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The treatment of hydrocephalus folk remedies

Regardless of the causes of dropsy, the patient is advised to stick to vegetarian food, it is very useful to use cabbage raw, eggplant, cucumbers, honey with lemon, parsley, parsnip, watercress, pumpkin. Instead of tea is recommended to drink a decoction made from watermelon peels. The treatment of dropsy it is necessary to begin with the treatment of the body, the disease which was the cause of the formation of edema, it should minimize the salt intake and fluid and as a drug therapy it is useful to take diuretics.

Treatment of dropsy by the juice of plants

Black radish. The black radish juice to treat dropsy folk medicine recommends to drink together with the honey, gradually increasing the amount of drug taken per day, from 1/3 Cup a day to two cups a day, dividing the daily dose into several intakes.

Bow. To make juice from onion the night before you need to take a few bulbs and cut them in slices, sprinkle them with sugar. In the morning you should drink two tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice.

Pumpkin. In the treatment of dropsy folk remedies is recommended to drink half a Cup of pumpkin juice a day.

The treatment of hydrocephalus elderberries and grapes

Elder. In the initial stages of the disease helps ingestion of a decoction from the bark of the black elder. For the preparation of the drug use the young shoots of the plant. Finely chopped bark of the plant in the amount of 6-8 g brewed a couple of cups of boiling water and leave in the oven for 5-6 hours. The broth take half a Cup up to six times a day.

For the purpose of making funds on the recipe of traditional medicine for the treatment of hydrocephalus is possible to use the root of an elderwho insist on vodka. The dose of this preparation is selected individually, usually the reception start with a small amount of tincture, gradually increasing the amount of the drug.

Grapes. Helps with edema fresh grapes. Up to ten berries of this plant must be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach, then nothing to eat for as long as possible. Similar treatment should continue for a long time.

The treatment of hydrocephalus parsley and watercress

Recipe 1. Fresh parsley (half a kilo) poured a liter of milk. Capacity with the drug is put into the oven, where the milk is languishing 3-4 hours. During the preparation make sure that the milk does not boil, and then reduce the volume of fluid twice the capacity removed from the oven and the contents filtered. Parsley broth with milk take 1-2 tablespoons throughout the day every hour. Throughout the course of treatment is recommended to eat more watercress.

Recipe 2. Missed through a meat grinder herbs parsley add 0.5 liters of boiling water and put in a warm dark place for 6-8 hours. A slurry of parsley, you must take one drink. A few hours later the drug is filtered, mixed with lemon juice and take for the day, divided into several stages. Folk medicine in the treatment of hydrocephalus is recommended to use the drug two days in a row, and then repeat the course every three days.

Treatment of dropsy Adonis spring

A teaspoon of spring Adonis should pour a glass of boiling water and infuse in a thermos for hours. Strain the decoction and take a tablespoon three times a day. According to the recommendations of folk medicine, treatment of hydrocephalus is due to the increase in the volume of urine, while fast enough, may disappear swelling of the legs. During treatment it is necessary to accurately observe the dosage: 5-6 drops for the treatment of children two years of age, 15 drops give a six-year-old children. The plant itself is considered poisonous.

The treatment of hydrocephalus herbs

Recipe 1. Two tablespoons of birch leaves or a tablespoon of kidney plants pour a pint of boiling water, insist hour and strain. It is recommended to use the infusion four times a day before meals. Similarly prepare an infusion of chicory, eryngium, meadowsweet and Wintergreen. In folk medicine to treat dropsy and swelling are widely used all of these herbs.

Recipe 2. To treat edema of any origin, with the help of fuck. 150 g pulp of the plant mixed with the juice of three lemons and take a teaspoon on an empty stomach twice a day. Throughout the course of treatment should abandon the usesalt and limit the amount of liquid. Treatment is accompanied by taking diuretics herbs. As such means you can use cranberries, the Bay a couple of teaspoons of plants glass of water. After fifteen minutes of boiling the broth it is cooled and filtered. Use the tool in small SIPS throughout the day.

Recipe 3. Fluid accumulation in the tissues of the lung, you can use corn silk, which is harvested during the flowering plants. The crushed pieces of corn silk mixed with honey in the ratio 1:2 and take one teaspoon five times a day.

Recipe 4. In the treatment of dropsy it is possible to use a tea made from the roots of nettles. One teaspoon of the crushed parts of plants pour a glass of boiling water, insist and drink instead of tea a glass twice a day.

Recipe 5. From edema of any origin can be eliminated using the recipe of traditional medicine for the treatment of dropsy with the use of plantain leaves. The patient is allowed to eat a few crackers, not drinking their water, then he needs to chew and swallow up to ten leaves of the plantain. Within one hour of taking the liquid in any form after the procedure is not recommended. Repeat the treatment two or three times during the day.

Recipe 6. In dropsy, accompanied by urinary retention, it is recommended to use red clover. It is necessary to take 100 g of dried or 200 g freshly picked flowering heads of the plant. Medicinal raw materials are soaked in two liters of dry wine during the week, shaking daily capacity. A week later, the contents of the bottle poured into the pot, boil and keep on low heat for another half hour, cooled and filtered. Tincture is recommended to be stored in the cold. Take the tool 50 g three times a day before meals.

Treatment of hydrocele and the peritoneal cavity

Recipe 1. Folk medicine recommends to treat hydrocele massage in warm water three fingers. The next swelling of the testicle, the procedure is repeated up to several times a day.

Recipe 2. In dropsy of the abdomen helps hemp chaff. It is brewed and taken orally as a tea, and the volume of broth used per day needs to be large enough, and the drug – as often as possible.

Recipe 3. For the treatment of dropsy of the abdominal cavity can take 50 grams of black chokeberry, 30 g of rosehips and pods of beans. All the ingredientspour a liter of boiling water, insist 12 hours and boil for 5-6 minutes, then insist for another 6-7 hours. Take the drug is one glass three times a day, adding a tablespoon of honey.