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Statins and other drugs for lowering cholesterol

The results of biochemical analysis showing cholesterol levels in the blood, allow a specialist to prescribe appropriate medications. To prevent problems in the heart often recommended statins.

Usually the attending physician, assigning these funds immediately warns the patient that their admission should be without long breaks. In addition, like other drugs, statins have on the body different side effects. The patient should clarify this point an appointment to your doctor. After all, the main problem with high cholesterol is to reduce the level. Result is achieved by using drug therapy. However, in all cases, you should start taking medications? Whether obtained through them the desired effect?

Funds included in the group of fibrates or statins, decrease cholesterol. Enhance their effect, taking the parallel reception of lipoic acid and omega-3 fatty acids. This article focuses on the pharmacological drugs to lower cholesterol, specifics of their use and side effects.

All information are for guidance only and cannot be used for making decisions about taking statins or other means. To determine whether the use of specific drugs, can only be a doctor. Because great importance is the overall clinical picture for each individual patient, the presence of comorbidities. To be sure the correct treatment, you need to consult with several specialists and undergo additional screening.

The content of the article:

The reduction of cholesterol with statins

In the pharmacological group of statins include drugs whose primary purpose is reducing the allocation of specific enzymes involved inthe synthesis of cholesterol.

In the description of these drugs and tablets are given following properties:

  • Act as the inhibitors against HMG-COA reductase, thus lowering the cholesterol, reducing its production;
  • Operate even in the presence of concomitant chronic medications. For example, homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia will not affect the effectiveness of statins;
  • Positively affect the heart muscle, reducing the likelihood of heart attack and strokes;

  • After taking the drugs in the blood increases HDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein;
  • Unlike many other drugs statins do not have mutagenic and carcinogenic properties.

Not always the drugs, are beneficial to the body. Statins can cause the following side effects:

When statins are vital?

Most of the statins include information showing the beneficial properties of drugs. Reducing the risk of heart disease, normalization of cholesterol, prevention of heart attack – all of these effects provide means of this pharmacological group, if you believe the advertising companies. But whether things really are? Because the cost of these drugs is high, so is information about the benefits of statins attempt to attract consumers? Are they really healthy?

Despite the results of studies demonstrating the lack of harmful effects of drugs on the human body, a handful of professionals can confidently recommend statins for the reception. This is especially true of older patients. On the one hand the experiments have shown that drug therapy with statins helps in reducing cholesterol. They also protect against a number of serious diseases. But many experts disagree, believing that the positive effect of statins is associated with high risk. Too much probability of side effects for older patients is very dangerous.

In accordance with the Russian standards of treatment allowed the use of statins in diseases of the heart. the medication helped to reduce the number of deaths. Statistics, however, does not indicate that they are suitable for each patient. Statins should be cautiously used by older people and to remember that high cholesterol is not the cause for their admission.

At the same time, preparations of this group is mandatory assigned in the following cases:

  • When is secondary prevention in patients with a heart attack or stroke;
  • When ischemia with risk of developing various complications;
  • When coronary syndrome or heart attack;
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery also involves taking statins.

These drugs are mandatory when cardiac pathologies, since they allow to extend the life of patients. To avoid negative effects on the body will help the constant supervision of a specialist. You should make regular biochemical blood analysis and the detection of the number of transaminases exceeding the norm, to refuse to accept statins. Possible more serious complications, for example, the development of rhabdomyolysis. However, it occurs in rare cases.

Not recommended the use of statins in the presence of diabetes, as well as women who have not reached menopausal age. There is no need in supplementation, if you have the opportunity to choose alternative medicines to avoid side effects.

Russian pharmacies offer to use the following statins having different activity:

  1. Rosuvastatin: The HSE, Crestor, Martinis, Rosuvastatin, Rookard, Rosalie, Roxana, Devastor

  2. Lovastatin: Cardiostatin, Holetar, Cardiostatin

  3. Atorvastatin: Atomax, Canon Atorvastatin, Atoris,Liprimar, Torvacard, Tulip, To See A Cancer Specialist

  4. Fluvastatin: Lescol Forte

  5. Simvastatin: Vasilip, Zocor, Ofankor, Simvahexal, Simvatin, Simvastatin, Simvastol, Simvor, Simgal, Simla, Simcard

Drugs are available in different forms also varies the cost.

How to choose a statin?

The patient must decide for himself the question of taking statins. In this advance, you should consult with a qualified professional, if needed, and prescribe a specific drug. It is not recommended to take any actions without the help of a doctor. If the biochemical analysis of blood shows the presence of any abnormalities, you need to visit a therapist and endocrinologist. After the selection of statins, the doctor focuses on the gender, age and even weight of the patient, considers, does he have bad habits and chronic disease.

During treatment it is necessary to adhere to the prescribed dosage a specialist, regularly giving tests. If recommended by your doctor imported drug is unavailable due to the high cost that is typical of most statins, you can always find affordable domestic analogue. Although this may affect the efficiency of the tool.

Elderly patients should be careful with the use of statins in gout and diabetes. Often develop myopathy when combined with them of medicines from these diseases.

It is important to keep in mind that in chronic disease of the liver safe low-dose rosuvastatin, which can be replaced with pravastatin. You can't combine the drugs with alcohol or antibiotics. A significant benefit of pravastatin even in low toxicity, so it is indicated for patients with muscle pain. A controversial issue remains the possibility of a combination of statins and nicotinic acid. There is a perception that it may cause exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How dangerous statins?

