the "mask" on the hair for half an hour, then thoroughly rinse the hair with soap. Remember that kerosene is flammable substance that is stubborn and detrimental impact on the condition of the hair.

People's councils for the treatment of lice

1. Among the means you can become good helpers in the treatment of lice – a mixture of cabbage juice with honey, which should be rubbed into the head.

2. If you boil agrimony or elecampane root, you get a good means for rinsing the hair. Similarly, you can use a decoction of tobacco or lavender.

3. Rubbed into the scalp infusion is recommended, which consists of the rhizome of a hellebore (2 tablespoons), the herb rosemary (2 tablespoons) and warmed up pork fat (30 g ). Insist the medication for at least 12 hours, after which the tail and rubbed into the head for 5-10 days.

4. To display pubic lice, the hair in the intimate area and armpits to shave, and then wash the body with warm water and soap. To soothe itching, the affected area is recommended to lubricate boric ointment, "Lanzada", rinse decoction of cumin, thyme or nettle. These funds have a strong antibacterial and calming effect. It is very important to wash often, wash well, and ironed linen with a hot iron, paying special attention to the seams.

5. Body lice go away if washed with household soap and hot water. All clothing and underwear should be processed with heat and insecticides.