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Treatment of bites

Treatment of stings folk remedies

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Treatment of mosquito bites

Mosquito bites are not dangerous to human health, but can deliver no small discomfort: itching, blisters and redness. If combing the site of the bite, there will be a wound that can get infected. So the first tip in treating mosquito bites – in any case not to comb blisters! To eliminate itching and reduce inflammation, anoint the bite baby cream or any antiseptic.

Scare mosquitoes:

  • Folk medicine recommends to treat the bites to lubricate the skin fish oil. This tool is also able to repel mosquitoes, preventing unpleasant moments.

  • Clove oil mixed with Cologne at a ratio of 1:10 will be a good "barrier" for pesky insects.

  • For these purposes it is recommended to use vinegar mixed with wormwood juice, or the juice of poppy heads.

To eliminate itching and blisters:

  • To eliminate itching and blisters appeared after mosquito bites, use drug collection, which includes peppermint leaves, young oak bark, flowers and leaves of St. John's wort. Equal to the number of components covered with water (200 ml) and boiled for 15 minutes on low heat. Then the broth studet, referring to himself and make his gadgets.

  • The simple and effective recipe is also a solution of baking soda (one teaspoon to a glass of boiled water). If this tool is to lubricate the bites, redness and itching will be.

  • It is also recommended to lubricate the affected area with an aqueous solution of ammonia (20 ml of alcohol per 100 ml of water), vodka, and Cologne.

Treatment of stings of wasps and bees

To prevent a bee sting with the help of folk remedies is almost impossible. The probability of an attack of bees is much lower ifwith a single insect or a whole swarm of them not to make any sudden hectic movements. Everything should be done quietly. Simple, no need to provoke them, whatever they were doing. If you start to wave your hands, it is guaranteed to piss off a bee. Bite one of them starts a chain reaction, and thus, the person gets several more bites of bees.

A wasp sting is fairly painful. A sharp searing pain persists for a long time: depending on the reaction of the organism – from a couple hours to several days. If a person is allergic to stings of wasps and bees, treatment does not require medical intervention. People can help themselves, performing a number of simple actions:

  1. Gently remove the nail tip, if it remained in the wound. Squeeze the stinger is not necessary – so the poison can spread the bite.

  2. Wash affected area with soap and water or alcohol

  3. Attach a piece of ice or cold lotion.

  4. Remember, when allergic reactions (rash, weakness, difficulty breathing, swelling of throat or mouth), you should immediately consult a doctor!

Redness, burning, and pain after the bites of wasps and bees can be removed in various folk remedies:

  • Well, this is the juice of fresh leaves of parsley. Its leaves should be thoroughly washed and then crushed until the juice. Parsley is applied to the bite site and wrap with a bandage or other soft cloth. Change the leaves every two or three hours until the pain subsides.

  • Some doctors recommend to lubricate the wound earwax or urine: it relieves pain and eliminates puffiness.

  • Good folk remedy are fresh leaves of yarrow and plantain. They are washed in cold water crushed, wrapped in a bandage and make a lotion to the bite. Repeat the procedure need a couple of hours later.

  • It is useful to lubricate the place of the bee sting cool with olive oil, applied to the inflamed place with fresh Bay leaf or crushed onion.

  • Anti-inflammatory effect also possess aloe leaves. They should be well washed, to remove the top layer of leaves and apply the pulp to the site of the bite.

  • For lotions you can use healingthe decoction of tansy. Inflorescences of the plant are dried, pour two tablespoons of water and boil for 15 minutes. Before use, cool and strain the broth

  • The washed dandelion roots are also useful to apply to the affected area several times a day.

Folk remedies for tick bites

The bites of ticks – a lot of the spring and autumn and summer time. Planning a stay in nature, where there is deciduous forest, in any case can not forget about the possibility of attack of these blood-sucking.

To prevent their attack by using these methods:

  1. Use closed clothes with long sleeves. It may be easy, but should cover the skin, preventing its direct contact with the tick;

  2. Clove essential oil a production release or homemade. Make it by steeping two dozen dry clove buds in two tablespoons of any vegetable oil for two weeks;

  3. Mixture of several aromatic oils. It can be rosemary, clove, mint, eucalyptus and fir oil. Do not have to use them all. It is sufficient to connect the 3 component;

  4. The balm on ?Star?.

No matter what way to deter ticks is selected, it is applied to exposed areas of the skin that occurs most often the primary contact with the mites. This of the hand and wrist, neck, colostygia the Shin area. It is not necessary to apply them on the face. Be sure the maximum cover the body with clothes. After a stay in the woods it is advisable to take a shower and inspect the entire skin surface.

If you avoid the attack of mite failed, please as soon as possible, to apply simple methods of extraction. Suitable for this purpose such methods:

  1. In the usual lid of the plastic bottle filled with any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, sea buckthorn). Then she turned over and placed on the surface of the skin in the area of location of the tick. The rationale is that in conditions of impaired oxygen mite he should stop the further introduction into the skin. However, he either just panting, and then it is easier to extract, or completely outof wounds;

  2. Lubrication of the outer part of the tick that is above the surface of the skin of any vegetable oil. This method is effective because like the previous one, inhibits respiration of the mites. Because his respiratory ducts are found in the outer part;

  3. The use of wax. For its application light a candle to receive the melted wax, which buried the skin with mites. The principle of this method is the same as the previous one.

