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The treatment of Goiter thyroid

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The treatment of goiter bark dried cherries

One of the most effective remedies for treatment of goiter the thyroid is the dried bark of cherry. Unlike the bark of a living tree, a withered cherry are more rich in nutrients. The reason lies in the following: wood and bast (tubular formations in a tree structure, analogs of blood vessels in animals) of a living tree nutrients are transported from the roots to the leaves in both directions. In the body of the tree constant fluid flow.

When a tree dies of natural causes, a large part of nutrients and mineral elements are transported into the inner layers of the cortex and remain there. That is why their content in the structure of the withered tree as possible.

Watch the video how to cure thyroid with shrunken bark cherry:

Search and collection of shrunken bark cherry

When looking for a suitable crust should follow a few rules:

  • Raw materials must be sought only in areas remote from trails and residential areas. Tissue of the tree (especially the leaves and inner layers of the cortex) have a high absorbent properties. Toxins and other harmful elements are absorbed by the wood. If to prepare a tincture or infusion of this bark, high risk to poisoning and do more harm to the body than help.
  • Cherry prefers deciduous or mixed forests. The most rapidly and numerous it grows in areas with a high content of humus.

  • When you search for cherry preference should be given to single trees. To shrink the whole glades of cherry can't. In this case, the cause of death of a tree, most likely, lies in sickness.

The collection of dried cherries is quite a lot of complexity, both for beginners and experienced collectors of herbs:

  • In any case it is impossible to collect the bark of the tree, too heavily covered with moss. If the trunk and branches covers more than 50% of the moss(roughly), the raw material is not suitable. Hepatic mosses are parasitic on trees, taking all the nutrients. This means that moss and not age was the cause of death of a tree;
  • When incising the bark should make a cherry flavor. If there is a smell of mushrooms or mustiness, this bark threat;
  • Bark color should range from dark brown to fiery red. If it is lighter then the cherry has not yet shrunk, and nutrients are not accumulated in the right amount;
  • The tree should be leaves. If the cherries are left branches, covered with foliage — it is still not fully shrunk. To procure such raw materials are not suitable;
  • The inner layers of the bark should not be covered with a white bloom. If there is a RAID, so the tree died as a result of parasitic or bacterial infection. A whitish substance constitutes wastes organisms, saprophytes (consume the products of decay). Their selection is the strongest toxin and allergen;
  • Raw material should be done from early spring to late autumn. In winter, you need to exercise great care, because to determine fully shrunken tree or not, is extremely difficult;
  • Gathering raw materials from the tree, dried for more than 7 years ago, not worth it. A large part of nutrients is destroyed, fabrics cherries become loose and turn into dust;
  • Young cherries dry out by natural causes is very rare. To their examination must be approached with special attention.

Technology for collecting and storing:

  • The tree trunk is made by a longitudinal incision;
  • The top layer of the bark (epidermis or cork, depending on the age of the tree) is removed. It is desirable therefore to handle different height of the barrel;
  • An overview of the internal tissues. Should not be plaque, the color — a rich brown or bright red. Smell — natural, cherry. If at least one of the conditions is not met, the tree cannot be treated;
  • The top layer is fully trimmed. The fibers of the inner layers should be removed movements from top to down;
  • The bark is dried in the dark and devoid of moisture. As soon as the physical impact harvesting ceases to bend and break the raw material is ready for use.

View video how to find medicinal bark dried cherries:

Recipe tincture from the bark of the cherry


  • The bark of cherry (dried) of 0.2-0.4 kg (the quantity must be enough to reach the edgesfill in the blank Bank with a volume of 1 l);
  • Vodka 1 l

The billet is crushed and sent to the Bank. Poured vodka to the brim. The capacity of the sealed cover of nylon. After that you should give a means to infuse.

The jar should be stored in dark and dry place for 21 days. 1-2 times per day tincture should be used.

Take this folk remedy for the treatment of goiter is recommended at a dosage of 1 tbsp./l. 3 times a day on an empty stomach in the morning, 30 minutes before lunch and 30 minutes before dinner.

Seaweed (kelp) will Supplement the deficiency of iodine

Kelp (a common name — laminaria) is a brown Alga. The cells of this algae have the unique ability to absorb and accumulate vast amounts of iodine from sea water. Iodine in kelp contains many times more than any other product. This product is an absolute leader.

The most severe pathologies of the thyroid gland begin with the deficit of iodine in the body. To prevent prescribers with the contents of this element as well as a special diet.

Kelp is the best alternative to expensive iodine. For preventive purposes it is sufficient to consume 30-40 grams a day. If you are taking drugs, the consumption of kelp can not be superfluous.

Especially effective is sea kelp helps with hypothyroidism, when the thyroid gland fails and produces specific hormones less than that required by the body. Therefore, in hyperthyroidism from the consumption of algae should be avoided.

In addition to the shortfall of iodine, kelp actively displays the body of radioactive substances, which play not the last role in the mechanism of formation of thyroid gland diseases (goiter, etc.).

Topic: Test to determine the level of iodine in the body

Other seafood to make up for lack of iodine

In addition to kelp, rich in iodine and other seafood. If a person has seen early signs of goiter, euthyroid state (when the disease is still not apparent, but the lesion has already formed), to include these foods in your diet is vital.

