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Causes high cholesterol, what to do, how to treat?


Cholesterol is a part of almost all living organisms fatlike substance. It is understood that only 20-30% is absorbed from food. The rest of the cholesterol (synonym) cholesterol produced by the body independently. Therefore, the reasons for the increase of its level in the blood may be many.

Elevated cholesterol what does that mean?

The doctors said to increase the level of cholesterol in the blood when the values exceed the norm by more than a third. In healthy people, the rate of cholesterol should be less than 5.0 mmol/l (for more details you can read here: the norm of cholesterol in blood by age). However, it is dangerous not all contained in the blood fat-like substance, but only the low-density lipoproteins. They pose a threat due to the fact that tend to accumulate on the walls of the vessels and after a certain time period to form an atherosclerotic plaque.

On the surface of the build-up inside the vessel is gradually starting to form a blood clot (composed primarily of platelets and blood proteins). He makes the vessel, and sometimes from a blood clot breaks off a small piece that moves with the flow of blood through the vessel to the place where the jar tapers quite. There the clot gets stuck. This leads to the fact that the blood circulation is disturbed, which negatively affects a specific organ. Often blockage of the artery are exposed to the intestinal, lower limbs, spleen and kidney (the doctors say that had a heart attack or other organ). If you suffer vessel feeding the heart, then the patient is myocardial infarction, and if the vessels of the brain, a stroke.

The disease progresses slowly and secretly. The first signs of lack of blood supply to the body of the person can perceive only when the artery will be clogged by more than half. That is, the atherosclerosis will be in an advanced stage.

How it will manifest itself the disease will depend on where the cholesterol began to accumulate. If the aorta is sealed, the person will begin to experiencethe symptoms of hypertension. He faces an aortic aneurysm and death, if not in time to take appropriate therapeutic measures.

If cholesterol clogs the aortic arch, in the end it will lead to what will be a disturbed blood supply of the brain, it causes symptoms such as fainting, dizziness, and then a stroke occurs. If clogged coronary arteries of the heart, the result is coronary artery disease body.

When a blood clot formed in the arteries (mesenteric), intestinal feeding, you can die tissue of the colon or mesentery. Also often formed abdominal toad, causing abdominal cramps, bloating and vomiting.

When you suffer renal artery, it threatens the person with hypertension. The violation of the blood vessels of the penis leads to sexual dysfunction. Circulatory disorders of the lower extremities leads to the appearance in them of the pain and developing a limp, which is called intermittent.

As for statistical data, often increasing the level of cholesterol in the blood is observed in men over the age of 35 and women who are in menopause.

So high cholesterol in the blood can mean only one thing – in the body there are serious violations which, if not taken necessary measures will eventually lead to death.

Causes of high cholesterol

The reasons leading to the fact that the cholesterol level remains stably high, can be:

  • A person has hereditary disease. Among them are the family polygenic hypercholesterolemia, hereditary dysbetalipoproteinemia and combined hyperlipidemia;
  • Kidney disease, for example, renal failure, nephroptosis, is glomerulonephritis;

  • High blood pressure;
  • Coronary heart disease;
  • Gout;

  • Werner Syndrome;
  • Analbuminemia;
  • Pathology of the liver, in particular chronic and acute hepatitis, cirrhosis, extrahepatic jaundice, subacute degeneration of the liver;

  • Pathology of the pancreascancer, it can be acute and chronic pancreatitis, tumors of the body;

  • The presence of diabetes.

  • Hypothyroidism;

  • Age-related disease, which most often appear in people who reach 50 years of age.
  • Malignant tumor of the prostate;
  • Insufficient production of growth hormone;
  • The period of gestation of the child;
  • Obesity and other metabolic disorders;

  • Malnutrition;
  • Anemia, megaloblastic;

  • Obstructive pulmonary disease with chronic in nature;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;

  • Taking certain medicines, such as, androgens, epinephrine, hlorpropamida, glucocorticosteroids;
  • Smoking, and just enough to be a passive smoker;

  • Alcoholism or just the abuse of alcohol beverages;
  • Sedentary lifestyle and lack of minimal physical stress;
  • Excessive consumption of harmful and fat food. Here, however, it is worth to mention that it is not about to go on a cholesterol diet, and on how to reduce the intake of fatty and fried foods.

How dangerous is high cholesterol?

There are certain threats to human health, if it has been a persistent increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood. Many do not see it as cause for concern. However, one should not leave this fact without attention, as it causes a number of cardiovascular pathologies, which ultimately lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Even despite the fact that for the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, a vast number of drugs and a variety of techniques, the pathology is ranked first among all diseases causing death among the population all over the world. The world health organization provides clear figures: 20% of strokes and 50% of heart attacks are caused by the fact that people have observed elevated levels of cholesterol. However, do not despair, if there was the highthe level of this substance in the blood, as cholesterol must be controlled.

However, in order to realistically assess the risk, you need a clear understanding of the what constitutes hazardous and non-hazardous cholesterol:

  • LDL is the so-called "bad" cholesterol. It is the higher level of risk that arteries get blocked and as a result there is a risk of formation of strokes and heart attacks. It is therefore necessary to strive to ensure that his blood levels did not exceed 100 mg/DL. However, the indicators are for an absolute healthy person. If a history of heart disease, lower LDL levels, you need at least 70 mg/DL;
  • Good cholesterol reduces the amount of "bad". He is able to join the "bad" cholesterol and transport it to the liver, where after certain reactions, it will be naturally excreted from the human body;
  • Another type of unhealthy fats called "triglycerides". They also circulate in the blood and LDL, increase the risk of fatal diseases. Their blood levels should not exceed the level of 50 mg/DL.

In the bloodstream of every human circulating cholesterol and if the level of "bad" fats begins to rise, he, or rather his excess, tend to be deposited on the vessel walls, eventually narrowing the artery so that blood cannot pass through them as before. And their walls become fragile. Plaques are formed, around which is formed a blood clot. It disrupts the blood supply to an organ and there is ischemia of the tissues.

The risks of high cholesterol are not diagnosed, as high as the number of deaths arising from this process. This is because high cholesterol very late manifests itself in the form of certain symptoms.

It is therefore important to pay attention to:

  • The presence of pain in the lower extremities when walking;
  • Appearance ksant, or yellow spots on the skin;
  • The presence of excess weight;
  • Pain compressive nature in the heart.

If there is at least one of these signs, you need to go to the doctor and get tested.

6 myths about cholesterol

However, don't get too carried away with thoughts of cholesterol for no particular reason. Many people are so sure that it represents a mortal threat, so tryingall available means to reduce the level of its consumption with food. For this purpose, different diets, suggesting the exclusion from the diet of fat-containing foods. However, to do so is not entirely correct, as as a result can cause your health more harm. In order to maintain the level of cholesterol is normal, and not to harm their own body, you should be familiar with the most common myths.

6 myths about cholesterol:

  1. Cholesterol can enter the body only with food. In fact it is a common misconception. On average, only 25% of these fats enter the bloodstream from the outside. The rest of it is produced by the body independently. Therefore, even if using different diets to try to reduce the level of these fats, then "remove" it a significant proportion still does not work. Doctors recommend a cholesterol diet not to prevent, but only for medicinal purposes, when the level of fat is really off the charts. In the grocery set, which allows to eliminate extra cholesterol, there should be no hard cheeses, milk with high percentage of fat and pork. Additionally, the causes harm to palm and coconut oil, which abounds in ice cream, cakes, and almost all pastry.

  2. Any cholesterol is harmful to human health. But it is not. One, namely LDL – can lead to serious diseases and other kind of cholesterol, namely HDL, in contrast, serves to neutralize the threat. Besides, "bad" cholesterol are dangerous only if its level is really higher than normal.

  3. Cholesterol excess, leads to development of diseases. In fact the illness may not be caused by high cholesterol. If the figures are too high, you should pay attention to the reasons which led to this. This may be a signal for the kidneys, liver, thyroid and other organs or systems. Not cholesterol is the culprit of heart attacks and strokes, and poor nutrition, frequent stress, a sedentary lifestyle and bad habits. It is therefore useful to know what blood triglyceride and total cholesterol should not exceed the level of 2.0 and 5.2 mmol per liter, respectively. The level of cholesterol high and low density should not be higher than 1.9 and 3.5 mmol per liter. If fats are low density are unrealistically high, and high density, by contrast, is low, it is the most dangerousa signal of trouble in the body. That is, the "bad"cholesterol prevails over"good."

  4. The most serious danger signal – increase of level of cholesterol in the blood. This is another common myth. Much more dangerous to learn that overstated the level of triglycerides.

  5. Cholesterol lowers life expectancy. Most people think that at lower levels of total cholesterol significantly increased the number of years lived. However, in 1994 studies have been conducted proving that it is not the absolute truth. Still no more or less convincing arguments, testifying in favor of this common myth.

  6. With the help of medicines you can reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. It is not so, because the statins are extremely harmful for the body. But there are organic food, consuming that food, it is possible to reduce the overestimated indicators. For example, we are talking about nuts, olive oil, ocean fish, and some others.

How to treat high cholesterol?

In order to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, are used as medicines and non-drug techniques.

Physical activity

Help to reduce the cholesterol level will be adequate exercise:

  • First, regular exercise helps the body eliminate fat received into the blood with food. When "bad" lipids do not stay for long in the bloodstream, they do not have time to condense on the walls of blood vessels. Proven that running promotes the excretion of products derived from fat. It is the people, regularly running, less susceptible to the formation of cholesterol;
  • Secondly, regular physical exercise, gymnastics, dancing, spending time in fresh air and regular strain on the body keep muscle tone, which has a positive impact on the condition of the receptacles;
  • Especially important walks and regular exercise for the elderly. However, it is not necessary to try too hard since the increase of the pulse may also have a negative impact on human health of advanced age. All you needto comply with the measure, and in the fight against excess cholesterol too.

Useful tips

We give a 4 is very useful advice that will help you to reduce bad cholesterol:

  • It is necessary to abandon bad habits. Smoking is one of the most common factors that can impair human health. It affects all bodies, without exception, in addition, it increases the risk of atherosclerosis;

  • As for alcohol, in reasonable doses, it can even help to fight cholesterol deposits. But not to exceed 50 grams hard liquor and 200 grams for low-alcohol. However, this preventive method is not for everyone. In addition, some doctors are strongly against the use of alcohol, even in small doses;

  • The replacement of black green tea can lower cholesterol by 15%. It contains substances contribute to the fact that strengthens capillary walls and reduces the level of harmful lipids. The quantity of HDL, on the contrary, increased;

  • Consumption of certain fresh fruit juices can also be a preventive measure in the fight against cholesterol blocks. However, taking them should be properly and in the right dose. Besides, not every juice has a beneficial effect on the body. Among those that really work: juice of celery, carrot, beet, cucumber, Apple, Kale and orange.


In the fight against high cholesterol levels can help diet in which some foods should be completely avoided, and the consumption of some reduced to minimum volume. It is important to day people do not consume more than 300 mg of cholesterol together with the foodstuffs. More of this substance in the brain, kidneys, eggs, yolk eggs, butter, smoked sausages, mayonnaise, meat (pork, beef, lamb). If these products contribute to the fact that the level of cholesterol in the blood will steadily grow up, there are those who, on the contrary, it is reduced.

In particular, it is important that the diet is necessarily present:

  • Mineral water, vegetable and fruit juices, but only those that have been squeezed out of fresh fruits;
  • Oil: olive, sunflower, corn. Moreover, they should become, if not an alternative, then at least partial replacement of butter. Olive oil and avocado and nuts are composed of those oils thathelp to reduce bad cholesterol;
  • The meat used in the human diet with high cholesterol, should be lean. These are the types of animal products, like veal, rabbit and poultry meat, which you must get rid of the skin;
  • Cereals. Do not forget about whole grains, in particular wheat, oats, and buckwheat;
  • Fruit. On the day you need to eat at least 2 portions of different fruits. Although what will be more, the faster it will reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Especially useful citrus fruits. In particular, it was established that contained in the pulp and peel of grapefruit pectin allows for only two months of regular consumption to significantly lower cholesterol up to 7%;
  • Bean. Their main weapon in the fight against excess cholesterol is the high content of water-soluble fiber. It is capable of the natural way to remove fatty material from the body. The same effect can be achieved if you take into bran, corn and oats;
  • Sea fatty fish. To help people who suffer from high cholesterol, it comes to fatty fish, containing omega 3. This substance contributes to the fact that blood viscosity is significantly reduced, and clots formed with a lower frequency;
  • Garlic. It naturally acts on cholesterol in reducing its level in the blood. However, there is one caveat – you need to consume it fresh, without prior heat treatment.

Learn more: List of foods that reduce cholesterol in the blood

The use of drugs

In addition to such methods as increasing physical activity, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy foods, a person with high cholesterol levels may be offered admission medication, among them:

  • Opencor, Vasilip, Simvastatin, Simvastol, Singal and other statins. The active ingredient in each of these preparations one is simvastatin. However, the intake of these medicines should be approached with extreme caution, as they have a large number of side effects, including stopping the production of mevalonate. This substance is a precursor of cholesterol in the body. But moreover, the mevalonate and performs a number of other, equally important functions. When you drop his levelcan disrupt the activity of the adrenal glands. Therefore, when you receive drugs from a group of statins, patients begin to develop swelling, and increased risk of infertility, the occurrence of allergies, asthmaand can even damage the brain. Do not own to use any medications to reduce cholesterol. This should be given a clear medical instructions and treatment should occur under the supervision of a physician;

  • Tricor, Lipantil 200M. These tools effectively reduce the cholesterol in patients with diabetes. When consumed on a regular basis, it is possible to achieve not only lower cholesterol, but also reduce complications of the underlying disease – diabetes. In addition, the body will appear uric acid. However, these funds should not be used if there is any pathology of the bladder or a peanut Allergy;
  • Drugs: Atomax, To See A Cancer Specialist, Tulip, Torvacard, Atorvastatin. In this case, the active substance is atorvastatin. But these funds also belong to the group of statins and have pronounced side effects, in spite of its proven efficiency, is used with great caution;
  • Another active substance from the group of statins is rosuvastatin. Contains such things as: Crestor, Rookard, Rosalie, Devastor, HSE, etc. They should only be used if the level of cholesterol greatly exceeds the norm. Drugs in this group of statin drugs are prescribed in small doses.

In addition, after consultation with the doctor can try taking dietary Supplements. They are not medicines, but it can help to reduce cholesterol. Although dietary Supplements are less effective than statins, they side effects have virtually no. Among the most popular supplements prescribed for elevated "bad" fatty substances include: omega 3, Tykveol, Lipoic acid, Silopren, Doppelgerts omega 3. Their intake can be supplemented by vitamin therapy. In particular, people with high cholesterol will be useful to folic acid, vitamins of group B. But it's better if people will get their food, and not in medicinal form.

Find out more: Statins and other drugs for lowering cholesterol

Prevention of high cholesterol

Preventive measures aimed at reducing cholesterol, are the most effective measures to combat diseases of the blood vessels and heart.

In order to prevent the formation of plaque, you must perform the following recommendations:

  • To conduct a correct way of life. Perhaps most people will think this is pretty banal recommendation, however, that in the fight against high cholesterol it is the most effective. Moreover, not everyone is able to stick to a really healthy lifestyle, as simple as it may seem;
  • The exclusion or minimization of stressful situations. Of course, to avoid them completely will not work, because if you are not able to deal with your own emotions, you can, on the recommendation of a physician, to take a natural sedative;
  • Avoid overeating and reduce intake of foods which include a large number of cholesterol. Do not expect them to give up completely if the cholesterol level is not elevated, but to prevent you need to stick more or less healthy diet.
  • Lack of exercise – here's another "friend and ally" of high cholesterol. The less a person moves, the more the risk of formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. Hence the importance of regular physical activity on the body;
  • The rejection of bad habits. Alcoholism and Smoking and cholesterol have a detrimental impact on all organs of the human body. And if raising cholesterol risks of deaths from heart attacks and strokes in several times increase;

  • Regular doctor visits and blood tests for cholesterol in it. This is especially true for men over 35 and women who are going through menopause. These people have high risks of formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • Monitor their own weight. Although it does not directly affect cholesterol levels, however, diseases caused by obesity, may be a factor that pushed the growth of cholesterol;
  • High cholesterol is a reason to look for problems and glitches in the body. Always remember that with food comes a very small part of cholesterol. So if its level increases, and the person adheres to a healthy menu, you should see a specialist to identifyaccompanying diseases.

According to most doctors – increased cholesterol levels is the fault of the inattentive attitude to own health and lifestyle. In order to avoid the formation of cholesterol plaques, it is not enough just to restrict the menu to certain products. The approach should be comprehensive, and it should start with lifestyle.

In addition, it is always important to remember that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat it. Moreover, the drugs to lower cholesterol levels in the blood have a lot of side effects.