In Russia the products are widely prescribed after the American physicians. Coronary artery disease, hypertension – all these diseases were treated with statins. We used large dosages. However, in the United States shortly, a study was conducted that proved the link between development of many diseases and use of statins. In 2013 in the British medical journal has information about their adverse effects on the health of patients. ButRussia's independent research has not been, and will continue to actively use drugs in this group.

In Canada, it was found that elderly patients taking them was often faced with the rapid deterioration of the vision and development of cataracts. The risk increases significantly in the presence of diabetes.

Experimentally, it was found that the greatest efficiency of statins without side effects achieved in patients not endured a stroke or heart attack. In all other cases, means not only prevent heart diseasebut also provoke depression, problems in the internal organs, including kidneys.

Some facts cast doubt on the usefulness of statins:

  • Drugs can affect the cholesterol so that it will be below normal, which is more dangerous than its excess. It can cause malignant tumors, liver disease, anemia, stroke, provoke suicide and depression.

  • Statins interferes with the restorative functions of cholesterol. Due to the cholesterol in the body eliminates damage. This is due to the fact that it is one of the most important components in the scar tissue. Also the bad cholesterol important for muscle mass development and entire body. Its deficiency causes muscle pain and degeneration.

  • Stroke and heart attack causes a shortage of magnesium, not excess cholesterol. This hypothesis calls into question the need for the use of statins.
  • Along with the reduction of cholesterol, reduced synthesis of many other important substances in the body. This applies to such compounds, as malovent. He is involved in many biological operations, including the formation of cholesterol.
  • Effect of statins provoke diabetes, which in turn negatively affects the development of cholesterol and contributes to other diseases. The reason, according to researchers in Germany, causing angina and arrhythmia, stroke. This happens due to the decrease in the concentration of the protein responsible for blood sugar levels. According to studies the risk group also includes women in the menopausal age.

  • Problems arise in the brain as a result of taking drugs. First of all, statins affect cholesterol metabolism, which affects the liver. At the same time, drugs have a positive effect on blood vessels. However, any influence of chemical substancesdetrimental to the body. In the result of irreversible changes in physiological processes, including may disrupt their thinking.
  • Side effects of statins are often detected too late.

The change in cholesterol is recognized as a indicator to detect violations in the work of organs and systems. Therefore, it is not always advisable its decline.

Some scientists, considering high cholesterol as a confirmation of the presence of serious diseases, as causes of cardiac pathologies secrete stress and other inflammation. In some countries, has long promoted a healthy lifestyle to prevent problems in the functioning of the heart. Due to this, the number of patients with such pathologies have decreased, which proved the normalization of cholesterol can be achieved by abandoning bad habits and making a choice in favor of sports and proper nutrition. So, a healthy lifestyle allows you to avoid taking various drugs that have many side effects, and to avoid the development of dangerous pathologies.

Another negative factor from taking statins

According to the results of one experiment, which was attended 3070 people age 60 and older,the use of statins provokes muscle pain in 30% of people, which limits their physical activity. As a result of increased muscle pain, patients refuse to sport, less walking. All these factors lead to the recruitment of excess weight, increase the risk of heart disease.

Learn more: How to lower cholesterol at home without drugs?

Fibrates help in reducing cholesterol levels

As an alternative to statins often resort to derivative fibroevoy acids known as fibrates. They act directly on the liver, reducing its secretion of cholesterol. Fibrates influence the amount of lipids, to reduce the formation of extravascular tissue. After taking these drugs normalized the levels of both good and bad cholesterol.

Along with the positive effects of fibrates have a negative effect, manifested in the form of:

  • Hepatitis, pancreatitis, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, pain in the digestive system;

  • Venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism;
  • Muscle weakness and spasms, diffuse myalgia;
  • Headaches, sexual dysfunction;
  • Photosensitivity and allergic reactions.

Often used comprehensive treatment involving a combination of fibrates and statins. Thus, one can reduce the dosage of the latter.

Most often it is receiving fibrates such as:

  • Have lipantil

  • Of gemfibrozil

  • Exlia
  • HiColor

Reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine

For this purpose Ezetimib. It is qualitatively different from its counterparts, widely used previously, as it does not lead to diarrhea. The dosage should be checked with your doctor.

A large part of the daily requirement of cholesterol is met by the body, the rest is filled with food.

Learn more: List of foods that reduce cholesterol in the blood

Normalization of cholesterol level natural drugs

Many doctors recommended instead of statins and fibrates to lower cholesterol the following means:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids. They are contained in large quantities in fish oil and Flaxseed oil, serve a preventive measure against stroke, nervous disorders, arthritis. At the same time do not violate the dosage of fish oil, as its excess can cause pancreatitis.

  • Tycveolum. Is a natural medicine is a pumpkin seed oil. Used for the prevention of cerebral atherosclerosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, choleretic and antioxidant effects.

  • Lipoic acid. It prevents coronary atherosclerosis, the impact on the level of glycogen in the liver. Using lipoic acid to improve the trophism of neurons.
  • A vitamin therapy. The best source of essential body substances are natural foods rich in nicotinic and folic acid, vitamins B3, B6, B12.
  • Badami. Of them should use Citopram – extract foot fir. It contains beta-sitosterol, the composition also contains polyprenols, is useful in atherosclerosis, diabetes.

However, biologically active additivesmay not be sufficiently effective. With the help of statins can achieve a greater effect in reducing cholesterol.