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Congenital dislocation of the hip

Symptoms and diagnosis of congenital hip dislocation

Congenital hip dislocation is quite severe disorders, to cure which can be very difficult. It is noteworthy that girls suffer from this disease five times more often than boys. Congenital hip dislocation can be unilateral and bilateral. Unilateral dislocation and a half to two times more common than bilateral.

The main cause of congenital dislocation of the hip is hip dysplasia: a fetus in the womb, undergoing development disorders of joint, as a result, bones become underdeveloped pelvis, the femoral head is displaced, the ossification of the articular elements slows down.

To diagnose congenital dislocation of the hip is necessary as early as possible, because this depends largely on the success of the treatment. Unfortunately, due to a thick layer of muscles surrounding the joint, the hip joint is examined with difficulty. To recognize the dislocation, it is possible to find a violation of the normal relationship of the upper end of the femur and acetabulum.

Symptoms of congenital hip dislocation

The older the child, the easier it is to diagnose congenital dislocation of the hip. But delayed treatment can permanently affect the baby's health. Therefore, it is essential to know the basic symptoms of congenital dislocation of the hip. Such is, for example, clicking which can be heard if you bend the child's legs at the knee and hip joints. It is important not to confuse the symptom of a clicking crunching in the knee joints, because the latter is normal for babies and occurs when the rate of growth of the bones and ligaments of the joints do not coincide. Usually the clicking symptom disappears by the second month of a child's life, but discovered at this time, the pathology of the most treatable.

Another important clinical manifestation is the limitation of adduction of the thighs of the child to the side. This symptom is manifested predominantly during the first year of life. To reveal it, you need to put the child on the back and take bent at the hip and knee joints of the legs. The kids have a normal angle breeding hips 80-90 degrees, but if the hip dislocation the movement of joints is limited. In the case of a symptom of restriction of abduction of the hip dislocation should be differentiated from spastic paralysis, pathological dislocation of the hip, and so on.

You should also pay attention to the asymmetry of gluteal folds: hip luxation, they are located on different levels and have different depths.

An important feature of congenital dislocationis shortening on the affected side or the orientation of the foot outwards.

With age, in children the disease is manifested by gait disorders (limp, "duck walk").

Treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip

Treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip can be performed conservatively and surgically. In case of early diagnosis of the disease, conservative methods have proven quite effective. Child pick up a splint that holds the foot in a divorced situation. This way you can achieve the proper development and formation of the hip joint. But even in cases formed of dislocation of the hip children need conservative treatment. It does not give effect only in long-standing dislocations. Then, the patient surgical operation.

Parents should also be aware that tight swaddle children is not recommended. Joints are better developed, if the child can move his legs the way he wants.

In conclusion, we should say that the outcome of the disease depends on timely diagnosis. Only early treatment will avoid dangerous consequences, and gait disorders.