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Bowel cleansing flax seed

This Siberian method of bowel cleansing flax seed normalizes the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is even more healing of the intestine, and not cleaning.

Here's the recipe: take 100 grams of flax seed, grind it in a coffee grinder, pour 250 grams of unrefined sunflower oil, cold pressed, leave to infuse for seven days, shaking occasionally. Taken three times a day for ten days for 40 – 60 minutes before eating one tablespoon. To use the seed for this before use the mixture is stirred to make it homogeneous.

The result will appear after the sixth day of the use of medications, sometimes later. At this time, your menu must consist mainly of plant foods and fish. Should exclude alcohol, flour and refined sugar, sugar substitute can sweet fruits and honey.

Attention! If you have a cholecystitis, and eat only during meals.

Contraindications: acute and chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis, gallstone disease, use tincture of flax seed in oil is impossible. In these cases, the tincture is best done on the water. For this purpose, one teaspoon of flax seed to brew one Cup of boiling water (seeds grind is not necessary), leave to infuse. Two hours later, the infusion can be taken, but for best results, this infusion should be left in the thermos all day.

Drink one glass of infusion to drain, along with the seeds, 2 – 3 weeks. While infused tincture in butter, it's good to drink the infusion of four herbs: St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle, wormwood. Take one part each herb, except sage, it is taken 2 times less. Mix all, then one tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist one hour. Drink 100 grams one hour before meals three times a day for 7 – 10 days.

Indications: hypertension, increased blood clotting, atherosclerosis, bleeding caused by polyps, cyst or other tumors of the uterus and its appendages, pregnancy, lactation, enterocolitis.

The principle of action of Flaxseed and sunflower oil that's what. Flax seeds have the following properties: dissolving, cleansing, expectorant, emollient, enveloping, anti-inflammatory and slightly laxative. The flax seeds swell in the intestine for a long time not digest the seed of the groundstretches the intestines and stimulates its reduction, accelerate the promotion of food mass. In the shell of the seed contains alkaloid, linamarin, it enhances the secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, ground flax seeds and swelling to form mucus, which remains on the mucous membranes, thereby protecting them from irritation of harmful substances, as it is not affected by the juices of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, len is used for the treatment of gastritis, colitis, with inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, in the treatment of bronchitis, as a General tonic. Also linen is used for the manufacture of the drug linetol, which is used for the treatment of atherosclerosis, chemical, thermal and radiation damage to the skin.

Unrefined sunflower oil is a source of unsaturated fatty acids, lowers cholesterol, increases the concentration of phospholipids in the blood, so is used as a prophylactic agent in atherosclerosis. Sunflower oil relaxes the smooth muscles of internal organs, lowers body temperature, it has expectorant action.

Therefore, the mucilage of Flaxseed not only envelops all the little sores, but closes them from the effects of enzymes and treats inflammation. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the oil lubricates it, removes spasms and the body gets unsaturated fatty acids. When you receive food, it will pass off as "butter" flax seed will help to place food on, this will gently stimulate peristalsis and push the food ball to the exit. Even flax seed absorbs a part of harmful substances, be sure to enter the body with food, while facilitating the functioning of the liver.

It can be concluded: applying sunflower oil with flax seed, we improve the work of gastrointestinal tract. Sunflower oil has a choleretic effect, so use this medication during exacerbation of gallstone disease is impossible.