  4. Direct extraction of the tick with tweezers. For these purposes, suitable tweezers with concave inside tips. The tick is captured as close as possible to the surface of the skin is removed and torque for confident movements or counter-clockwise. The wound after removing the tick treated with one of antiseptics: alcohol, iodine, peroxide or green paint;

  5. Removal of the tick thread. For this his body around the bite the skin is tied off with a thread, but not firmly, so as not to damage the tick. It is extracted oscillatory movements to the sides by alternately pulling each end of the filament;

Before removing the tick, it is crucial to appreciate the depth of its implementation. If the head is completely in the skin, it is not necessary to remove it yourself. You can apply one of the described methods to clean it and be sure to seek medical help.

Folk remedy for the bites of gnats

Midge refers to these insects, which are very hard to deter with even the most modern of store funds, and prevent the bite. Folk remedies are also ineffective. Not to name the specific components that would really protect from the attack of the midges.

You need to drip on the exposed areas of the skin with various essential aromatic oils before going to places with natural conditions. This will help to protect against other insects (peppermint, geranium, eucalyptus, clove, rosemary, etc.). Midge attacks are so fast that to get a bite is enough 2-3 seconds. So all that remains is to fight to have received bites.

For such purposes a good fit means that there is every vacationer:

  1. Applying cold item to the bitten places;

  2. The crushing of damaged areas;

  3. wash the skin with cold water and household or toilet soap;

  4. Bitten treatment sites with alcohol or vodka. Even better would be if applied to the affected area wet-to-dry vodka compress;

  5. Lavage or heavy skin concentrated soda solution or pasty mass;

  6. Attachment, well-pounded leaf of the plantain;

  7. Lemon juice or delicate petal of a lemon;

  8. Concentrated salt solution in the form of lotions;

Folk remedies for dog bites

Although the dog's saliva has an extremely high antibacterial and antiseptic properties, its mouth filled with hundreds of species of pathogenic microorganisms. Especially, a lot of them on the teeth. To prevent a dog bite is difficult. But there are rules that must be observed. Important not to run if there is no certainty that it will be done and the dog will not catch up. Otherwise, any sudden movement would only anger the dog and provoke even more aggression. Only calm behavior can minimize the amount of possible damage.

If the injury could not be avoided, you can help folk remedies for dog bite:

  1. Copious wound irrigation with water with soap;

  2. Treatment plots bitten by a weak solution of potassium permanganate;

  3. Lotions of solution of salt. To get used perekipjachennoj water. In one liter dissolve a tablespoon of ordinary table salt;

  4. Lotions based on honey and bee products. Good at helping propolis alcohol tincture. So as not to cause a strong burning sensation in the wounds, it can be slightly diluted with water;

  5. Therapeutic weight of onions, garlic and salt. Is applied only to the point the wounds on the background of swelling of the skin. It is not necessary to use in large open lesions;

  6. The wound surface must be treated with hydrogen peroxide;

  7. A mixture of chopped nettles with salt. Proportion does not matter. Importantly, to obtain a homogeneous slurry.

In any case, you cannot use these methods in case of deep wounds, with possible signs of damage to the deep tissues. In any case, it is better to go to the hospital, which will solve the issuethe prevention of tetanus and rabies.

Treatment of the bites of spiders

In our latitudes to meet karakurt and tarantula, whose venom can bring harm to a person. At a sting karakurta usually appears rapidly increasing pain, the intoxication of the organism: body temperature and blood pressure rise, there is a strong weakness. Sometimes the bite of a black widow can lead to death.

To avoid trouble, it is necessary to provide first aid:

  1. Apply a tourniquet above the bite, to avoid the spreading of poison;

  2. For sucking poison use conventional banks, which put a cold and the flu;

  3. After remove krovososy Bank, apply to wound cold (an ice pack or cold water).

Then you need to deliver the patient to the doctor, where he will be injected with a special serum with the antidote. People who have suffered the bite of a black widow should be provided with abundant drink. Also, it is helpful to take a hot bath.

Tarantulasthat live in our latitudes, are not very poisonous. The pain from their sting similar to a wasp sting or bee. In the affected location, there is a slight swelling, there may be weakness and fever. The victim is recommended to show the doctor. For the pain he will make a poultice with solution of magnesium sulfate.

Treatment of Scorpion stings

Scorpion bites can be very dangerous. On the site of the bite quickly there is a large swelling, the person is in pain, chills, weakness, appear convulsions, breathing is disrupted, you may experience nausea and vomiting.

First aid:

  • Apply a tourniquet above the bite.

  • The blood from the wound, you can blow through banks or by mouth (if the mouth is wounds and sores).

  • Then the bite is washed with ammonia to the affected area apply ice, cold lotions.

  • The victim should be provided with plentiful hot water.

  • As soon as possible to deliver the stung person to the hospital, where he will enter the serum against the poison of the Scorpion.

To the bite of a Scorpionyou can also apply the crushed grass, dandelion. To the affected several times a day is recommended to give a couple of drops of ammonia diluted in strong tea.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist