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How to bring down high fever in a child?

If the child has a high fever, before taking any action, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. Very often blame the excessive concern. Parents are too warm, dress baby for sleep time and walking, and it overheats. In addition, the baby may overheat in the sun or due to excessive physical activity.

Even if it's cold outside, you need to stop dressing the baby. If he is in a wheelchair, it will be enough for one advanced, one thin and one warm sweater. If the child is actively moving, then, only one warm. If you notice that the child suddenly has a fever, take him home, undress and let it quietly play. Within half an hour his condition should return to normal without any additional measures.

It follows with special attention to the child's condition, if the temperature is combined with vomiting or nausea it can be a signal that he had sustained a head injury. Especially do not worry, it is not necessarily something serious. Small children will often have slightly hit his head during a game or on a walk, then a fever and nausea starts. Very soon the condition becomes normal. Just ensure the baby is quiet, let him lie down or just quiet play. At this time ventilate the room, you can prepare a solution of water with vinegar and wipe the body of the child. Most often these measures will be enough to soon kid again felt great.

For children of all ages are not allowed to use different compresses and sponging with an alcohol-based – the fact that the alcohol molecules quickly penetrate the skin and can lead to alcohol intoxication. It is also accompanied by high temperature, therefore such measures you will make the child worse. Liver in children is not as adult, so the alcohol is cleaved at a slower speed and causes more harm to the body even at low concentrations. When choosing antipyretics, remember another important point: even single analgesics can have a negative impact on the circulatory system. And aspirin causes a disturbance of consciousness and convulsions.

If your child complains of a fever, but his head cold and visible signs of high temperature you do not watch, do not leave it without attention. In children often found this reaction: temperature rises, butspasm of the capillaries on the hands and feet leads to the fact that the body does not overheat. In this case, you need to give an antipyretic (ibuprofen or paracetamol) and to call the doctor. Also be sure to RUB the child's body, paying special attention to handles and legs until the skin is red. This will help when spasm of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and temperature will be easier to decline.

If a high fever in an infant, remember the following:

  • The body temperature of the newborn is always higher, so the performance of 37,5° C are quite normal. Here need to focus not on figures but on how the kid behaves. If he refuses feeding, fontanel isn't, and urination is normal, nothing to worry about.
  • Babies have not yet established a system of thermoregulation of the body, so even a slight overheating (hot muggy room, too warm clothes) leads to increased body temperature. Always watch how the kid feels, time to ventilate the room, not okutyvaya it is too warm, do not leave in the sun the stroller, and it will feel good.
  • The use of fever-reducing drugs should be resorted to only in extreme cases. Try to bring down the temperature by ventilation, light clothing and a rubdown. And every time you feel unwell infants, consult your doctor.

The content of the article:

Antipyretic for children

Often, doctors recommend the use of candles because they do not irritate the stomach and act very quickly. Convenient to use because many kids simply refuse to drink the pills and strongly resist. Candles are perfect for infants and older children prefer funds in the form of a syrup with a variety of sweet flavors. These drugs are now very much in pharmacies, so you'll be able to choose one that your child will love to take. Such drugs are to be based on paracetamol and have a similar composition. However, they can act differently and, if the child is a good fit one way, then the other may be ineffective. Check with your doctor, try, and you will definitely find something that will suit you best.

The most effective today are the following medications:

  • "Efferalgan"children
  • "Panadol" child
  • "Paracetamol" children's
  • "Ibufen" kids (the drug not only lowers the temperature, but also has analgesic effect)
  • "NISE" (be careful because this product has is the temperature, but can have a negative impact on the condition of the liver)
  • "Efferalgan" (candles, is recommended for children older than three months)
  • "Tsefekon" (candles, is recommended for children older than three months)

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Candles on the temperature for children

If we consider formulations based on paracetamol, the most effective "Panadol", "Set"and"Suitable"for children. The main difference is the dosage."Efferalgan"today is available in tablet form at a dosage of 80, 150 and 300 mg. For every age suitable your dose will help the doctor. Hope its based on the body weight of the child for babies it should not exceed 60 mg. usually candles are used four times every six hours. A newborn is allowed to put one candle per day.

Another the drug is"Ibuprofen". Unlike the previous, it is created on the basis of Nurofen. The dose calculation is done in a similar way, while it should not exceed 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

Don't forget that fever can only be applied very short time. Otherwise, in children of disrupted gastrointestinal tract and may receive diathesis.

Another category of antipyretics – candles based on interferon that are the best option for newborns. It could be the interferon or the genferon ® . They are good because they not only bring down the temperature, but also possess antiviral and immunomodulatory properties.In addition, the drugs have undergone serious clinical studies which have proven their efficiency and safety of use even for the youngest children. These candles can be used alone for reducing high temperature, and can be administered as part of treatment, as well with various drugs. If your child needs a course of antibiotic treatment, these candles will protect the body from their negative impacts and will minimize the risk of development of dysbacteriosis.

If you have more trust in homeopathic drugs, then try candles "Viburkol". They bring down the temperature, and also have analgesic, anticonvulsant and sedative effect. If baby is not yet informed, the maximum dosage – two candles a day. Older kids for two hours put one candle every 20 minutes.

How to quickly bring down the fever?

You used all the familiar methods to bring the temperature down, but she every time very quickly rises again? In this case, you must do an intramuscular injection with a lytic mixture.

This should be applied only in an extreme case, if the temperature rises to 40° C, and anti-inflammatories do not help. Injection will work after 10-15 minutes and the temperature returns to normal. The dosage is assigned in accordance with age (for each year of baby's life – 0.1 ml). The first time you use make sure to test for allergic reactions!

The composition of the lytic mixture:

  • "Analgin"
  • "Dimedrol"
  • "Papaverine

All three components are taken in equal proportions, how to calculate the required dosage, we have already mentioned above. For example, if your child is four years, then dial into the syringe, 0.4 ml of each drug, the total volume of the mixture of 1.2 ml.

In that case, if you can't bring down the temperature and condition of the child worsens, then immediately call an ambulance.

When it comes to children, each of antipyretics has both advantages and disadvantages. In order to find what will be most effective and safe for your baby, you need to try different options to see the reaction and condition of the child and not to forget to consult with your doctor.

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