Body cleansing enema

Enema is an ancient method of cleansing the body. Body cleansing enema was used in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Ancient India. In India, wrote the treatise as using an enema, you can cure many chronic diseases.

Enema for Wacker

In advance prepare two or three quarts of boiled water. The biological rhythm of the intestine 5 – 7am, so enema is best done at this time. It is also possible in the evening before bed. In two liters of water add 1-2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice( and dissolved in water pinch of citric acid).

Well to add to this garlic water. Garlic water is prepared as follows: Chop one clove of garlic, pour it with cold water, stir, then strain, pour it all in a pre-prepared solution with Apple cider vinegar. Acidic water and garlic contribute to inhibition of pathogens.

The prepared solution pour into a mug Esmarch. Hose end or tip to grease with vegetable oil. Pear to conduct a cleansing enema is not appropriate, as the volume of pears is very small and not sufficient for a complete bowel cleansing. Attempt to enter the water with the pears several times will lead to irritation of the sphincter, this in turn will accelerate the urge for a bowel movement, as a result, water will pour out, cleansing will not do the job. Again, the water needs to flow slowly and continuously, using the pear this will not work.

To bring a mug so that the hose was loose at the introduction of the tip into the anus. The most suitable posture is the knee – elbow. So get on your knees, then get down on your elbows, with one hand insert the tip.

Try the tip to enter very carefully, especially if you suffer from hemorrhoids. With the introduction of the tip, lift the pelvis, the head drop down while start to breathe deeply, pulling air into itself, exhaling through the mouth. With vigorous breath works better aperture ,the faster water flows into the intestines. If the water joined, not all, but you already feel the pain in the gut, close the tap on the hose or hose clamp, stand on your feet, not pulling the tip upward motions massage the stomach, again gently get down on your knees and continue with the procedure. Try to enter all the water. Once the water flowed full, remove the tip into the anus lay a special bookmark, water, try to hold for 10 minutes. If you experience any pain or bloating, stroking belly clockwise. If possible, you can walknear the toilet or lie down on my stomach. The first time the water keep inside will be very difficult. In order to avoid a strong fullness, before the procedure, try a natural way to empty the bowel. If fails, call a chair by artificial means, to do this, insert a candle from hemorrhoids. Sitting on the toilet, massage your belly, trying to feel out the guts with your fingers. A gurgling sound will tell you that the water entered not the whole.

Not to do enema if you have little time. The result was good, the water should be administered slowly. Water should all emerge from the gut, otherwise it is absorbed into the stool and cause great harm.

Is the result of a cleansing enema is good when you feel emptiness in the stomach, lightness in the whole body. If, however, you feel the heaviness and the feeling of stool, again pour water into the Cup and repeat the procedure to ensure that bowel left all that's left.

People suffering from chronic constipation, before cleansing enema is recommended to first enter 0.5 liters of water and not holding it in the gut to release, this will exempt the rectum. Repeat this procedure two or three times. Only then do the enema according to the method described above. To do this, pour the cooled down to 40 degree boiled water into a mug Esmarch and continue the procedure.

Practices is recommended along with enema each day for 1-2 weeks in the morning on an empty stomach to eat a clove of garlic (contraindications: stomach ulcers, heart diseases, etc.) Well it chew or suck, to get all the nutrients in the saliva, then swallow. If chew can't, grate and soak in the mouth, accumulating more saliva. After hours you can enjoy Breakfast.

That is, do the evening in two hours after the last meal, then nothing more to eat and not to drink. This will contribute to the destruction of putrefactive germs in the intestine. Sometimes the ingestion of garlic can cause pain in the stomach. To avoid it, carefully chew the garlic and mix it with saliva, then the gastric mucosa is not damaged.

If heartburn occurs, the food 1-2 times a day drink 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed juice of potatoes.

The cleansing procedure bowel enema should be performed 1-2 times per year: early spring and summer season and the beginning of the autumn – winter season.

A decoction of one tablespoon of chamomile and sage are very good for cleansing enemas ( herbs boiled for three minutes).

Side effects when colon cleansing: pain, constipation, diarrhea, and others.

It is also good to use a decoction herbs for intestinal cleansing: yarrow, sage, oregano,calendula, chamomile, birch leaves, fennel seeds, plantain.

Liquid additions it is much better to use for cleaning the bowel than just water.

Hypertonic enema

For its preparation you will need, magnesium sulphate and table salt. One teaspoon of salt and 2-3 teaspoons of magnesia to 0.5 cups of water. The temperature of the solution before the procedure must be at room temperature (24 -26°). This solution has a strongly irritating effect on the intestinal mucosa, which causes after 30 minutes, a copious stool.

Enema for Hersonu

The essence of this method is that during the day is 6 – 8 enemas. Apply water with a decoction of green coffee and lemon juice, the solution temperature is 38 degrees. G. Shatalova added this recipe : the amount of water 1.5 – 2 liters add 0.1 liter of broth coffee 3-4 teaspoon of lemon juice and a glass of beet juice. For 7-10 days to carry out the procedure. At the end of their done in a day or two. These enemas are very good in the treatment of poisonous drugs, when blood levels of toxins.

Beet enema

Beets peel 500-800 grams of fresh beet, slice or grate, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Leave to steep for 20 to 40 minutes in a warm place. After drain and cool to room temperature. This type of enema is very effective for chronic constipation, restore peristalsis, to get rid of dysbiosis. After such enemas (5-12) bowel movement becomes regular, the same as the number of meals. It is very soft, so it can be recommended to children.

Herbal enemas

Enemas of decoctions of herbs. Such enemas of output gases have a slightly astringent effect. Before you make a herbal enema it is recommended to do a cleansing enema. As soon introduce herbal solution, lie on your right side, wait until the solution is absorbed.

Honey enema

A tablespoon of honey dissolved in a glass of boiled water, add a tablespoon of lemon juice. The liquid after introduction into the bowel to try to hold for 10-15 minutes.

Coffee enema

Three tablespoons of ground organic coffee to pour into the Cup boiling water, boil for 3 minutes, leave to simmer for another 12 minutes. Then drain, cool to room temperature. Honey and coffee enemas in their impact are very similar. Use them to enhance the mucosa of the large intestine, for excretion of toxic substances, also good effect on workadrenal glands, liver, gallbladder. Caution should apply to enemas people with high blood pressure and easily excitable nervous system.

How can that be, if you are not able to clean the bowel using enemas?

At your disposal there are many natural remedies that help to cleanse the bowel. This is bran and fiber. Bran and fiber is a source of dietary fiber. They are known to have contributed to the increasing reduction of the bowel, mechanical cleansing of the walls of the intestines from fecal stones.

Use them like this: 3-4 tablespoons of mix in a glass of buttermilk, yogurt or any other liquid. Leave to steep for 3-5 minutes. To take during the day divided into 2-3 doses. Can be added to food soups, cereals, used as breading material. Eat bran daily, for a long time.