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Itching and burning in the intimate area of women

Itching and burning in the intimate area can start to bother a woman at any age. Most often, these unpleasant sensations are accompanied by redness and swelling of the mucous membranes, and the appearance of micro traumas of the external genitalia. Itching is a specific cutaneous reaction that makes you comb the problem areas. This, in turn, poses a risk of infection with disease-causing pathogenic agents. They provoke inflammation and the formation of ulcerations.

It is important to understand that a healthy woman, to observe the rules of intimate hygiene, will never experience the unpleasant sensations in the intimate area. Therefore, the appearance of a burning sensation accompanied by itching is cause for immediate examination by a gynecologist. To engage in self-therapy and diagnostics should not, in order not to aggravate for possible pathology. Doctor perform the necessary tests will be able to set the correct diagnosis and appoint adequate treatment.

Itself itching in the intimate area disease is not. It is only a symptom of the pathological process in the genital organs of the female. Itching makes it clear that the body has failed requiring attention. Steps you can start taking after are well established causes of itching. All methods of self-therapy, for example, douching, lotions, intimate baths, using creams, ointments and medicines is not. Illiterate treatment you can not only get rid of the disease, but also cause serious harm to the health. In addition, the clinical picture of the disease due to self-healing is broken, and the doctor will be more difficult to put the correct diagnosis.

The content of the article:

The causes of itching in the intimate area of women

All the causes that can cause itching of the external genitalia in women can be divided into the following groups, each of which contains many sub-items:

  • Diseases of the gynecological sphere.
  • Diseases that are not associated with the reproductive system.
  • Other factors – endogenous and exogenous.
  • Diseases of the gynecological sphere.Almost any sexual infection is accompanied by burning and itching in the intimate area. Normal in the vagina and on the skin of the female genitals are always bacteria related to opportunistic flora. However, without the impact of additional precipitating factors they don't cause discomfort.

When the causes of the reproduction of infectious agents begins the process of inflammation, accompanied by itching and burning:

  • Candidiasis. This condition is called yeast-like microorganisms belonging to the genus Candida. More women is called candidiasis thrush, and doctors – yeast vaginitis. In addition to itching and burning, which cause strong anxiety of the patient, candidiasis triggers the appearance of a thick, cheesy discharge white. See also: causes, signs and symptoms of thrush;

  • Candidiasis, vaginitis, vaginitis bacterial nature. Itching and discharge with an unpleasant "fish" smell, can cause opportunistic bacteria, which passed a phase of active reproduction, most often Gardnerella. In addition, vaginitis and colpitis often provoked coccal bacteria and E. coli. Can diagnosed mixed infection of the female genital tract. Before the beginning of the next menstruation discomfort growing;
  • Allergic reaction to sexual partner selection. Sometimes it happens that the women after the incident of unprotected intercourse allergic reactions. They occur on the male sperm and lubricant, and cause the typical itching and burning in the intimate area of women. Such situations are quite rare and they are associated with the incompatibility of the microflora of the pair. It is a serious problem, which needs to be addressed. It is possible that the reaction was provoked by foods or drugs which receives a male. To accurately determine the cause, you must surrender allergenic tests and samples.

In addition, there are many infections that can be sexually transmitted and survive in the body completely asymptomatic. By reducing the immune forces in the transition of chronic diseases in the acute stage after viral infections they can Express themselves. Moreover, the itching may be mild and not to bring a woman too much discomfort. Often the sexual act that led to the infection, occurs for quite a long time, and the symptoms of burning and itching occur much later.

Among these dangerous diseases:

  • Sexually transmitted infections. More than others, according to the Ministry of Health of Russia, the prevalent syphilis, gonorrhea, lymphogranuloma venereum origin, donovans, chancroid. Especially common infection relevant pathogens recorded in some resort countries located closer to the South;
  • Chlamydia – a disease common in women. Is recurrent in nature, often transformirovalsya in chronic infection;
  • Trichomoniasis, which in addition is accompanied by itching discharge with foam, odor and yellow-green.
  • Genital warts, which are caused by human papillomavirus. As a result, women formed warts on the genitals causing discomfort;
  • Genital herpes can cause intense itching in the vagina. In addition, the woman will be disturbed education, which has the form of skin rashes. They, in addition to itching, accompanied by pain;
  • Mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis, and other infections, sexually transmitted diseases, accompanied by itching;
  • Urethritis, cervicitis, endometritis – all these diseases may occur as complications of existing genital infections. If urethritis itchy and inflamed mucous membrane lining the urethra, discomfort accompanied by burning and painful sensations during urination. When cervicitis inflamed mucosa of the cervix, and itching occurs in the area of the vagina. A cervical infection may also develop after trauma. In endometritis inflammation of the uterus, and a woman concerned about discharge, which cause irritation of the external genitalia.

If the above diseases, which can lead to itching and burning in the intimate area, are more common in women of reproductive age, but there are those disorders that often affect women after 45 years.

Among them:

  • Kraurosis vulva. It is a pathological process of atrophic nature, having chronic. It affects the skin and the mucous membrane of the vulva, it occurs on the background of age-related changes. In addition to burning sensation in the area of the entrance gate into the vagina, the woman has a sensation of dryness and burning sensation in the clitoral area (which is exposed sclerotic changes), the labia and the vagina (the stenosis);
  • Atrophic changes of the vaginal mucosa. When a woman comes intomenopause, she produces less vaginal lubrication, causing the mucosa is dry, it becomes sensitive, sore and itchy, especially after intercourse. Atrophic changes provoked by menopause, when vaginal tissues become thinner. In addition, the cause of atrophy can be autoimmune disease;
  • Malignant and benign tumors of vagina and cervix and uterine body. Discomfort in the form of burning and itching can be triggered by serious pathologies such as polyphonie growths, cancer, cysts Artnerova passage, myoma and fibroma;
  • Fistula. They provoke inflammation of the vagina by the reaction of the urine, which come during the process of urination. Fistula can be formed as a result of incorrectly performed caesarean section, after an intense labor and surgeries, urological and gynecological plan;
  • Diseases of non-gynecologic nature. Any infectious pathology starts the process of toxicity in the body. It influences all the organs and organ systems, so can cause itching anywhere.

Intimate zone women in this regard is not an exception:

  • An allergic reaction to any stimulus provokes a skin rash and dermatitis, which often appears at the area of the genitals;
  • Diabetes is another disease, a symptom of which can be itching in the intimate area. To exclude such a diagnosis should undergo a blood glucose;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome, susceptibility to stress factors. Most often depressive moods, fatigue, and stress affects women anxious and sensitive. It's known that any psychological disturbances and diseases of the nervous system (neuropathy – peripheral and Central) have an impact on receptors in the skin, causing itching, including in the intimate area;
  • Thyroid disease, pathology of the kidneys and liver. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland, cirrhosis, hepatitis, leukemia, anemia and other diseases of vital internal human organs have a negative impact on the entire body. This also applies to the area of the perineum;
  • Ftiras and helminthiasis. It appears that infection with parasites (helminths) are ableprovoke itching not only around the anus but the vagina and surrounding outer tissues. So often, the gynecologist gives a direction for delivery of the analysis on helminth eggs. Ftiras – another common and obvious cause of itching in the intimate area;
  • Diseases of the digestive system. Tingling, burning sensation and soreness in the vaginal area can sometimes arise such problems as intestinal dysbiosis, hemorrhoids (internal and external), proctitis, fissures of the anus;
  • Hematological disease. Cancer problems such as leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, cancer of the female genital organs, even in the early stage of the disease, all of which can trigger discomfort in the area of the perineum;
  • Cause itching and burning in the intimate area women have cystitis, which is often combined with other sexual diseases: vaginal candidiasis, intestinal dysbiosis. Pyelonephritis is a frequent companion of cystitis. See also: Cystitis in women causes, symptoms, how to treat;

  • Other factors – endogenous and exogenous. There are external and internal causes that may provoke itching and burning sensation around the genital organs in women, however, they are not associated with abnormalities gynaecological or body in General.

If itching after the removal of the following etiologic factors is not terminated after three days, consider consultation with a gynecologist:

  • Wearing underwear that does not meet hygienic norms and requirements. It may be too tight, narrow or awkward linen, or made from synthetic materials. In the end, in the intimate area creates a greenhouse effect, often combined with trauma to the skin. Poor quality underwear – one of the common causes of itching and burning in the intimate area for women;
  • The use of hygiene products with members of their staff with irritating components. Itching can cause harsh chemicals, preservatives, fragrances, aromatic additives, which are contained in Soaps, deodorants, shower gels. Moreover, potential hazards include sanitary pads, tampons, and toilet paper. Even washing powder, which is processed linen, often cause unwanted symptoms from the genital organs. An allergic reaction can occur on an part of clothing dyes;
  • Hypothermia of the pelvic organs and external genitalia, as well as their overheating cancause of itching;
  • Creams and tablets are used intravaginally, ointments and vaginal suppositoriesused for the purpose of protection from unwanted pregnancy, can cause a feeling of itching and burning in the intimate area;
  • This contraceptive, like a condom, also often causes irritation and itching. The reaction of the female genital organs can arise in the latex from which the product is manufactured. In addition, potential stimuli is a lubricant, spermicides and lubricants that condoms are handled. As a rule, undesirable reaction occurs immediately after sexual intercourse;
  • Prolonged stress and severe stress may cause of itching in the intimate area and the body in General;

  • Violation of the diet, excessive varied diets entails a lack of vitamins and minerals, it adversely affects the immune system, the ability of the skin to regenerate and causes irritation and itching in the intimate area. In addition, the negative impact of the craze semi-finished products and fast food because of the abundance in them of allergenic preservatives and dyes. Itching in the intimate area can cause acute, salty and sweet foods;
  • Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene. At least once a day, women should wash their genitals without the use of soap solutions.

Itching in an intimate place after taking antibiotics

Unfounded the antibacterial medications in excess of recommended dosages can provoke pathological responses of the organism, which is expressed in allergies and dysbiosis. These processes are often accompanied by severe itching in the intimate area.

To provoke the itching after the course of antibacterial therapy capable of the following States:

  • Vaginal dysbiosis. In the normal vagina there are up to 40 species of bacteria. They mutually control the activity of each other and protect women from pathogenic flora. The administration of antibacterial drugs able to disrupt the balance, harmful bacteria will prevail over beneficial. As a result, women will develop vaginal dysbacteriosis with all its attendant symptoms;
  • Allergic reactions. Taking any drugs threatens the development of allergies. Often it manifests itself invarious skin reactions. Therefore, an itch in an intimate area while taking antibiotics may be a result of allergies. This process can be accompanied by the appearance of rashes in the type of hives or rash, typical of measles, in the form of erythema or contact dermatitis. After discontinuation of the drug and receiving antihistamines and enterosorbiruyuschee means itching usually goes away. It is also possible to apply ointments with corticosteroids, however, they are in protracted skin reactions. The most dangerous in terms of developing contact dermatitis are considered antibacterial drugs, penicillin;
  • Intestinal dysbiosis can also cause itching in the intimate area. Or rather, not the goiter, and the consequences that it causes: vaginitis, colpitis, urethritis, candidiasis, etc. it is known that the intestinal dysbiosis is the most common complication of treatment with antibacterial drugs. See also: the treatment of dysbacteriosis folk remedies.

To prevent the development of undesirable effects from the antibiotic treatment should be avoided independent of their purpose. The dosage, frequency of intake, timing of the therapeutic course, taking eubiotikov – all these issues should be resolved by the attending doctor. If itching is still there, then a consultation with a doctor is needed.

Itching, odor, and separation of women in intimate area

Normal every woman occasionally appear vaginal discharge. Young girls they may be more abundant than in women of reproductive age and in menopause. They should be invisible, transparent, or with a cream or white shade. The odor of these secretions does not appear. Their liquid consistency, during the process of ovulation the discharge may be stretchy and mucous membranes.

If secretions the unpleasant smell, and they provoke a feeling of itching, it is considered a deviation from the norm.

Such allocation will require attention and contacting a doctor:

  • Sour smell and change in consistency (toregister) could indicate the start of vaginal candidiasis. Its causes are many (hormonal disorders, goiter, medication, the use of improper hygiene, etc.);
  • Transparent foamy discharge can be a symptom of infection with the organism chlamydia;
  • If whites have a grayish tint and unpleasant fishy smell, it couldindicate the gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginosis. The vaginal flora represented by lactobacilli, disturbed, beneficial flora is displaced by anaerobic bacteria and Gardnerella. Marks on the linen, as a rule, these allocations do not leave. However, during intercourse there is the smell of rotten fish, discharge worse after intimacy. Causes grayish whiter with an unpleasant odor can be many – the decline of the immune defense, menopause, hormone dysfunction, pregnancy, menopause, intestinal dysbiosis, etc.;
  • If the discharge acquires a greenish tint, have an unpleasant odor, are abundant, it speaks in favour of accession of the inflammatory reaction and suppuration. The abundance of those killed in the suppression of inflammation leukocytes gives the discharge a greenish tint. The stronger the inflammatory reaction, the more saturated will be the color, stronger smell and itching in the intimate area;
  • If the discharge has a yellowish tint, accompanied by itching and odor, it may be an indication of infection with Trichomonas. Such color is caused by the incidence of trichomonads in the vagina, it of leukocytes is not too much.

Strengthening whiter can be caused by inflammation of the appendages, vagina, cervix (cervicitis) or of the body.

The reason for going to the doctor should be the following types of discharge, accompanied by itching and odor:

  • Rich, white, cheesy patches;
  • Transparent foamy discharge;
  • Brown spots on your underwear between menstrual periods. Any abnormal color change of discharge;
  • The appearance of putrid, sour, fishy odor;
  • Leucorrhoea, accompanied by burning during urination against the background of increasing body temperature, if you experience dryness and discomfort after sexual intercourse, and regardless of intimacy.

Profuse discharge is odorless and itching

Selection of females should be, as it is the result of the normal functioning of the vaginal mucosa. Thanks to the secretions it produces self-cleaning, getting rid of various bacterial microorganisms, dead epithelial cells from the menstrual blood of accumulated mucus.

In the majority of cases of vaginal discharge have neither color nor smell. But sometimes action was requiredincrease, which causes the woman to guard. In some cases, the cause for concern does exist, as profuse discharge may indicate serious disease. However, discharge is change their texture and smell, cause discomfort and itching. In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist.

The increased volume of secretion, which is colorless and odorless, can testify to the following reactions and processes occurring in the body:

  • There was a period of ovulation;
  • Approaching next menstruation;
  • In women sexual arousal;
  • There was a change of climatic zones;
  • There is a pregnancy;
  • Was transferred under a lot of stress;
  • The girl entered into puberty.

It is worth remembering that the amount of vaginal discharge during the whole day should not exceed one teaspoon or 2 ml. They must be of homogeneous consistency and not have an unpleasant odor.

Itching and burning in the intimate area with no emissions

The causes that can lead to itching and burning in the genital area in the absence of secretions may be the following:

  • Violation of the rules of intimate hygiene (due to contact with urine, the activity of the sweat glands, the folded structure of the external genitalia, etc.);
  • Illiterate waxing and using razors to remove hairline (scratches and other small injuries to irritate the skin can also ingrown hairs);
  • The impact of temperature changes on the genitals;
  • Wearing tight underwear (size mismatch, the presence of rough seams, low-quality materials);
  • The injuries of the genital organs;
  • Use soap for intimate hygiene (too frequent application), which leads to drying of the skin of the intimate area and itching;
  • The use of substandard pads and tampons, which can cause allergic reactions;
  • The tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism;
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder (itching is caused by accumulation in the body of bile acids can occur anywhere on the body including the perineal region);
  • Genital herpes;
  • Pubic lice are.

Some of the disease gynaecological in certain features of the flow can notbe accompanied by secretions, but cause a feeling of itching and burning, for example, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, and others. So if you experience discomfort of uncertain etiology should seek the advice of a doctor.

Itching in the intimate area during pregnancy

Itching that occurs in the area of the perineum at the time when a woman bears a child, is an unfavorable manifestation of pregnancy. Often the reason lies in hormonal changes in the pregnant woman's body.

Serious fluctuations in hormonal levels are often the cause of the failure in the functioning of the immune system. In the end, changing the vaginal flora, increasing the number of pathogenic microorganisms. It can trigger vaginitis, candidiasis, dysbiosis and other diseases. Therefore, the appearance of itching in the intimate area at the time of gestation should seek the advice of an obstetrician-gynecologist. He will perform the necessary tests and, if necessary, to choose the appropriate therapy. To self-medicate during gestation is strictly prohibited, as it endangers the health of a future child.

The detection of vaginal candidiasis pregnant women do not panic. Statistics show that it affects 80 to 90% of all women who bears a child. With timely and proper therapy its success without consequences to the fetus is almost 100%.

In addition, the itching can be triggered by hormonal changes, cause can be as common illnesses, pathology and gynaecological, as well as exogenous and endogenous factors listed above.

It is important to remember that 14 weeks of pregnancy vaginal discharge increased, which is provoked by the work of the placenta, which begins to produce progesterone. Therefore, in this period you need to pay special attention to the intimate hygiene. Should ensure that secretions did not come bad smell, because its presence is a sign of illness of women.

Special hygiene requirements apply pregnant because of the possible incontinence, and the strengthened work of sebaceous and sweat glands. All this can also trigger itching in the intimate area, especially given the lack of care.

Linen, which is the expectant mother should be comfortable and made from quality natural materials.

How to treat itching in the intimate area?

To get rid of unpleasant feelings of itching and burning in the areagenital organs, care must be taken to exclude all possible factors, not associated with diseases of the body and reproductive system.

  • It might purchased and used a new tool for the soul, washing powder, cheap linens, etc.;

  • The beginning of reception of contraceptives is another cause of itching in the intimate area;

  • Need to listen to the body, think, what could be the exogenous factor provocateur itching and burning.

If probable cause is established, but after its removal the itching does not stop for three days, appeal to the doctor necessarily.

Read more: List of drugs skin itching

Questionable and unprotected sexual intercourse – about to undergo a pelvic examination even in the absence of itching. If the symptom appeared (even after a long time), contacting the doctor is required. Hidden infections can quietly exist in the body, exerting a pathogenic effect on all its systems. A sign that can help to suspect a hidden disease – increased itching during the ovulatory cycle and before the next menstruation or during it. After a month the itching becomes less severe or goes completely. To cure yourself sexual infection impossible. The laboratory should be determined by the type of pathogen, its sensitivity to antibacterial preparations and only after that is their selection. In addition, the doctor recommends vitamin therapy, physiotherapy, selects the means for the normalization of the microflora of the intestine and vagina, etc.

Cheesy discharge and itching in the intimate area are a common symptoms of candidiasis. Not to buy popular drugs without determining the causes of the disease. They will only temporarily silence the unpleasant symptoms and candidiasis threatens to become chronic. To help determine the etiology of the disease can only be a specialist.

When atrophic processes affecting the genital mucosa, the doctors are deciding hormones. It is possible that they will and let a woman in menopause get rid of itching and burning in the intimate area. Should not take hormone treatment alone. They have a large number of serious side effects and can cause cancer.

Not need without the advice of a doctor to do any douching. The majority of gynaecologists are generally opposed to this procedure and assign it only in case of emergency. Soto get rid of itching and burning in the intimate area, it is necessary first of all to go to the doctor. The only way the problem will be eliminated completely, and women's health and the quality of her life will not be affected.