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Treatment of urethritis

Treatment of cancer folk remedies

Treatment of urethritis parsley

Recipe 1. The special properties of parsley can be defined as a diuretic and to apply it in diseases of the liver and kidneys, urethritis, and also in cystitis. This folk remedy for the treatment of urethritis is simple enough to prepare. Half a liter of cold water you will need one teaspoon of leaves of parsley, which must be carefully grind. After you pour the parsley water, leave in over night. It is recommended to drink the infusion as often as possible – three spoons, as a rule, a break is a couple of hours.

Recipe 2. One hundred grams of parsley should be washed and put in a saucepan (enameled), and then pour the milk, but so that it barely covered the parsley. The pot must be placed in the oven for the fire, so the milk does not boil dry, but only languished. After the milk mytopics, it must pass through the mesh and medication to use two spoons as often as possible, but the best – in two hours. Thus, one pan you should drink in one day.

Herbal treatment

Zelenchuk yellow, even the grass is called "gubana yellow"or"ground frankincense". This grass is quite common in the deciduous forests of the Ukraine, particularly in Kiev, Puscha-Voditsa.

The list of diseases are treated by this herb, is large enough. For example, acute or chronic cystitis, urethritis, it helps in the treatment of pyelonephritis, is used for urinary incontinence in persons of old age, the glomerulonephritis.

Application of the herb is simple: in a glass of boiling water you need one teaspoon of herbs, and then some time it insist and drink as a medicine before meals. You need to drink one glass in the morning, afternoon and evening.

More effective results can give a mixture of herbs Zelenchuk and cleavers. Are they in completely equal amounts, one tablespoon already half a liter of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Use the infusion need half a Cup in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Another herb that can help in the treatment of urethritis and cystitis is gryzhnika naked. The cooking method is simple: you must pour one teaspoon two hundred milliliters of boiling water and drink half a Cup morning and evening. You'll see, everything will pass quickly enough.

Treatment of urethritis herbs

Black currants. Three tablespoons you will need half a liter of boiling water. Nastoyaschii, the composition will take the form of a tea. As for the berries, it has anti-inflammatory effect on the entire urogenital system.

Cornflower blue. You'll need sheets without baskets cornflower blue. One teaspoon of herbs, pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water, let configure themselves for hours and drink two scoops in the morning, afternoon and evening, usually before meals. Like currants, the cornflower has anti-inflammatory effect on the urogenital system.

The hemp crop. Here primarily we are interested in the milk, which is obtained by grinding seeds of hemp. The seeds can be rubbed anywhere, usually this is done in a mortar with the addition of water. How to apply as an ointment, or irrigation solution.

Treatment of urethritis with leeches

Do not forget about natural methods of treatment. So, you can cure cancer with leeches. The point to which they should cling, are located from the waist and down, they can be identified by the projection of the ureters. Usually to quality treatment will require eight sessions, the intervals between them should be three days.

What you should achieve after completing the course of treatment of urethritis is elimination of inflammation and restoration of absolutely all functions.

You can also help a simple and affordable means of treatment of urethritis: raincoat, cornflower blue. They need to brew and drink all in one day – usually one glass at a time.