Home / Treatment / A list of the most useful products in case of cholecystitis

A list of the most useful products in case of cholecystitis

The most useful

Psyllium husk

Cholecystitis is the most beneficial those products that tend to lower cholesterol. This substance leads to formation of stones in the gallbladder and blocking the outflow of bile. This situation provokes an inflammatory process, so you need to eat foods that possess anti-inflammatory abilities. Among them special place is occupied psyllium husk, popularly referred to as flea seed or Basica.

According to research by scientists at the University of Massachusetts, this herbal remedy can dramatically reduce the likelihood of stone formation in the gallbladder. These amazing properties are related to the fact that the seeds of plantain contain abundant soluble fiber, which its appearance effectively reduces the concentration of cholesterol in this organ. Flea seed can be added to any dish, the recommended dose is about 4 tablespoons per day.

Good choleretic properties is famous for , infusion of leaves of plantain.

Despite the positive medicinal properties, some people from the use of this plant must be abandoned or before treatment consult the doctor. In this category are suffering from diseases of the stomach, accompanied by increased acidity, and patients who have a tendency to form blood clots.

Oil with cholecystitis

When inflammation of the gallbladder diet can include different types of oils. Vegetable abound easy for digestion fats, which is able to stimulate the excretion of excess bile. Should give preference to unrefined products, the most rich in mineral components. The important point is the way the use of these products: they are added only in ready meals, avoiding heat, providing the safety of medicinal properties, in addition, they are used as a dressing for salads. The daily rate of vegetable oil consumption is about 30 ml in divided doses (with calculous cholecystitis)or 50 ml (if the inflammation of the gallbladder is not accompanied by the formation of stones).

It is also recommended daily use of about 20 g of butter, animal source fats, which in small quantity is required for each body. And included in this product vitamins, acids, and other nutrients will help to maintain normal functioning of internal organs and systems.

Olive oil

Olive oil is the most preferred analogues. It contains numerous organic acids, vitamins (particularly A, K, E, D), phenols and unsaturated fatty acids.

Olive oil has a pronounced choleretic properties, so at certain stages of cholecystitis may be banned for use, but overall is an excellent prophylactic against stagnation of bile and subsequent inflammation. In addition, olive oil is able to reduce cholesterol, thereby preventing formation of stones. It has a slight laxative effect, positively affecting the digestive system as a whole.

This product can be used for any type of food, it is important not to expose it to too aggressive overheating. Consumption per day should not exceed 2 tablespoons.

Olive oil used as therapeutic agents to conduct tyubazh (tubeless drainage) – flushing gallbladder, which helps in the treatment of cholecystitis. This procedure is carried out in the period of remission and in the absence of elevated temperature.

The greatest benefit has olive oil the first cold pressing, which has a delicate greenish-yellow color, rich taste of olives and a pleasant aroma.

Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil – a great source of omega-3, omega-6 and many other unsaturated fatty acids, whose content exceeds their concentration even in fish oil. Potassium with vitamins F, E, B, A strengthen the body and reduce the content of cholesterol. Linseed oil is able to normalize hormonal balance.

In case of cholecystitis it is used only at the time of eating. But people with gallstone disease, pancreatitis, low blood clotting, women's diseases, suffering from bleeding application of linseed oil should be agreed with your doctor.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil has a unique range of therapeutic properties, which are caused by members of this product of biologically active substances – tocopherol,phospholipids, phytosterols, organic acids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals as well as carotenoids. Of particular value are contained palmitoleic and palmitic fatty acids.

For patients with cholecystitis sea buckthorn oil is of interest as a substance that normalize the production of cholesterol, relieving inflammation of the mucous membranes and accelerating the regeneration processes. But in the acute period of disease apply this tool inside is prohibited. Contraindications to the use of oil is also hepatitis, gastric disorders, kidney stones, diarrhea. Before using the product should consult their physician to check an allergic reaction to it from the body.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil, corn and sunflower – known stimulants of secretion of bile, cholecystitis can have both positive and negative evaluation. For example, when the gallbladder have formed stones, the high activity of the biliary tract can provoke biliary colic, if the concretion will clog the passage and impede the flow of bile. Therefore, when calculous cholecystitis any vegetable oil used with caution.

Thistle oil

Thistle oil is safe and very effectively cope with the number of tasks that are associated with the characteristics of the flow of cholecystitis, in particular, relieves spasms of smooth muscles, improves the production and facilitates the excretion of bile, removes inflammation, fights protozoa and microbes that trigger the disease, helps to get rid of stones.

To features of treatment with Thistle oil can be attributed to the duration of this process and the gradual onset of improvement.

