case, if your child has a high fever and other symptoms of any disease you can't see, immediately call your doctor. He will inspect, will appoint the necessary tests and necessary treatment.

What to do when the temperature of the baby?

Temperature rise is a sign that the body fights infection. First measure the temperature. Use a thermometer, because just to touch the boy's forehead and noted that he's hot is not enough. Keep in mind that the temperature is notalways accompanied by external heat, the child can also be cold. This condition is called "white" fever. It is due to spasm of blood vessels on the legs and handles a child.

The scheme of actions at an elevated temperature without symptoms:

  • if the temperature does not rise above 37.5° C is usually recommended not to confuse her, as the body when it must cope with infection. However, this is only valid when SARS! So for example, when intestinal infection, sore throat and roseola it must be reduced.
  • if the temperature rose above 38.5° C, it is necessary to refer to antipyretic drugs. You must find out from your doctor what drugs and in what dosage to use in this case, and always keep them in the medicine Cabinet. Most children prescribed ibuprofen (ibufen, Nurofen) and paracetamol (Panadol, set). Aspirin to give children is not recommended.

If your child suffers from any neurological disorders, heart disease, and also, if he was born with cerebral haemorrhage, cysts or severe hypoxia, then in no event it is impossible to prevent the temperature of the child rose above 39° C. Therefore, periodically measure it in time and take necessary measures (physical, antipyretics).

When the child has a high fever without symptoms, give him your maximum attention. In time changing into dry clothes if he was sweating most let a warm drink. To go out and try to feed the baby, if he refuses, you should not.

It is strictly forbidden to wipe baby with a wet sponge and put in a bath with cool water!

It happens that the temperature of the child rises from the fact that he's worried. In this case, you need to give him a sedative (to choose the drug you need together with your physician), and in the future, you should take preventive measures (if the child will get into a stressful situation, then a few days begin taking a sedative).

Temperature without symptoms - Doctor Komarovsky:

Be sure to read: How to bring down high fever in a child?

When you need to see a doctor?

If baby spits up or refuses to eat even when you are already down the temperature. Thismay occur during pharyngitis.

If the temperature is kept even for 4-5 days, while other symptoms did not appear. You must pass analysis of blood and urine to detect hidden foci of inflammation or the presence of a urinary infection.

When you need to seek medical help?

Just call the ambulance if the temperature is kept even after taking fever-reducing drugs, the child is too lethargic, sharply turned pale or worsened breathing.

If you notice cramping, then you need to check intracranial pressure. Most often the forecast is favorable and the cramping is just the body's response to the jump in temperature, but still need to eliminate all of the risks.

It is very important to be prepared for the fact that the child may have a fever. Beforehand ask your doctor what medications and in what dosage to use and always keep them in the home medicine Cabinet.