Home / Treatment / Tooth extraction - what to do, how much it hurts the gums, how to remove swelling?

Tooth extraction - what to do, how much it hurts the gums, how to remove swelling?

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The infection can get into the wound during operation when there is insufficient sterile conditions, or develop after, if the patient ignores the rules of hygiene and wound care during the rehabilitation period.

After the operation after the rehabilitation period, we recommend installing an implant in place of the removed tooth, otherwise developing a number of other unpleasant consequences. First, impaired masticatory function, the load is unevenly distributed on the remaining teeth, leading to rapid wear and has some dental problems in the future. If not careful chewing of food can cause problems with the digestive system.

The lack of a tooth may result in distortion of facial features, the appearance of early wrinkles, atrophic changes in the jaw tissue. That is why the implant needs to be early, especially because the process of healing immediately after tooth extraction is faster.

Signs of complications after tooth extraction:

  • A steady increase in temperature to 38 degrees and more;
  • Swelling, which subsides a few days; the swelling is so great that it prevents to swallow and open his mouth; (see also: Swelling after removal of wisdom teeth)

  • Severe pain in the region of an extracted tooth, which lasts several days and is not subsiding after taking painkillers;
  • The bleeding does not stop more than 12 hours, the blood comes in large quantities and has a bright scarlet color;
  • Numbness in one or both jaws, which is not held for more than two days from the time of the action of the anesthetic used during surgery.

If any of these symptoms you must see a doctor, as they indicate the development of infection.

What not to do after a tooth extraction?

  • You can't just dispose of gauze swab which is mounted on the wound the doctor – it helps stop bleeding and forming a blood clot. It is kept for half an hour or even an hour if you have problems with blood clotting;
  • Do not rinse directly after surgery and on the first day. Instead, they use a bath of soda solution (liquid held in the mouth for a minute and then gently spit, so as not to create a negative pressure and excess mechanical stress);
  • Can't drink or eat not less than three hours aftera few days after surgery. In case of their intensity and duration, your doctor may prescribe pain relievers, the intake of which begin half an hour after tooth extraction and continue at intervals of six hours.

    What to do when swollen gums after tooth extraction?

    Swelling of the gums after surgery is a typical phenomenon of post-traumatic local inflammatory process that develops during the mechanical tissue damage.

    Swelling may go to the masseter muscle is a complication usually resolves on its own, but if after 4 days no improvement has occurred, you must contact your doctor.

    How to heal gums and the hole after tooth extraction?

    Hole in place of an extracted tooth brings discomfort during the healing process – it can get leftover food, it can bleed and hurt. Moreover, it is necessary to carefully monitor her condition, observing all the rules of hygiene and care to avoid suppuration and inflammation, alveolitis.

    Immediately after removing the tooth in its place formed a blood clot, which plays an important role in the process of wound healing. It prevents bacteria and does not hide in the hole food particles. That is why picking the wound with your fingers, a toothpick, a language is strictly contraindicated to prevent blood clot, as it is fraught with complications in the form of dry socket or alveolitis.

    Gradually, as the healing blood clot is replaced by granulation tissue, which, in turn, is replaced by osteoid. Thus, in the place where once was a tooth, the formation of new bone, over which the gums.

    In the first phase of tissue repair circular ligament surrounding the tooth, is contracted, bringing together the edges of the gums to each other. This process is called secondary intention, and its success largely depends on the quality of the operation. If the tooth was badly damaged and smashed the surrounding tissue, the wound is long delayed and difficult.

    So, normally the gum margin converge after about 2-3 weeks, and despite the traumatic operation, this process is delayed for a month or two. In the case of complications complete healing process takes four to six months.

    How long does the swelling after tooth extraction?

    Slight swelling after tooth extraction is a normal phenomenon, because surgery causes local inflammation and swelling and redness of the tissues are characteristics. Local inflammation appears in violation of the integrity of the gums, without which to remove the tooththe effect is supplemented by the action of peroxide, which accelerates blood clotting. The cloth or swab soaked with hydrogen peroxide, pressed against teeth for 2-3 minutes, then gently removed;

  • If previous methods proved to be inefficient, you can purchase a hemostatic sponge in the store, and using tweezers, gauze swab and placing it into the wound. With its help it is possible to temporarily stop the bleeding. But usually, if a gauze swab and peroxide to stop bleeding is insufficient without the help of a specialist, and hemostatic sponge helps to reduce the blood loss time to get medical assistance.

As one of the reasons for increased bleeding from the hole is the high pressure solution in some cases, you may be taking medications from hypertension.

How long is bleeding after tooth extraction?

Bleeding of varying intensity during the first hours after surgery for tooth extraction was observed in all patients, blood in the saliva can stay a few more days. Bleeding appear longer in patients who had taken aspirin or krovanistaya drugs and people with hypertension. If the blood is long and intensely longer than a day, medical treatment necessary.

What to do if doesn't stop the blood after tooth extraction?

Bleeding after tooth extraction – a common phenomenon caused by tissue trauma during surgery. The danger is the prolonged and intensive bleeding, which can occur when damage to major blood vessels. This often occurs when surgery to remove the teeth, in which was used for incision of the gums or working with a drill.

It happens that immediately after the operation of bleeding is not observed, the blood from the wound appears only after several hours. This is due to the presence of epinephrine in the anesthetic composition, which causes a momentary spasm of blood vessels. If damaged a large vessel, such situation is a serious threat to health, since patients seek medical attention too late. When non-stop bleeding needs immediate medical attention – the doctor puts a hemostatic sponge and connects the edges of the gums with stitches. If a strong bleeding, especially if you experience symptoms of dizziness and weakness, you should contact the round-the-clock dentistry or to call an ambulance.

At home you can try to stop the bleeding with a tight apply a sterile gauze swab. Recommended to apply a cold compress for five minutes several times with an interval of three to four minutes on the cheek in place