The substance has a yellowish-green color, pleasant smell and taste. To use this product is not recommended for people with individual intolerance to the components of the plant, pregnant, sick in the period of exacerbation of gallstone disease and cholecystitis, children under 12 years.

Herbs with cholecystitis

Treatment with herbs aims at a comprehensive solution of the problems causing cholecystitis and accompanying its course, such as:

  • stagnation of bile for this purpose, use plants with pronounced choleretic properties;
  • spasm of the biliary tract and gallbladder – herbs with a relaxing effect;
  • the microorganisms causing inflammatoryprocess – Antiprotozoal drug and has an antimicrobial effect;
  • the disruption of the liver– herbs with hepatoprotective properties;

  • the formation of stones – plants that can destroy the stones and prevent their recurrence.

Many herbs with gepatoprotektoram the action are part of known effective drugs: milk Thistle, chicory ordinary, dandelion. Not inferior to them therapeutic qualities clover Lupin, Bupleurum Chinese, fighter protivogaznyh. Among the well-known and publicly available plants it is worth noting calendula officinalis, which is also able to exert a beneficial effect on the liver.

Milk Thistle cholecystitis

Milk Thistle cures cholecystitis inflammation in the bile ducts, as well as effectively repairs liver cells and provides protection of this organ from toxic effects. Often used the seeds of this plant, which is ground and taken with water before meals. Practiced by the use of decoction of dried root to treat inflammation of the gallbladder.

Chicory with cholecystitis

Chicory with cholecystitis are used in the form of decoctions, infusions of roots, flowers and seeds of the plant. It helps to prevent disturbances in the liver and gallbladder, and fresh juice can be used as a stimulant of secretion of bile. Coffee from chicory dissolves the stones and helps remove them from the body.

The bulk of hepatoprotectors has a choleretic effect. A striking example is the strawflower.

From plants mainly choleretic character worthy of attention such as common tansy, field mint and peppermint, barberry ordinary and Amur, centaury small, velvet Amur. These same properties, corn columns and birch leaves.

All cholagogue herbs are divided into 2 groups:

  • choleretic (the discharge of bile is enhanced by the increased secretion its composition of water and increase the total fluid volume);
  • holekinetiki (bile is expelled by raising the tone of the biliary tract and gall bladder).

Each has features to use. So, in the presence of stones in the gallbladder and biliary dyskinesia of hypertensive type, used exclusively haeretici. The use of cholekinetica could trigger a strengthening of pain and the attack of biliary colic. But when non-calculous cholecystitis,accompanied with atony of the gall bladder, and atonic biliary dyskinesia holekinetiki of the more popular and effective.

Herbs with choleretic action – peppermint and birch, with holekineticescoe – tansy common and corn silk. Plants mixed – barberry Amur, Chinese thoroughwax, Helichrysum.

To exert antispasmodic effect capable of anise, dill, marsh cudweed, fennel, cinquefoil goose, caraway, St. John's wort, chamomile, the yellow garden-spider. Special caution when using require plants such as black henbane, deadly common, jimson weed. Their high antispasmodic activity due to the presence of the alkaloid scopolamine, known as hyoscyamine, atropine, but these same substances give these herbs poisonous.

Daisy cholecystitis

Daisy cholecystitis is taken independently in the form of tea, infusions, can be part of the drug charges is aimed at removing the inflammation and spasm reduction. A warm decoction of the flowers of the plant is used as enema.

For the treatment of cholecystitis use of bitterness that stimulate gastric and pancreatic secretion, thereby increasing the formation and excretion of bile. This kind of herbs include wormwood, calamus swamp, a large-flowered gentian, dandelion, bean trefoil, tsetrarii Icelandic and others.

With the task of destruction of concrements cope with madder dye, cleavers and present, of the flowers of wild carrot root, wild rose, immortelle and black radish juice. The process is quite lengthy and can take years.

With the root cause disease – pathogens – is able to handle all of the above plants, but to a different extent. The highest antibacterial efficiency is different bitterness.

The main purpose Antiprotozoal herbs – Giardia. Getting rid of them takes a long time, constant laboratory monitoring for their presence and frequent change of medicinal plants. Giardiasis use birch leaf, immortelle sandy, barberry Amur, assure evalisto and the Amur velvet.

Pumpkin seeds with cholecystitis

High efficiency and versatility of the medicinal action of pumpkin seeds could be attributed to their unique composition. Theycontain essential oils, resins, amino acids, easily digestible protein, flavonoids, alkaloids, vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, copper, magnesium, iron and other important substances.

For the treatment of cholecystitis it is recommended to prepare a special "milk"from pumpkin seeds. To this end, we take only the raw seeds, although eating in its pure form can be used and slightly dried. Daily norm of consumption of this product should not exceed half a Cup of seeds.

The oil of pumpkin seeds is the main component of the drug"Tykveol", which is recommended if you have disease of the biliary tract, as well as many other diseases.

It is not desirable to include this product in diet for people with intestinal obstruction and increased acidity of gastric juice.

Juices with cholecystitis

Fresh juices of various fruits, vegetables and plants are widely used to treat the root causes and symptoms of cholecystitis. They are used individually, in mixtures, are also included in the health funds.

The juices included in the diet even those patients who are in the acute stage. In this case, it is recommended to use freshly squeezed drinks from carrot, lemon, orange, diluted in warm water.

In the period of remission can be used for medicinal purposes beet juice (reduces risk of occurrence of attacks of biliary colic), lettuce, celery, parsley (60 ml, as in large doses it has a hallucinogenic effect), white cabbage, black radish, horseradish, pumpkin, barberry, mountain ash, nettle and other plants. Drinks of sweet berries and fruits have a tonic effect and is indicated for any form of cholecystitis.

General rules of consumption of natural fresh juices are:

  • drink should drink no later than 20 minutes after preparation;
  • drink the juice slowly and preferably through a straw to protect tooth enamel;
  • time of reception of the drink – not later than 30 minutes before eating.
Black currant juice is rich in vitamin C, iron, potassium, tannin and pectin, citric and malic acid. It is better to use with chronic cholecystitis. Besides fresh juice you can use jelly, prepared on the basis of natural drink.

Tomato juice with cholecystitis will help to improve the production and excretion of bile, and rich in mineral, vitamincomposition, supplemented with natural sugars, organic acids, dietary fibers, fats, proteins and carbohydrates will have a positive impact on health and well-being.

It is important to note that tomato juice should not be consumed during exacerbation of the disease.

Special attention should be paid and the method of intake of tea. It cannot be subjected to heat treatment, or acid of the organic turns into the inorganic, and will harm. In addition, frequent joint use of the juice from tomatoes and products containing starch (bread, potatoes) can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Carrot juice with cholecystitis, on the contrary, is absolutely safe. It is recommended to drink even in periods of exacerbations, when the patient is transferred on a strict diet. This juice due to its composition prevents the formation of plaque and helps to eliminate this harmful substance. Drink from carrots helps to normalize the secretion and removal of the excess bile.

Drinking carrot juice can be separately, but to expand the healing spectrum allows mixing with other similar drinks in the ratio 1:2. But it is necessary to monitor the amount of consumption, exceeding the target in one and a half liters is considered critical and harmful to health. People suffering from ulcer of the stomach, intestines, gastritis with high acidity, enteritis from drinking carrot juice will have to give.

Potato juice with cholecystitis useful for its anti-inflammatory properties and beneficial effects on mucous membranes. For therapeutic purposes, using fresh coffee, which was defended by 3 minutes (during this time the starch settles). Drink it in its pure form, but in this case, the taste leaves much to be desired.

Much nicer and sometimes more efficient to take potato juice mixed with carrot or beet.

Drink raw potato drink on an empty stomach, then lie down and rest for half an hour. An hour later you can have Breakfast. Treatment of potato juice is 10 days, which is repeated through the same number of days break three times.

Long-term consumption of this drink is dangerous for the pancreas, and in severe forms of diabetes and low acidity it is contraindicated.

Cabbage with cholecystitis

Raw cabbage is an important element of the food system, rich in fiber, but in cholecystitis it is necessary to usewith caution. Preference is given to this vegetable, having undergone heat treatment – boiled or baked. Due to the large amount of fiber Kale, sometimes rubbed, making it easier to follow the process of digestion. At the time of acute illness from this plant is better to abstain.

Sauerkraut with cholecystitis is known for its healing properties, but many people suffering from this disease, fairly doubt, whether they eat it. To include in the diet allowed only non-acidic product that has passed this kind of treatment. If necessary, you can wash too sour sauerkraut and then is, although the pickle juice has good healing properties.

Cauliflower with cholecystitis used as food and remedy at the same time. She is able to enhance the flow of bile that at certain stages of the disease is necessary. As a breeding plant it is used in soups, boiled and baked as well as steamed. The vegetable lends itself well to rubbing and other culinary manipulation that greatly simplifies the process of its use. Only during exacerbation cauliflower is not recommended for use.

Nuts with cholecystitis

Like all substances with a high content of nutrients, nuts are used mainly in small quantities. You should pay attention to what safe are only a crude kernel, ready to eat directly in front of him.

The peeled nuts, which offer shops, during processing and transportation subjected to oxidation, become rancid, and, therefore, dangerous and providing a higher burden on the gallbladder and liver with the pancreas.

Walnuts with cholecystitis have a beneficial effect on the concentration of cholesterol in the body, raise the General level of well-being. They are often used for making medicines with honey. When cooking various dishes them a little sprinkle on top walnuts to increase the nutritional properties of the final product.

Fruits (sweet) in case of cholecystitis

Sweet fruits and berries is one of the essential components of a diet rich in dietary fibers, vitamins, trace elements. They are eaten as a separate dish, prepare from them juice, fruit drinks, salads. In the list of allowed foods this group includes sweet apples, melon, bananas, papaya, avocados, strawberries, watermelons. Fortreat symptoms of cholecystitis are good pears, so they need to include in the menu in sufficient quantity.

Milk and yogurt with cholecystitis

Low-fat varieties of dairy products are extensively used in the diet of patients with cholecystitis. They contain large amount of protein necessary for normal functioning of the body. Milk with low fat content is used as a single drink, and for cooking soups, porridges, as a dressing for tea and other beverages. Kefir normalizes the digestive system, it is usually drunk at night.

It is important to buy only natural products with a minimum content of additional substances, to monitor shelf life and to choose the most recent goods. Otherwise, a weakened body can be caused additional harm.

Quail eggs with cholecystitis

This wonderful product is recommended and useful for people suffering from cholecystitis, for many reasons. First of all, it is worth noting that, unlike chicken eggs, quail do not contain cholesterol, so eat them without fear.

Contained in this product are numerous fat-soluble vitamins, trace elements, high concentration of protein at low caloric content makes quail eggs unique product.

In case of cholecystitis, the daily consumption of quail eggs raw helps to forget about the burp, the sensation of bitterness in the mouth. However, other organs also get your dose of positive effects.

A decoction of oats with cholecystitis

Oats are known for their nutritional and medicinal properties. It is composed of fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins, minerals of a wide range of actions, as well as organic acids, pectins, saponins and alkaloids.

Teas and tinctures made from oats have choleretic, chronic and restorative properties. For the treatment of cholecystitis use of oats. The prepared broth is consumed an hour before meal, drinking slowly, small SIPS. Features of manufacture of a decoction depend on the diagnosis. Infusion of oats prepared differently and take three times a day.

This drug should not be used in patients with cardiovascular and / or hepatic failure and those who have observed hypersensitivity of oats and its components. After gallbladder removal eating oat infusion is prohibited.

Before use of oats it is advisable to consult a gastroenterologist! Read more about the properties of oats here

Signs of excessive use of decoctions and infusions of oats can serveheadaches.

Broth hips with cholecystitis

Rosehips you'll be antimicrobial and light choleretic effect, so widely used in cholecystitis. A decoction of the berries of this plant are drunk as a tea to eliminate the signs of the disease. As the basis of the drink can be used and the flowers of the cinnamon rose. A decoction of the dried roots of this plant is successfully used for stones in the gallbladder.

Important! Medicines from the hips cannot be used in the period of exacerbation of the disease. It is forbidden to drink them for people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, heart failure, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis.

You should not use the hips for a long time, it can lead to the suppression of the insular apparatus of the pancreas. After each use products based on rosehips inside to rinse his mouth, because included in it acid affect tooth enamel.

Beets with cholecystitis

Valuable qualities of this vegetable allow it to be used for people with inflammation of the gallbladder without restrictions. Boiled beets are used as a good food product that helps to diversify and enrich in vitamins daily diet staying on a diet patient. Pronounced healing properties of the juice of this vegetable and its various decoctions. They lower cholesterol, reduce the painful emergence of cholecystitis. Their application before food is good for the patient's condition.

The beets have contraindications, it is forbidden to drink in the presence of the diagnosis of diabetes, gastritis with high acidity, diarrhea, stones in the kidney and alkaline urine.

Lemon with cholecystitis

Lemon – the fruit is quite acidic, so in case of cholecystitis it is used in small amounts with exclusively therapeutic purposes. But that doesn't make it less effective. Most often, the lemon is part of the healing tools to cleanse the gallbladder and biliary ducts (this is called a tyubazh), and also to increase the production of bile.

For cleaning mixture from lemon juice and water, do an enema, lie on your right side and put a heating pad to the area of the liver. After 20 minutes, empty the intestines. Perform the procedure once a week.

To improve the movement of bile lemon grind in a meat grinder, mixed with garlic and honey and take before Breakfast.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist