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Treatment of hair loss: effective tools and masks for hair loss at home

With the problem of hair loss faced by people of different age and sex, and it's always very unpleasant. Over the past few decades the incidence of baldness in young men has increased significantly, and blame adverse environmental conditions and over-saturation of food with harmful chemical additives. However, this is only part of the negative factors leading to hair loss.

Hair loss can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • The aging of the organism;
  • Malnutrition and vitamin deficiency;
  • Age-related and pathological changes in the hormonal background;
  • Strong stress;
  • Dirty air and water;
  • Poor quality hair products;
  • Trauma to the hair follicles and improper brushing;
  • By wearing tight hats.

As a rule, complete or partial baldness develops under the influence of several factors: for example, a man whose family all men have got balding to 45 years, and which from the nature of very high levels of testosterone in the blood, likely to repeat the fate of their ancestors, especially in the presence of a harmful nerve. A woman whose mother lost the thickness of hair after childbirth or during menopause, may itself face this problem, especially if she eats, combing and care of hair exactly the same as the mother.

Hair loss is depressing for everyone a bad effect on the self-esteem and often becoming the indirect cause of setbacks in his personal life. That's why cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies are doing to hair loss a lot of money, offering customers a "miracle" shampoos, masks and balms, are able in an instant to regain its former beauty. The majority of these funds consist of well-known natural medicinal components are mixed with preservatives and fragrances.

If you don't want to overpay for chemistry, we highly recommend you to read this material: we will tell you about the most effective and safe drugs from hair loss, which may take any person in the home.

The content of the article:

Onion juice is an effective remedy for baldness!

Why among all the healthful vegetables and fruits doctors-trichologists allocate it an onion? Even angry, do not recommend for hair in something more appropriate and pleasant smell? It may surprise you, but the aroma and testifies to the exceptional benefits of onions for health hair follicles.

Odor of onions is due to the presence in its composition of a large number of sulfur – a very rare and useful for hair of chemical element. No other food product there is so much sulphur as in bulb onions.

Sulphur takes part in the synthesis process of collagen, so necessary for the strength, elasticity and smoothness of our hair. This mineral is generally not produced by the body, but if a person eats a full and varied, of sulphur deficiency should arise. This condition is manifested by dryness and peeling of the skin section and hair loss, brittle nails, General weakness and fatigue.

In addition to sulfur, onions contains live natural keratin, and this is another reason to apply onion juice topically, i.e., applied fresh directly on the hair roots. Keratin is part of most toning shampoos, but where is the guarantee that the rest of their components are useful, or at least safe for the hair? But using pure onion juice, you will receive only benefits.

Onion juice helps for hair loss of any etiology: age, hormonal, genetic, toxic. Subject to regular and long-term (3 month minimum) treatment hair grow even in bald people.

Recipes medicinal hair masks based on onion

Before you start treatment of hair bow, you need to consider some nuances of this technique:

  • To make onion mask from time to time, once a week or several times a month makes no sense. So you only get a couple hours of fuss and tears, and then a couple of unforgettable days and does not wash off the aroma. Need to be treated daily for as minimum2 months;
  • The smell of onion from hair enhanced when wet: should you sweat greatly or get caught in the rain, he will manifest, even ifdry hair no smell;
  • Onion paste applied on the hair, leaves a much stronger and more lasting fragrance than carefully squeezed the juice;
  • Masks based on onions, regardless of the whole, can not be kept on hair for longer than 30 minutes to avoid irritation or even burn the skin surface.

Now we give recipes based on onions and onion juice:

  • Basic mask against hair loss with onion juice. First, soak a small towel over the steam to heat up and scored the moisture, wrap the head, to the pores open and the juice is better absorbed, and begin to prepare the mask. Clean one large or two small onions, cut into small slices, scroll through a meat grinder or chop in a blender, strain through a folded in several layers of cheesecloth. Remove the towel, gently apply the juice on the hair roots, gently massage, again wrap head with a towel, wait 30 minutes and rinse your hair with clean water.
  • Mask of the onion and the tincture of Cayenne pepper. The procedure is the same as in the previous recipe, only in onion juice before applying on the hair, you need to add one full dropper of tincture of burning pepper. To prepare this drug can on their own (read about it below), and can be purchased at the pharmacy, sredneroznichnaja price – 15 rubles. The tincture has a strong stimulating effect on hair follicles, so this mask is suitable even for treatment of complete baldness, not only from thinning and hair loss.
  • Mask against hair loss and dandruff with onions and garlic. Hair loss is very often associated with dandruff and seborrhea. If you have a weak oily hair with dandruff, frequent washing with shampoos will not help but rather worsen the problem. Try a mask of onion and garlic one medium onion 2 head of garlic sobocka, scroll through a meat grinder and apply the paste to the hair roots for 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Volatile – natural antibiotics, which are rich in onion and garlic, an excellent job with the fungus that causes dandruff.
  • Nourishing hair mask with onion, honey and egg. One of the main causes of hair loss is lack of vitamins. Try to solve this problem by using a hydrating mask on the basis of onion, honey and eggs. One small onion, scroll through a meat grinder, mix with three tablespoons of liquid, slightly warmed honey and one raw egg. The resulting mass apply on the hair roots with gentle massaging movements, leave for 30 minutes and rinse withuse baby shampoo – just like honey in hair will not do. Use this mask can be no more than two times a week, other days stick to the onions so as not to overload the hair.
  • Mask for dry hair with coconut oil, onions and beer. If the hair loss you have is accompanied by a dry, brittle, itching and split ends 2-3 times a week to do such a mask: two small onions grind in a meat grinder, add a tablespoon of coconut oil (also suitable burdock and castor) and half a Cup of fresh, unpasteurized beer. The resulting mass apply on the hair roots, gently RUB, wrap head with a towel, wait 30 minutes and rinse off using mild shampoo.
  • Ukreplyalsya lotion with rum or brandy. Finely chop two onions, put in half-liter glass jar with a screw lid, fill to the top with rum or brandy, close and store in a dark, cool place for 7 days. Shake the infusion every day. Then strain and apply to roots and throughout hair for 10 minutes each time before shampooing.

How to get rid of the smell?

You just need to decide for yourself what's more important to smell nice or to have healthy hair? Of course, the smell will be, and he can not escape, but the onion helps to fight baldness better than others, and if you are really concerned about a strong hair loss, don't wait until they all fall out and start treatment. With a specific flavor you can handle, if you know little tricks.

Partially or fully neutralize the smell of onion from hair in three ways:

  • By adding essential oils – just drop in the mask a few drops of essential oil of lavender, orange, cinnamon, nutmeg, rosemary or sage. So you can benefit the hair and will score the onion smell;
  • Using cosmetic clay immediately after washing onion mask for half an hour also apply to head a mush of white, blue or pink clay. It will absorb the strong flavor of onions, you just completely rinse out hair;
  • Rinsing with a solution of Apple cider vinegar – pour into a basin of clean cool water and add 9% strength Apple cider vinegar at the rate of 1 tablespoon to 1 liter. After onion mask rinse your hair in this solution for at least five minutes and do not rinse it with water.

Essential oil Bay – the most effective remedy for hair loss!

Bellevue essential oil and so is properly called the healing oily juice obtained from the bark of an exotic tree Bay – a truly unique tool for the health of the hair. It appeared on the market relatively recently, but has already proven to be effective in combating baldness.

Aromatic Bay oil has on the hair the following types of therapeutic effects:

  • Strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair loss due to mechanical damage;
  • Penetrates the hair, thickens them and smoothes the scales;
  • Has antiallergic and detoxifying effect;
  • Removes dandruff, fights against skin dryness and peeling scalp.

To achieve a pronounced effect, you can add Bellevue oil in any cosmetic products for hair care: shampoos, conditioners, masks, based on 10 ml oil in 100 ml of the product. If you make a natural homemade hair mask, simply apply it one drop of aromatic oil of Bay.

In addition to the relative rarity of this essential oil, prevents many people from using it peculiar smell. He is very strong, and, in the opinion of the people, is a nuclear mixture of Bay leaf, cloves and allspice. Someone like this scent seems unbearable, but those who love the smell of spices, usually do not feel discomfort in wimalasena your hair with this essential oil.

Most popular boyevogo supplier of oil to the Russian market is the company Styx Naturcosmetic – it offers a quality product at an affordable price (about 1300 rubles for a jar).

Tincture of Cayenne pepper for hair loss

In addition to those hair follicles that the person involved, there are those who are dormant, or lost the ability to grow hair over time, under the influence of internal and external adverse factors or mechanical damage. To awaken and strengthen all the follicles, sometimes you have to resort to drastic means, one of which is tincture of red hot pepper.

When pepper vodka gets on the skin of the head, it has a local warming and stimulating effect. The intensity of the impact depends on the proportions. In any case, for the treatment of hair loss, you will need the very tincture that can be purchased at the pharmacy or make yourself.

One bottle pharmacypepper stands about fifteen rubles, but it lasts only for 3-4 applications. So if you are going to treat the hair for a long time and regularly, it makes sense to prepare the drug at home.

The recipe of tincture of hot pepper. Take 5-7 pods of red hot pepper, fresh and dried. Slice them crosswise slices 1 cm wide, fold in a glass jar with a screw cap, pour half a liter of vodka or medical alcohol, tightly ocuparte and insist 14 days in a dark, cool place, shaking occasionally. Pepper vodka is ready, strain thoroughly, pour in a convenient glass container and put in storage in a Cabinet or refrigerator door.

Hair mask with tincture of Cayenne pepper. Mix 1 tablespoon of pepper with the same amount of warmed castor oil and any hair. Separate hair into partings long, 2 cm wide and apply the mask on hair roots using a large cotton swab. Do not RUB the composition into the skin, produce light blotted movement. Then wrap head with cellophane from top to wear the wool cap, soak the mask for 30 minutes and wash with a mild shampoo.

Recommendations for the treatment of hair loss tincture of hot pepper:

  • If you feel intolerable pain, immediately rinse with and next time add less of the tincture, or dilute it with water;
  • The complete lack of warming effect suggests that pepper vodka is expired or improperly stored in heat and in an open container;
  • A tincture based on vodka can be diluted with water five times, and on the basis of alcohol – ten times. Lower concentrations will not have a pronounced therapeutic effect;
  • Mask using only one pepper and water, or infusions of herbs to be used on normal and oily hair. When dry you should always add a mask of some oil;
  • Tincture of hot pepper can not be used if the scalp is damaged, inflamed, covered with wounds, scratches or ulcerations;
  • The frequency of the use of masks on the basis of tincture of hot peppers depends on the desired effect: just to reinforce and thick enough once a week if your hair is necessary to do treatments 2-3 times per week, and a strong baldness requires daily treatment for 2-3 months.

Effective mask for hair growth on the basis of Cayenne pepper

Head massage with coarse salt from hair loss

This methodology of hair treatment is known since ancient times, and although modern medicine does not recognize it, thousands of people today are successfully fighting against baldness by using common salt. In fairness, we note that to massage the scalp will not be suitable for every salt. For example, table salt is very finely ground will not be able to provide the hair follicles of pronounced stimulating effect. However, it is not only the size and shape of the crystals, but also in the chemical composition of the product.

The most effective salt for hair loss is a pink Himalayan salt with high mineral content. To enhance the therapeutic effect it is recommended to use it in cooking instead of salt.

Natural crystalline sea salt has on the hair the following types of healing effects:

  • Abrasive – during the massage, the crystals exfoliate the outer dead skin layer of the scalp and stimulate the renewal of epidermis at the cellular level;
  • Cleansing saline solution perfectly incorporates all the garbage accumulated on the scalp dust, dirt, residues of cosmetics;
  • Transport – because massage crystal salt opens the pores, removes dead cells and stimulates circulation, any medicinal agents deposited on the skin during the procedure, penetrate better and have a more pronounced therapeutic effect;
  • Nutrient – chlorine and iodine contained in sea salt, dry hair, however when applied exclusively to the skin, these minerals benefit, not harm. Very useful for hair also sodium, magnesium, calcium, strontium and bromine;
  • Antiseptic – the aforementioned minerals, chlorine and iodine have a devastating effect on bacteria and fungi, and, therefore, help to eliminate dandruff.

Hair treatment with salt: characteristics and contraindications

With the simplicity and versatility, this technique has its contraindications. If you have very dry and brittle hair that falls out at the slightest touch, scalp massage crystal salt can exacerbate the problems or even to complete loss of hair. In such a situation it is better to stay on the treatment with healing oils, natural masks or decoction of medicinal herbs.

But inthe case of the oily hair massage the salt can hurt. For example, when a person has severe dandruff, seborrhea and itching, he can scratch his head and cause himself microdamages. If then at the scarred skin apply crystal salt and RUB, inevitable severe pain, burning and increase of the period of cicatrization of wounds. So you need to carefully inspect the hair roots before you do the massage salt.

Hair treatment with salt is contraindicated in injuries of the scalp, severe dryness of the hair, diabetes, dysfunctions of the thyroid gland and dermatological diseases.

Procedure massage the scalp crystalline salt of the following:

  • If you decided not to take ordinary table salt, and purchased at the pharmacy or cosmetic store healing sea salt first make the test on sensitivity: dissolve a little product, apply to the skin of the elbow and wait a day. The lack of redness and irritation suggests that salt is good and does not contain hazardous chemical impurities;
  • Before the massage, apply to face and neck around the hairline any fat cream. This will save skin from dryness in case of ingress of salt solution;
  • Themselves strands of hair, especially split ends, before the procedure is necessary to handle warmed in a water bath olive, castor, coconut, burdock or regular sunflower oil;
  • To salt massage you can only unwashed hair. They have a thin film of sebum, which performs a protective role and prevents too strong corrosion;
  • A scalp massage is performed with gentle circular movements for five minutes, after which scrub leave it on the roots for another five minutes, and then rinse. Longer keep the composition makes no sense as a primary treatment occurs in the process of massage;
  • The salt mask you can leave on for 20-30 minutes and do hot wraps. During the procedure, follow your sensations: burning and discomfort are signals for the immediate flushing of the mask;
  • After salt massage or mask is not necessary to shampoo the hair so cleaned up. Apply the balms and conditioners are also desirable. If you feel tightness and severe dryness, rinse your head with a decoction of chamomile or sage;
  • Hair after salt treatment procedures in any case it is impossible to dry with a hair dryer and put heating appliances (plates, irons);
  • Treatmenthair loss salt is held for at least 1 month with a frequency of 2-3 treatments a week resaw. Then, after a break of 4-6 weeks you can repeat the course massage and salt masks.

The best time to treat hair salt — winter or early spring, when the hair is dirty quickly under hats and deficient in minerals. Summer treatments should not be done, the hair is so drying under the action of ultraviolet light.

Recipes salt remedies from hair loss

Start treating better with the most gentle of recipes, which in addition to salt there are extenuating components. If your hair respond well to salt mask, you can go to intense scrubs. To assess the effect of each tool, you need to give him time to act: use recipes in order within a month, then take a break and go to another mask, only if the previous did not give the expected result.

Present recipes featuring salt:

  • Proteuses. Large grain or crystal table sea salt massage into the roots of damp hair in a circular motion for 5-7 minutes until all perceptible crystals are dissolved. Then rinse the head with clean water and dry naturally.
  • Olive mask. Heat in a water bath 50 ml of olive oil first cold pressed, add 50 g of coarse salt, stir, apply on the roots of unwashed hair, wrap head with plastic wrap, and tie the top with a towel. After half an hour, rinse the mask with warm water.
  • A honey mask. Same in a water bath preheat 50 ml of liquid honey, add 50 g of coarse salt and whisk the mixture with a mixer until the state foam, the salt dissolved completely. Ready weight put on the roots of the hair, wrap and leave on for 20-30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • Brandy mask. Prepare honey mask recipe above, but before applying add 1 tablespoon of good cognac. Soak under the hood for 30 minutes and rinse. Instead of brandy you can use rum.
  • Semolina mask. Mix equal proportions of cream of wheat, boiled in milk, and large table salt. In this mass add 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, the same amount of olive oil and 1 egg yolk. Mix thoroughly, apply on hair roots for half an hour and then rinse.
  • Yolk scrub. Mix 2-3 raw egg yolks with 2-3 tablespoons of table or sea salt, but the crystals are not dissolved until the end.Apply this composition on hair roots and massage gently for 5-7 minutes until the salt completely dissolves, then rinse.
  • Clay scrub. Prepare 100 ml of a slurry of water and cosmetic blue clay, add the same amount of coarse salt, stir, apply on head and massage hair follicles for 5-7 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Salt scrub for hair growth

Black seed oil hair loss

This oil is a concentrated elixir of nutrients, amino acids, lipids, vitamins and minerals, which strengthen hair and stop hair loss even at the later stages of alopecia. In the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry black cumin oil is widely used for the production of therapeutic shampoos, balms and masks, as well as rejuvenating creams for the face and body. However, instead of spending big money on tools, you can buy in a drugstore oil of black cumin and use it in the course of home health procedures.

Black cumin oil has on the scalp and hair the following types of healing effects:

  • Strengthens and nourishes the hair follicles, nourishes them with vitamins, amino acids and enzymes;
  • Prevent damage hair in the process of combing and wearing hats;
  • Protects hair from the damaging effects of sunlight;
  • Compensate for the consequences of using harmful, aggressive cosmetics;
  • Promotes cell regeneration and activates the dormant hair follicles.

This is a very concentrated product, so even with severe hair loss, black cumin oil should be used with caution and dosage. If you add it to the composition of homemade natural masks, keep in mind that the share of oil should not exceed 20% of the total weight of the therapeutic product. Strengthen the therapeutic effect by using the reception of black seed oil orally, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before eating.

Hair treatment oil , black cumin held courses for 4-6 weeks with similar intervals, since taking this drug on a regular basis will lead to a glut of an organism biologically active substances. Contraindications this method of strengthening hairhas, however sometimes there are cases of individual intolerance or Allergy to black cumin oil.

Before the first application of oil must spend a standard scratch test for allergies. If you are expecting or feeding a baby, better refrain from contact with this potent substance.

Recipes hair masks with black cumin oil

Black cumin oil can be purchased in a drugstore or order online, it is quite affordable and widespread drug. Do not forget to dilute it with other components in proportions not more than 1:5. The ideal treatment of hair loss is to simply add a few drops of black seed oil in the usual homemade mask. Below you will find the most effective recipes.

Give 7 recipes hair masks with black cumin oil:

  • Mask with pepper vodka and coconut oil. The procedure is performed in two stages. First on the hair roots for 10 minutes apply diluted tincture of red hot pepper. Well she warms up and prepares the hair follicles. Pepper vodka then wash off and cause warmed in a water bath coconut oil with a few drops of black seed oil. The mixture is kept for half an hour and rinse.
  • Butter and olive mask from split ends. This mask is applied for 15-20 minutes and distribute on all length of hair, though, as much as possible means trying to concentrate on the split ends. Mix 100 ml of warm water-bath of olive oil with 1 tablespoon of black seed oil and the same amount of heavy cream. Rinse using mild shampoo.
  • Mask with onion seeds to accelerate hair growth. Prepare the mask according to the previous recipe olive oil and caraway oil, instead of cream and add 1 tablespoon of ground seeds of onion. Keep warm under the hood for 20-30 minutes, then shampoo.
  • Chamomile mask with essential oils against gray hair. In 100 ml of warm infusion of chamomile add 1 tablespoon of black seed oil and 5 drops of essential oils of cedar and rosemary. Keep the mask on the hair underneath a warming cap for 15-20 minutes and rinse with a mild shampoo. It is also useful to do the rinsing, with the addition of fresh lemon juice.
  • Kefir mask dandruff and hair loss. If hair loss is combined with dandruff, prepare a healing mask of half a Cup of warmed buttermilk, 1 tablespoon of black seed oil and a few drops of essential oil of tea tree. Maintainthe hair under the hood for 15-20 minutes and rinse with a mild shampoo.
  • Nutritious egg mask with aromatic oils. Mix three raw egg yolk with a few drops of caraway, burdock and castor and lemon essential oil. Apply on hair roots and keep under a warming cap for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with a mild shampoo.
  • Creamy olive mask against dry scalp. If you have hair fall and severely flaky scalp, try this recipe: mix 50 ml of warmed on a water bath olive oil, 50 ml of thick cream and 1 tablespoon of caraway oil. Apply on the hair roots, gently massage for five minutes, then wrap head, soak the mask for half an hour and rinse with shampoo.

What to do if there is no result?

People with severe forms of hair loss, for example, diffuse or androgenic alopecia, are skeptical about the treatment of folk remedies. However, this does not prevent them from spending too much money on visits to a private clinic to pay doctors trichologists and buying expensive cosmetics. That's a shame and there is a woeful disappointment, even when thorough and accurate adherence to the recommendations does not bring the expected result.

If you recognize yourself in this description, try to understand three simple things:

  • A qualified doctor is needed only to patients completely lost their hair and were not able to recover them even with the help of many years of hard treatment. And the doctor only need them for a last resort of hair transplantation. In all other cases, any person is able to cope with the problem of hair loss;
  • Absolutely everything expensive ultra-modern means of baldness are composed of well known components: extracts of herbs, fruits and nuts, essential oils, fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and so on. Treatment for hair loss these components individually will bring you more benefit and save more money;
  • To judge the effectiveness of a particular technique of hair restoration only after the full (and sometimes repeatedly done) of treatment, with no gaps, exceptions, and excuses.

So, to answer the question: "what if there is no result?" Ask yourself, if all you did to achieve this result? And if not, collect will in a fist, move away laziness and prejudices, aiming for goals and notgive up. Just a positive attitude and belief in success will allow you to return to its former splendor and beauty of the hair. Be healthy and beautiful.