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The folk remedies treatment of constipation

Milk brew of celandine

Folk treatment of constipation, and dysbiosis can help us in the following way. Take one Cup of chopped herbs celandine, one Cup sugar and three quarts of whey. Herb and sugar mix and spread on a gauze roll and bandage, drop into the jar, where it should be serum. Cover the jar with cheesecloth and put in a dark place. Insist remedy for two weeks, then strain and store in refrigerator jar with mixture, covered with a lid of cellophane. Take the infusion of half Cup in the morning and in the evening thirty minutes before meals.

You need to be treated for two weeks and then take a break for a couple days and then drink the remnants of the drugs. Also brush your teeth with sea salt and remove coating on the tongue with a small spoon. Put in your mouth vegetable oil and suck it, then take it out of your mouth and rinse your mouth with warm water.

After that drink whey, for half an hour zatrati.

For Breakfast it is recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, salads, rubbing grated raw beets and carrots, season with vegetable oil. The most important thing in the morning to try to free the intestine.

Other recipes:

Treatment of constipation in a child

For treatment of constipation in a child is a very good popular method of treatment of constipation.

Every morning before the first feeding to give the child the sterilized vegetable oil, starting with 1 drop the next day – 2 drops and so gradually to increase their quantity to 1/2 teaspoon. Oil is taken at 1/2 teaspoon to restore bowel function.

And in order to sterilize the oil, pour it in a jar and place in cold water. A pot of water and put the jar on medium heat and bring to a boil, then let the Bank stand in the pan for half an hour until the water is boiling.

Treatment of constipation prunes

A pound of prunes, pour three and a half liters of water and boil for twenty-five minutes on small fire. Then let the medicine cool. Backfill buckthorn bark – fifty grams – and again boil on a low flame for twenty-five minutes. Again cool, strain and pour into a composition of two hundred grams of "I" (this is an extract from rose hips).

Drink is required at night half a Cup. It is quite pleasant to the taste.

Senna is a powerful laxative

There is one strong folk remedy for constipation is Senna. Two teaspoons of Senna should be mixed with 100 grams of prunes, boil three cups of boiling water, let stand three hours and drain. To use the composition should be every hour for three to five tablespoons of until constipation will not pass.

The use of this drug has virtually no contraindications, and its action occurs 6-10 hours after ingestion.

Very rare side effects: abdominal pain, or decreased appetite. The plant is used in form of infusions, decoctions, dried extracts. It is known that on the basis of Senna is prepared by different laxatives.

Eat bran – and everything is back to normal

From constipation you can easily get through the bran. In the first ten days, take one teaspoon, brewing with boiling water and strain after cool down. That is settled crumb to eat during meals three times a day. Next cycle lasts 2 weeks and the dose of bran is already 2 tablespoons at a time – also three times daily during the meal.

Then eat dry bran two teaspoons three times daily during the meal. Do this for two months.

Eating bran will help your intestines to work hard, make it stronger, and you will always be in time to get rid of debris and prevent intoxication.

Exercises to improve bowel function

Traditional medicine can offer a variety of recipes for the normal functioning of the intestines.For example, here is one of them. In the morning, still in bed, push the upper quadrant on the right side about three minutes.

Also do acupressure in a place which is located two centimeters below the navel. Try lying on your back, put on this place the fingertips of both hands and slowly push them deep inside until, until you feel something hard. Lie down for two minutes. The breathing should be deep.

Do this exercise for about three to five times. In order to fully recover, do this massage daily.

Source: Newspaper a healthy lifestyle, the all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer "Grandma"