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Exercises to restore vision by the method of Bates

self-hypnosis. All because the written word affects tens of times stronger in comparison with what he heard, said or read the word.

According to the method Shichko, you need to sleep to record the precise phrase, the components of the overall life programme to restore health and, in particular, vision. These attitudes should be framed not abbreviated and comprehensive sentences and full words. For example: "I will correct your sight", "Every hour I let my eyes rest", "every day I feel that my eyes are getting better and better", "I can see the smallest details around me"and so on. After writing these phrases have to do the exercise called"palming" and go to bed.

Zhdanov issued his method in the form of lectures and began to speak with him in the country, stating that the Bates technique is ineffective without training on the system Shichko and related activities on a separate feed, therapeutic fasting, cleansing, etc.

Of course, nothing harmful or dangerous to maintain a healthy lifestyle or to write at night, certain phrases in the diary, no. Still, among all these extra steps it is recommended that more attention be paid to the old-fashioned method of William Bates.

Exercises according to the method of Bates

In conditions of civilized life, says Bates, the human psyche is under constant tension. Cause progressive deterioration of vision in humans may not be that they have to read a lot and sit behind a computer because of visual impairment to near the point (farsightedness), there are practically no less than violations of distance vision (nearsightedness).

The eye with normal sight never makes the effort to see. Vision is when the eyes are in a state of absolute rest, and any mental stress triggers conscious or unconscious eyestrain. Therefore, in order to see well, you must constantly relaxed state of mind and body.

Bates has developed specific exercises for each type of refractive error. But there are basic exercises that you can perform all types of vision disorders (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia (senile vision). All exercises are performed without glasses. Otherwise their effectiveness is practically zero.

Palming (dip)

Bates claims that a complete relaxation of the eyes is achieved while protecting them from light reachinghimself in a well lit area. View one letter of the bottom line that you can clearly and easily see. Then close your eyes, do palming and imagine that letter dark as possible. After eye opening, this letter needs to look more clear as it was located with her.

Moving and rocking

Deteriorating vision, when the eyes long fixed on a single point. Conscious or unconscious movement of the sight from side to side gives your eyes a rest.

  • Exercise 1. Look at any letter in the table, and then on another letter of the same row at a distance from the first. In this case the first letter needs to be visible to worse. Move your eyes from one letter to another, looking at each one and focusing on it for a few seconds. This should be an illusion of the movement of the string from side to side.
  • Exercise 2. Look at any large letter, then the letter is smaller at a considerable distance from it, and the big letter should be visible worse. With proper exercise table seems moving up and down, and after exercise, the vision of both letters is improving.
  • Exercise 3. Look at one edge of the selected letter and then on another. You can navigate from the top to the bottom of the letter, from one of its sides to another, or from one corner point to another corner. Must be the illusion rocking letters. When it succeeds, visual acuity will improve.

You can also close the eyes, to represent any letter in the black light and mentally shake her . Some people mental rocking can be better than visual. But it is impossible to shake the letters by force. They must swing like themselves.

Flashes or blinking

Close your eyes and do palming. Then open your eyes, look share a moment on some small letter on the test card, then close and repeat the relaxation. At the end of the exercise a few times zazhmurte and relax the closed eyes, keep hands away from face, take a few turns head from side to side, not opening eyes and rotating the eyeballs, and then quickly blinked.

For someone more efficient will be one exercise, but for someone – another. The ways in which people strain the eyes to see, a variety. Therefore also needs to be a variety of methods used to relieve stress.


  • Exercise 1. Stand with your legs onyou can use a lamp or candle. But sunlight is the best and natural option.

    Theme: Vital substances, reducing visual acuity

    Positive aspects and contraindications of the method Bates

    The positive side of the method Bates:

    • The technique is quite effective with acquired refractive errors of the eye (myopia and hyperopia) low degree. If the person is not wearing glasses, when systematic and regular exercises vision can be restored to normal.
    • The technique is useful in any case – if the full eyesight recovery is impossible, the exercises of Bates, relieving eye strain, are an excellent prevention of its deterioration.

    Contraindications for practicing the method of Bates:

    • Retinal detachment or the threat of delamination.
    • Postoperative period surgery eyes. To begin classes no sooner than six months after the operation.

    The results of studies by the method of Bates

    The results of working according to the method of Bates is very different, similarly as reviews of different people is very contradictory. Some have managed to restore sight with the help of this technique (especially in cases when the cause of poor vision was spasm of the muscles). Most manage to improve the vision by a few diopters. But there are reviews about the complete lack of any result.

    The most important thing in this technique (as, indeed, in any other case) is to do the exercises regularly and systematically. You can draw an analogy with strength training at the gym: if you throw a workout, the gains are lost very quickly. Also in this case: after the termination of employment vision may be the same as it had before, within a couple of weeks.

    If someone method of Bates will help easy to learn without glasses friends people on the street straining your eyes to see the number of an approaching bus or a price tag in the store – perhaps the majority will agree that this is a good achievement.

    Topic: Vitamins for the eyes – which are the best?

    The opinion of the ophthalmologist

    Lately seen increasing interest in Bates method, the essence of which is to improve vision without glasses. The technique is recommended for patients with different types of ametropia: myopia,