Treatment of inflammation of the ovaries folk remedies

Treatment of inflammation of the ovaries infusions and decoctions

Inflammation of the ovaries must be treated in a hospital, but there are national resources that can be of great help: reduce pain, provide anti-inflammatory effects, promoting early recovery. For this widely used infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants.

Infusion 1. The grass Potentilla goose (2 tablespoons), pour a pint of boiling water and leave for an hour. After cooking the drug tsedyat and drink daily half a Cup before eating. This infusion can be used for douching, but make it more concentrated: 5 tablespoons of raw materials to a pint of water. Means insist in a thermos for 6-8 hours.

Infusion of 2. When inflammation of the ovaries is useful to take the infusion of leaves of bilberry (1 teaspoon per Cup of boiling water). Preparing the medication for thirty minutes, after which it should be filtered through cheesecloth and use it for douching. The inflammation should pass.

Infusion 3. Anti-inflammatory effect and has the infusion of inflorescences of Tilia cordata. To use inside it is prepared by brewing in a pint of boiling water a couple of tablespoons of raw materials. For irrigation lime brewed with the expectation of five tablespoons to two cups of boiling water. To insist the drug you need at least three hours.

Infusion 4. Folk healers recommend to take the infusion of dried roots of barberry. In a glass of water half an hour boil half a teaspoon of raw, then tsedyat through cheesecloth and taken orally on a teaspoon three times a day.

Infusion 5. When inflammation of the ovaries good folk recipe is an infusion of lemon balm, prepared at the rate of 4 teaspoons of raw materials Cup of boiling water. Within the hour the medication is to infuse, after which it must drain and drink half a Cup three times a day.

Infusion 5. Steep for treatment of the disease, the herb yarrow. A teaspoon of dry grass pour boiling water (250 ml), after which simmer for ten minutes. Slightly cool the drug and drink a third Cup three times a day before meal.

Infusion 6. Inflammation of ovaries can be treated with decoction of corn stigma and columns. Ten pour a glass of boiling water and cook a few minutes on low heat. Drink the medicine you need for