List of foods high in iodine:

  • Heck silver. This fish is in second place after the kelp on the level of iodine. When cookingit is important to the maintenance of the technology. Iodine compounds are extremely unstable to high temperatures. To save the most use to cook hake should be at a temperature just below 100 degrees. Therefore, in no case should not boil the heck, it's better to cook it for a couple or bake in the oven;
  • Cod. Another type of fish rich in iodine. In 100 grams contains 135 mcg of this important trace mineral. The best method of cooking – baking at 65 to 70 degrees until done;
  • Shrimp. Despite its modest size, these crustaceans are a real storehouse of iodine. 100 grams of product have 110 mcg element. The main method of cooking — boiling. 100 degrees is detrimental to iodine, but there is a way to avoid its destruction. To avoid this, the shrimp should not cook more than two minutes.

Selenium deficiency is another cause of thyroid disease

Selenium plays an equally important role in making thyroid hormones, than iodine.

Despite the fact that direct participation in the synthesis of specific active compounds selenium does not accept (unlike iodine), it contributes to the transformation of some substances into others. The fact that the progress in the production of hormones catalyzed (accelerated) special substances — enzymes. Triyodtironin (T3) is formed by the generated transformation T4 hormone (tetrajodtironina) under the influence of a special enzyme iodothyronamine whose main component is the element selenium.

With a lack of selenium enzyme is produced in insufficient quantity, which negatively affects the synthesis of T3. As a result, to develop disease of the thyroid gland with low hormone levels (hypothyroidism).

Selenium is part of enzymes that destroy hydrogen peroxide and binds free radicals. So the amount of harmful oxidative processes in the thyroid gland, decreases.

To make up for the deficiency of selenium, it is important to include in the diet the following products:

  • Brazil nut. Fat the fruits of this plant are the absolute Champions in the content of the element. You need to consume them with caution, no more than 2-4 fruits per day to avoid excess selenium;
  • Figs. The second content of selenium. A day is not recommended to consume more than 15-20 pieces;
  • Fried pork kidneys;
  • Crayfish or lobster;
  • CEP.

Also among the products available – coconut, seeds of sunflower, garlic , etc.

On topic: Selenium - anti-cancer mineral!

Honey porridge from goitre

Another effective folk recipe by which you can start the treatment of goiter includes the following ingredients:

  • Natural honey: 1 Cup;
  • Walnut (kernel): 1 Cup;
  • Buckwheat: 1 Cup.

Preparation and application method:

  1. Step 1. Nuts and buckwheat are milled to flour.

  2. Step 2. Honey blossoms for a couple (water bath).

  3. Step 3. The ingredients of the 1st and 2nd steps are mixed.

Porridge should be eaten 2-3 times a day. Every 3 days you need to eat a full portion of the resulting cereal within 1-3 months.

Walnut from goitre

Recipe 1


  • Walnuts (unripe): 80-120 g;

  • Vodka: 250-400 ml (or 250 ml rubbing alcohol).

Preparation and application method:

  1. Step 1. Walnuts are crushed.

  2. Step 2. Chopped with peel the fruits filled into the container of dark material (Bank of dark glass, heat-resistant plastic container, etc.).

  3. Step 3. In capacity to the nuts is added to the vodka (alcohol).

  4. Step 4. Tincture tightly sealed and stored in dark and dry place. Period – 2 months. Every few days the jar needs to be shaken.

  5. Step 5. Tincture at the end of the period is filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve.

Take 1 tsp 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe 2


  • Honey: 1 part;
  • Immature walnuts: 1 piece.

Preparation and application method:

  1. Step 1. Fruits nutschop together with peel in a meat grinder.

  2. Step 2. Mix the resulting mush with the honey.

  3. Step 3. The mixture infuse for a month in a dark and dry place.

Take within one month for 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals once a day.

White Potentilla from goitre

Recipe 1


  • Cinquefoil white: 34-38 g (about 2 tablespoons);

  • Water (or boiling water): 500 ml.

Preparation and application method:

  1. Step 1. Chopped cinquefoil (drugstore) filled with vodka or boiling water.

  2. Step 2. During the day the infusion is prepared.

  3. Step 3. At the end of the day it should be filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

It is necessary to take the infusion of 0.5 cups (~125 ml) 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe 2


  • The roots of Potentilla: 100-150 grams (to fill glass);
  • Vodka 700 ml.

Preparation and application method:

  1. Step 1. The ingredients are mixed in a suitable container.

  2. Step 2. Tincture is prepared 21 days. Keep in a dark place.

  3. Step 3. Upon expiration of the strain the infusion should not. The roots should remain in the solution for as long as possible. Strain you need when the tool will come to an end.

Need to take 25 drops per tablespoon of water 3 times daily 15 minutes before meals.

Sea buckthorn iodine against goiter

Preparation and application method:

  1. Step 1. Sea buckthorn berries to send in a juicer. The slurry was mixed with olive oil and send in a dark place to infuse for 2 weeks.

  2. Step 2. The resulting mixture after the 2 weeks is applied to the surface of the goiter. At the top, above the slurry is applied iotova mesh.

  3. Step 3. The surface of the neck zamatyvaetsya gauze or bandage, and on top of a warm scarf.

The dressing should be worn for 8-10 hours. Treatment compresses – 10 days.

How to live with a sick thyroid?

Modern methods of treatment of goiter thyroidgland minimize negative manifestations of the disease and improve the patient's quality of life. The patient can live a normal, productive life.

However, the pathology of this body imposes a number of restrictions on the person:

  • You need to stick to a diet. If there is hypothyroidism, the table should be rich in iodine. Otherwise, their consumption should be minimized or deleted.

  • Do not eat "unhealthy" foods: fried, over-salted, fatty, etc. From their consumption it is advisable to give up entirely. Only occasionally eat the kind of food permissible;
  • It is recommended to reduce the time spent in the sun;
  • Every few months you need to visit an endocrinologist to determine the status of the thyroid gland and, if necessary, the appointment of a special treat.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist