الوقت | اللغات | تفاصيل العمل | إرسال انتساب المتعاقد الخارجي | متوسط الرغبة في العمل ثانية مع المتعاقد الخارجي  | الحالة | 02:21 | 5 أزواج إضافية | E-commerce translation recruiting الأعضاء فقط حتى 14:21 | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | 23 Quotes | 01:47 | | Remote, English > Turkish Türkçe Translation, Tencent Game Localization Translation, Checking/editing | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.2 out of 5 | 4.2 | التواصل مباشرة | 12:54 Dec 4 | | EN to Abkhazian Linguists needed Translation | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.6 out of 5 | 4.6 | مغلق | 12:04 Dec 4 | | Packaing Machinery Manuals, ongoing work, MemoQ |  Professional member | No record | 24 Quotes | 10:36 Dec 4 | | English into Turkish, mechanical products, Trados Translation, Checking/editing, Voiceover, Summarization, Education, Transcription, Copywriting, MT post-editing, Transcreation, Subtitling, Captioning, Subtitling, Checking/Editing/QC, Subtitling, Time Coding, Subtitling, Translation, Subtitling, SDH/HOH, Language instruction, Native speaker conversation, Sworn/Certified Translation, Terminology management | ProZ.com Business member LWA: 4.8 out of 5 ProZ.com Business member | 4.8 | التواصل مباشرة | 06:46 Dec 4 | | Requirement from Verbolabs Voiceover |  Professional member LWA: 4.7 out of 5 | 4.7 | التواصل مباشرة | 19:00 Dec 3 | | AI voice recording Voiceover, Native speaker conversation الدولة: دول أخرى | ProZ.com Business Plus member LWA: 4.8 out of 5 ProZ.com Business Plus member | 4.8 | 0 Quotes | 14:08 Dec 3 | | Analytics article segments & website localization, 22k words, monthly project Checking/editing, MT post-editing | Logged in visitor | No record | التواصل مباشرة | 16:28 Dec 2 | | Thai and Turkish Voice Recorders for Emotional Voice Recording Project الترجمة | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.5 out of 5 | 4.5 | التواصل مباشرة | 09:09 Nov 29 | | [HIDDEN] translators required-tr_TR & uk_UA Translation البرامج: Smartcat | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.3 out of 5 | 4.3 | التواصل مباشرة | 05:56 Nov 29 | | User Interface strings, 600 words, Medical Device, TRADOS (Actual/scheduled) Translation البرامج: Trados Studio الدولة: تركيا الاعتماد: | | No entries | Past quoting deadline | 17:12 Nov 28 | 1 أزواج إضافية | Interpretación simultánea ES-UK/KO/TR en Barcelona | Talent Intérpretes SL Interpreting, Consecutive, Interpreting, Simultaneous, Interpreting, Liaison (محتمل) | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | Past quoting deadline | 10:16 Nov 28 | | Turkish into Arabic and Arabic into Turkish Linguists Needed - Legal Texts Translation | ProZ.com Business member LWA: 4.9 out of 5 ProZ.com Business member | 4.9 | 28 Quotes | 09:28 Nov 28 | | Hearing in Queens - Landlord and Tenant court Interpreting, Liaison الدولة: الولايات المتحدة | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | Past quoting deadline | 06:06 Nov 27 | | Turkish Voice Over Artist Voiceover الدولة: تركيا |  Professional member LWA: 4.7 out of 5 | 4.7 | Past quoting deadline | 06:30 Nov 25 | 7 أزواج إضافية | Translation jobs for multiple languages | | No entries | التواصل مباشرة | 01:53 Nov 25 | 7 أزواج إضافية | Translation jobs for multiple languages | | No entries | التواصل مباشرة | 05:11 Nov 24 | | Hiring Turkish transcribers Translation, Transcription, Subtitling, Captioning |  Professional member LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | Past quoting deadline | 05:11 Nov 24 | | Hiring Turkish transcribers Translation, Transcription, Subtitling, Captioning |  Professional member LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | Past quoting deadline | 15:18 Nov 22 | 6 أزواج إضافية | We are seeking experienced interpreters for a Esports Tournament in London. Interpreting, Consecutive | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.6 out of 5 | 4.6 | مغلق | 13:56 Nov 21 | | Betting/Gambling translation, localization البرامج: Smartcat | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | مغلق | 10:13 Nov 21 | | Freelance English to Turkish QC MT Post Editor Subtitling, Checking/Editing/QC الدولة: تركيا | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.5 out of 5 | 4.5 | التواصل مباشرة | 20:35 Nov 20 | 3 أزواج إضافية | Native speakers of Mandarin, Vietnamese, Thai, Russian,German, Japanese Native speaker conversation الأعضاء فقط | | No entries | 17 Quotes | 12:03 Nov 20 | | Interpretación bilateral TR-ES en Madrid | Talent Intérpretes SL Interpreting, Liaison | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 5 out of 5 | 5 | مغلق | 11:54 Nov 20 | 2 أزواج إضافية | Interpreter Needed for Esports Global Championship in London (Dec 3–8) Interpreting, Consecutive الدولة: المملكة المتحدة | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.6 out of 5 | 4.6 | مغلق | 09:05 Nov 20 | 1 أزواج إضافية | Requirement From Verbolabs Translation, Transcription, Subtitling, Captioning |  Professional member LWA: 4.7 out of 5 | 4.7 | Past quoting deadline | 14:55 Nov 19 | 1 أزواج إضافية | Transportation Program brochure, 470 words, Translation and Proofreading Translation, Checking/editing البرامج: Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat | Blue Board outsourcer LWA: 4.9 out of 5 | 4.9 | مغلق | 12:21 Nov 19 | | Indian Interpreter for English<>Turkish, medical, virtual, periodic calls Interpreting, Consecutive, Interpreting, Simultaneous | Logged in visitor | No record | مغلق | | | | | X Sign in to your ProZ.com account... | | | | | | Translation industry jobs Jobs posted by outsourcers seeking quotes from language professionals. The Blue Board is a searchable database of language job outsourcers with feedback from service providers, and an important risk management tool. ProZ.com members have full access to the Blue Board. Anycount & Translation Office 3000 |
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