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Congenital dislocations of the joints

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What is congenital dislocation of the joints?

Congenital dislocations of the joints is a severe disease that occur in children. Most common among kids dislocation of the hip joint. Most often this affects female babies, and if you consider the overall statistics, then 1000 sick children will have about 6 kids with this disorder.

If we consider the dislocation of the hip, it is the consequence of disturbance of the normal ratio of the femoral head and socket (acetabulum). In this case, all elements will be in varying degrees underdeveloped. This ligaments, and bones, and blood vessels, and muscles. If time will not be assigned adequate treatment, such violations will lead to the fact that the joint will be changed greatly, and the child will eventually become disabled. Affected the spine, will develop the degenerative disc disease with deformation of the skeleton, as well as dysplastic coxarthrosis.

Sometimes there is congenital dislocation of the knee joint, but it is a rare phenomenon. From this disease also affects mostly girls.

Symptoms of congenital joint dislocation

To ensure that there was reason to suspect the newborn has dislocated hips, it is necessary to refer to several related symptoms:

  • The mobility of the hip is limited. For this it is necessary to plant knees bent legs the child in different directions, at a time when he is lying on his back. If the angle of withdrawal is significantly below normal (160 degrees), it often indicates the presence of subluxation.
  • If, during the breeding bent legs you hear a distinctive click, it also indicates the presence of subluxation. Also, this sound can be heard when swaddling baby.
  • Length bent at the knee feet pressed against the abdomen, is slightly shorter than the dislocation there. Visually, even without bending the legs, you notice a shortening of the legs of the six-month-old child.
  • The folds on the legs of children with dislocation most often asymmetrical. Although recently, this symptom is not significant.

If the child is detected by the at least oneof the above symptoms, then it is cause as soon as possible to go to the doctor. For further diagnosis will need to be mandatory in this case ultrasound.

Causes of congenital dislocation of joints

There are several reasons that lead to the formation of congenital dislocation of the hip.

Among them are the following:

  • Breech presentation of the fetus. There is documented evidence that children with normal, headache previa suffer from joint dislocation is much less common. When breech dislocation is most often unilateral.
  • The hereditary factor. That is, if the mother in infancy had a dislocation, the probability of occurrence of this pathology in the child increases.
  • Illness of the mother that were transferred during gestation, may also adversely affect the proper development of the hip joint.
  • The error of the mother in the diet. In particular, a significant lack of b vitamins and also vitamin D, A and C.
  • Taking certain medicines, especially antibiotics. This is especially dangerous in the first trimester.
  • The first birth may also cause the formation of dislocation.

Treatment of congenital dislocation of joint

Probably successful the treatment will be only in the case where the diagnosis of pathology not to be late. When a problem is detected, therapy should start immediately. The more time that passes since the birth of the child with a dislocation, the greater the likelihood that the process of recovery and doralicia joint is reversible.

The main essence of the treatment is to give the joints proper for their formation position. It is necessary to oppose the head of the bone of the thigh vertline their troughs. This position of the legs, the doctors called the "frog pose". To achieve this goal it is advisable to use special orthopedic shorts or bandage. Also practice a wide swaddle. The kid in this situation needs to be quite a long time. Depending on the severity of the pathology, terms range from 3 to 8 months.

When the diagnosis was made late, then doraswamy joint use more "hard" devices, such as metal tires, Pavlik's stirrups, and otherspecialized cameras. It is possible that the subsequent time may require surgical intervention.

As long as the treatment the baby will be at home, you should special attention be paid to the cleanliness of tires or bandages. To wash away the child should be careful doing this so as not to soak the Assembly in the remedial design. To normalize the blood circulation the baby shows regular massage also upper body. Baby just need to put on your stomach after it reaches 1.5 months. His body was thus in a natural position, under the Breasts you need to put the soft cushion.

Be superfluous and physiotherapy. So before you put a cast on, baby hold medicinal electrophoresis (novocaine), the full course is 12 procedures. When the cast is removed, also performed a similar procedure aimed at improving blood circulation, for this purpose, mineral water and calcium chloride.

Naturally, the child will be shown physiotherapy in conjunction with massage and heat therapy the wax.

Ingoda may be required and surgical intervention, the decision on which is taken by the doctor. The operation is performed at the age of 2 to 3 years:

  • Ingoda require total joint replacement.
  • Possible open reduction.
  • Arthroplasty.
  • Reconstruction of the femur and Ilium.

Prevention of congenital joint dislocation

After the baby is born, with the aim of proper development of the joints, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulation:

  • Widely swaddle baby since the first days of his life.
  • To conduct therapeutic exercises, which is the breeding legs.
  • Wear your baby on her stomach, with her legs wide spread. This is done after the baby is 2-months of age.