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Treatment for pinched nerve folk remedies

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Treatment for pinched nerve ointments

Traditional medicine knows a variety of recipes for healing ointments and oils that will help to cope with many annoying problem – the pinched nerve.

Needles of juniper connect with the Bay leaf in a ratio of 1 part to 6 and mash thoroughly to a powder, then mix this mixture with 12 parts of melted butter. When the pinched nerve this folk remedy will help relieve pain and relax tense muscles.

An effective remedy is also cream tablespoon powdered cones of hops and a tablespoon of butter or pork fat. The components are mixed and rubbed the mixture into the affected area.

If you mix a couple of tablespoons bleached oil with a tablespoon of ammonia, brush with it affected area and wrap it with a warm scarf, the pain will be much weaker.

Suitable for rubbing, and the ointment of lard and cool the broth from the buds of lilacs. Known also medicinal properties of garlic butter, a tablespoon of which should be diluted with half a liter of vodka and lubricate the sore spot.

To cure a pinched nerve, melt wax, mix it with honeycombs and olive oil, this mixture soak a linen cloth and place on neck or the lower back, securing the top with plaster.

Treatment for pinched nerve baths

Good folk treatment for pinched nerve are baths with various medicinal decoctions and infusions. It is recommended to take a warm bath (35-37 degrees) with a decoction of the roots of calamus ( 250 g raw material is boiled in three liters of water). Also air can be boiled with creeping thyme (stems and leaves): the components take equally and is prepared similarly to the first method.

The bark of oak or fir (1 kg ) are boiled in five liters of water for half an hour, after which the tail and added to the bath. The water temperature in the bath should not exceed 37 degrees.

Useful to take a steam bath flowers of cereals. Collect pounds of the flowers, cover with cold water (5 l) and cook for 30 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth and pour into the tub. The product is suitable for local (lumbar), and for General bathing orcompresses.

Known in folk medicine and the healing properties of horse chestnut. Young fruits of this tree (half a kilogram), you need half an hour to boil in five liters of water, then add the strained broth into the bath. In a similar way used in the treatment of pinched nerve knotweed, chamomile or sage. 250– 300 g any of these plants pour boiling water (5 l) and leave for a couple of hours, then tsedyat and poured into the bath.

Suitable for medicinal baths and herbal collection, which consists of black elderberry, herb oregano, burdock, nettle, tansy, juniper, leaves of a black currant, herb of wheat grass, pine buds, horsetail field, hops, violet, and thyme. All components should be mixed in equal amounts, 8 tablespoons of the mixture add the boiling water ( 2 l ) and cook for ten minutes. Then the broth to cool to 37 degrees, drain and pour into the tub.

Treatment for pinched nerve infusions

A variety of therapeutic infusions in the treatment for pinched nerve is used for both internal and external use.

In an analgesic is recommended to use a tincture prepared from the flowers of mullein (bear ears). Flowers (50 g ) pour a liter of vodka and leave until ready for a couple of weeks, and then rubbed into the sore spots. Similarly prepared, and the tincture of lilac: vodka (500 ml) for several days insist a Cup of lilac flowers.

A good external remedy for pain relief is the infusion of Artemisia Cina. A couple of hours in boiling water (350 ml) insist tablespoon of inflorescences of wormwood, then ground the neck, spine or lower back.

For internal use ideal infusion of leaves , cranberriesin boiling water (1.5 cups) in an hour, brewed 1 teaspoon of leaves of a plant, and then drink three times a day half a Cup.

It is also useful to drink an infusion of elderflower, dry buds or berries which the numberone tablespoon brewed Cup of boiling water. Half an hour later the infusion is ready, take it, pre-cool, half a Cup twice a day before meal (for 15 minutes). Similarly prepare and infusion of strawberries. Medicinal properties, and its berries, which should be filled up with sugar (5 cups of strawberries 1 Cup of sugar). Leave the berries for 5 hours, and when they let the juice, drink it three times a day before each meal.

If the pinched nerve will help you and tansy. Flower baskets of this plant (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (250 ml), cover and leave for a couple of hours until tender, and then drink four times a day before meals (within 20 minutes).

Will assist and celery odorous, leaf juice which is recommended to drink a couple of teaspoons three times a day. In the treatment you can use and infusion of the roots of this plant. In half a liter of boiling water for four hours insist tablespoon of celery roots, then tsedyat and drink a third Cup three times a day.

It is also recommended to brew in a Cup of boiling water a tablespoon of herbs of the yarrow, cover and wait an hour until tender, then strain. This medication is drink a tablespoon for 3-4 hours.

Treatment for pinched nerve charges

Knows folk medicine and recipes fees medicinal plants which can help relieve pain and tension in the pinched nerve. We give simple recipes to prepare that everyone can do.

Collection 1. Rose hips (4 parts), herb thyme (5 parts), flowers of singalovski (2 parts) combined with the fruits of hawthorn (2 parts) and flowers of Linden (2 parts). All the ingredients must be well pulverized. The collection brewed and drunk as an ordinary tea.

Collection 2. A calming and soothing action has a collection, the ingredients of which are grass marjoram, the fruits of rose hips, BlackBerry leaves and thyme. Join them in the ratio 5:3:2:3, ground to a powder and brewed as a tea.

Collection 3. Fennel (seed), cumin, and herb motherwort are blended with Valerian root in equal parts and a couple of tablespoons of the collection brew in a Cup of boiling water for half an hour. Medicine should three times a day for 100 ml.

Collection 4. Mix a teaspoon of orange zest andherbs lemon balm, then fill with boiling water (250 ml) and leave for ten minutes under the lid. After this infusion should drain and mix with Valerian tincture, which is sold in pharmacies (1 teaspoon). For a taste of the medicine drink with honey three times a day one glass.

Source: Newspaper a healthy lifestyle, the all-Ukrainian newspaper-healer "Grandma"