Liver cleansing beets, this is a fairly gentle option for cleansing the liver. Especially if for some reason you can not use cleansing, liver cleansing beets a try.

Beetroot is a very versatile product. It contains fiber and organic acids, they stimulate gastric secretion, intestinal motility. Beetroot contains many vitamins and iron, they promote blood formation. No wonder beet is recommended for anemia, anemia, atherosclerosis, and accompanying him cardiovascular disorders, obesity and aging. A lot of good to say about beets, but we won't, and better consider how to use it, in order to cleanse the liver.

On the day that you plan for cleansing, it is advisable to eat apples, if this is not possible, the food should be vegetarian. Discard flour and bakery products, muffins, pasta.

How to cook beet broth for cleansing the liver?

To prepare the beet broth, you will need beets about the size of a man's fist, or two Cam women. In General, the beet should be small, preferably medium size. Pre-beet is not necessary to clean! Thoroughly wash the tail is not cut off! Beets put in a pan, pour in one liter of water, using the tube measure the resulting water level. Then there add two quarts of water, bring to a boil and wait until the water boils away, to the point that we have noted. Then remove the pan from the heat, remove the beets, allow to cool for five minutes, quickly RUB it on a grater in the same water, and again bring to a boil, boil 20 minutes. The resulting beet porridge remove from heat, pour one glass of 200gr and drink.

Usually for me it takes three hours. Let's say you got up at 6am, then at 9am you have already take the first glass of this wonderful drink. For those who don't like to get up early, the broth can be cooked late in the evening and go to bed. Getting up in the morning to drink a glass of the finished broth.

Next, leave the broth to cool, then squeeze cold beet pulp. The remaining decoction divide into 3 parts (is usually 200 – 250 g) and taken through 3 to 4 hours. After each dose of the decoction, you should lie down with a heating pad in the liver and relax.

Results liver cleanse beets

The result of this cleansingquite soft. Many methods of cleansing the liver such as tyubazh or with olive oil and lemon juice, along with the feces is removed all the dirt from the liver. Beet the broth, removes the dirt along with the urine, and it is much softer. So once you have frequent urination, then the broth, it worked. While relief may not be. So don't worry and don't be discouraged – as it should be. The next day you will feel lightness in the right hypochondrium. Nothing bad will! But note, however, that should be the measure, and should strictly adhere to the dosage. In any case, you can't drink all the broth at once, have patience, and the result will please you. This liver flush should be performed once or twice a year, along with cleaning the intestines!

Topic: the Benefits and harms of beets and beetroot juice

Liver cleansing with beet kvass

For making kvass you will need three fresh beets medium size. Rinse it thoroughly, cut into small cubes, place in a glass jar. There also add two tablespoons of white flour, 500 grams of sugar. Close the jar with a lid of nylon leave to infuse in a dark place at room temperature for two days. Twice a day the contents of the jar to mix.

Then in a jar, add 700 g of seedless raisins and tails, four cups of sugar, half a Cup of water and again leave for a week to ferment, stirring every day. Then drain, eventually get one liter of beet kvass. For a course of purification, you will need three liters of beet kvass.

Use a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals. To do so, until then, until all three liters of kvass. Three months to give rest to your body, you can repeat the course. Practice say, a year later, the liver is completely cleaned and restored.

I also want to add that all of the ingredients to the brew balances overexcited vital principle of "gall", it it causes various hepatic and digestive disease.

Contraindications: gallstone disease.