Cleansing pancreas

The pancreasis a gland that regulates our carbohydrate and fat metabolism, it also requires periodic cleaning, also as prevention. The most convenient time to conduct the cleaning, it is the second half of the summer. Before you begin to clean the pancreas, it is necessary to conduct a liver cleanse, then a month to give yourself a break, and we can do the cleaning of pancreas, by using folk remedies.

In order to carry out cleansing of the pancreas and restore its cells, it is necessary to drink a lot of fluids, at least three liters of fluid a day. As a drink suitable spring, well or mineral water. You can also use stewed fruit. However, you should limit the consumption of refined sugar, enough sugar contained in the compote. Daily menu should be deleted: fatty, smoked, fried, more butter, milk, tea and coffee.

Cleansing the pancreas with the help of Bay leaf

In the case where the weakened pancreas, and issues with blood sugar, is cleaning using a Bay leaf.

In a thermos to fold 10 Bay leaves, pour 300 ml of boiling water, cover and leave to infuse during the day.

Then infusion to drain, taking it to 50 grams ( not more) for half an hour before meals. As soon as the infusion ends, take the following pre-cooked portion.

So, take the infusion for two weeks.

Well, if you before you start to drink this infusion, a blood to feel the difference in the condition of the blood after treatment infusion. The test results will show you which positive changes occur in your body.

Find out more: the Most effective recipes to restore the pancreas!

The restoring force of the pancreas

To recover cells of the pancreas, suitable this is the original date the way. Followingthis method is necessary every morning for two weeks (6 to 10 hours) fasting to eat dates. Pre-dates must be washed and put them on white crockery. You need to eat odd number of dates, but not less than fifteen, slowly and carefully chewing. When enough is enough, you will feel. Drink dates should be pure spring or well water.

After 30 minutes after you eat dates, you can have Breakfast. During purification of the cells of the pancreas, its usual menu can not be changed, and eat as usual. The only thing to remove from the diet of fried, fatty and smoked food. Even to limit the consumption of meat. After conducting such date diet, the cells of the pancreas restores, normalizes digestion.

To improve the operation of the cells of the pancreas, after I finished the main treatment, you need to spend three fruit day. These days you should eat exclusively with pears, a day, eating three large, or five pears of medium size. Experience shows that indeed in addition to pear in the course of these three days to eat anything not necessary. Because the substances contained in the pears helps to eliminate dead cells from the mucous lining the intestine and the ducts of the digestive tract, even those that come from the pancreas, liver, gallbladder. Looking at the shape of this wonderful fruit, it is possible to explain his action.

Cleansing pancreas buckwheat

Take one Cup of buckwheat, rinse thoroughly and pour 0.5 liters of yogurt. It should be done in the evening.

In the morning the resulting mess is divided into two parts. One part to eat is Breakfast, the second for two hours before bedtime. To do so for 10 days. Then the break is also 10 days. And again to cook buckwheat.

During a break, it's good to eat 5 kernels of apricot. The duration of the cleansing of the pancreas is one month. Making such treatments, you will feel at ease. This treatment is good to repeat 1 – 2 times per year.

Cleansing cancer using parsley with milk

This cleansing perfectly cleanses the spleen and bone. Take 2 kg of roots of fresh parsley, mince and pour in 3.5 liters of milk. Put on the stove and cook for half an hour, until porridge. The resulting dish is necessary to eat for three days, while anything else is impossible.

Warning. After this cleaning need a few days to drink mineral water as this is very much obestochivaete the body.