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Cleansing vessels folk remedies

Routine cleaning of the vessels is the event, which will be useful not only for older people suffering from hypertension or atherosclerosis. All these diseases can and should be prevented in young and Mature age, especially if you live in adverse environmental conditions, overweight and often complain of feeling unwell, headaches, chronic fatigue. Clean, healthy blood vessels is a key to good blood supply of all organs and, therefore, the key to good health.

National cleaning vessels

To clear the vessels from excess cholesterol, it is not necessary to visit a doctor and pay a visit to the pharmacy for expensive medications. With this task perfectly well-proven natural remedies: garlic, lemon , and honey.

What are their unique properties? Let's understand:

  • Garlic is well-known, due to its ability to kill parasites that inhabit the human body. However, microbes and viruses, he also have no taste. But few people know that garlic is great breaks down cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Thus, normal garlic not only helps to promote health during the period of seasonal colds and cleanse the blood vessels from accumulated "junk";
  • Lemon is equally effective in the fight against cholesterol plaques – concentrated juice well breaks down fat. Well, of course we should not forget about the other, better-known advantage of this citrus fruit: the lemon contains a shock dose of vitamin C – a natural antioxidant (antioxidant, to speak in scientific language);
  • Honey will be good company of the above three components, because it contains a huge number of biologically valuable substances. Adding honey, you can turn your home routine cleaning of vessels in restorative Wellness event, which will allow you to achieve excellent health and resistance to disease.

1 method: infusion of garlic and lemon

Take 4 garlic cloves and 4 sturdy ripe lemon. Garlic divide into cloves and clean, and thoroughly washed lemons cut into arbitrary pieces without removing the skin. All grind in a blender into a homogeneous mass, put in three-liter glass jar, then pourcool boiled water to top. Close the lid and place in a cool dark place for 3 days. Daily shake the contents of the can. When the infusion is ready, strain it through several layers of sterile gauze, pour into a clean bottle with airtight lid and refrigerate.

People who are not suffering serious chronic diseases, and not complaining of problems with digestion, it is recommended to take half a Cup of this infusion three times a day 20 minutes before meals. If you have a weak health and has problems with stomach, take infusion for cleaning vessels 3 tablespoons immediately before a meal.

Please see the detailed video recipe of this healing infusion:

Note: garlic should not take people who have arrhythmia or tachycardia, or predisposed to it. Garlic in large amounts contributes to the development of these diseases.

Method 2: honey syrup with garlic and lemon

To prepare a medicinal syrup against cholesterol you need to take six lemons, four garlic cloves and 350ml of liquid honey, preferably lime or floral. Garlic and lemon prepare as described above and place in a glass jar, add honey and pour dovera clean water. All mix thoroughly, cover and leave at room temperature for at least ten days. The finished syrup is for cleaning vessels strain through a sterile gauze, pour in a convenient sealed container and refrigerate.

It is a wonderful tool operates more smoothly, so it can safely be taken even by people with capricious stomach. One tablespoon of syrup dissolved in glass of warm boiled water and drink early morning on an empty stomach, and then again later in the evening before bed.

Whichever method of cleaning vessels in the home you choose, keep in mind that the process will go faster if you take a drug it is in the morning, immediately after waking up. And then during the day it is recommended to drink at least four glasses of pure water, preferably with the addition of fresh lemon juice.

The cleansing of the vessels with herbs

Recipes for cleansing vessels folk remedies, as well as for cleansing the stomach, liver, kidney, improve metabolism. Takechamomile, yarrow, Helichrysum, birch buds – all on a teaspoon. Mix these components.

In the evening, pour one tablespoon of prepared mixture of 500 milliliters of boiling water. Allow to steep for twenty minutes in the broth and then strain through a cloth. Not only gauze. Press. Two hundred milliliters of broth drown one teaspoon of honey, drink this compound for the night and then nothing to eat or drink.

What was left of the broth, pour boiling water, infuse on a water bath. Also dissolve in the liquid one teaspoon of honey and drink for twenty minutes before eating in the morning. Treated so every day until the end with the broth. It must be kept in a well closed jar. After five years, repeat the cleansing of the vessels.

Cleansing the blood vessels clover

Starts the most auspicious time when all the clearing you can find several useful wild herbs. Spring, everyone remembers dandelion and nettles (personally, I make jam from dandelions). But not everyone knows that in spring there is an opportunity to prepare a vitamin drink every day, which is very useful, especially for those whose age has crossed forty years.

At this age the body begins intensive aging vessels, as they can't cope with the pressure of the cholesterol that enters the body with meat and fatty foods. And in order to facilitate the work of vessels, I propose to drink anti-sclerotic drink from a field of clover. This undemanding plant blooms throughout the entire summer everywhere, but we pass by.

In order to try the drink, 1 teaspoon of dried red clover heads, pour 1 Cup of boiling water, 5 minute boil in a water bath, to insist 40 minutes, strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 21 days, then 7 days break. To hold 3 such courses.

For example, I throughout the summer drink this drink. This folk recipe that I clean not only the vessels, as he began to notice how much it affects me and my health. I became more calm, the heart is at rest, gone is the noise in my head pressure came back to normal. I'm pretty sure that's not all, because my overall health was much better.

Another of clover and prepare alcohol tincture, which also has anti-sclerotic properties. For its preparation you will need twotablespoons of dried flowers pour a glass of vodka, leave in a dark place to infuse, tightly closed lid. Use 30 drops dissolved in a little water, three times a day 40 minutes before meals.

Popular recipes cleanse the blood vessels

Horseradish and lemon. To clean the vessels take the following composition. Take two hundred and fifty grams of horseradish, the same amount of lemon and garlic. Grind all in a meat grinder and mix this mixture with the same amount of cool boiled water. Leave for a day in the fridge. Drink three times a day one tablespoon half an hour before meals. Sedate one teaspoon of honey.

Rowan. Eat three hundred grams of berries of Rowan every day for a month. After half a year, repeat the course of purification of vessels. To improve memory and get rid of multiple sclerosis take two hundred grams of the bark of mountain ash and pour half a liter of water. Boil on small fire. Take before a meal for twenty or thirty drops three times a day.

Ramsons. If you suffer from cardiovascular disease, you need to clean vessels following folk recipe: tear the wild garlic, wash, towel dry, cut into small pieces, pour vodka in the ratio one to two. Leave the composition to light for three weeks, then strain and drink five to ten drops of cold water. The course of treatment lasts as long as there was no improvement.

The cleansing of the vessels of milk and tea

This popular recipe is to cleanse the blood vessels from toxins. In a mug pour milk for tea – fifth of the volume of the mug, then pour back the tea. Drink composition every two hours for two to five days, depending on the state. Nothing more to eat or drink these days.

Up to three hours a Day in this composition nothing can be added. And after three hours you can add honey or sugar. To accelerate the release of toxins once per course of treatment to make himself an enema.

The cleansing of the vessels with lemons and milk

Course of the people's purification of vessels is two weeks. Helps to cleanse the blood vessels and strengthen the heart. Every day you should have three lemons and one liter of milk. In the morning on an emptystomach drink a third of the milk, and then juice of one lemon. The procedure is repeated in the afternoon and at night. In the days of her purification eat vegetarian food.

Contraindications cleaning of vessels in the home

Any health home activity is best done after consulting with your doctor. The cleansing of vessels using garlic and lemon is no exception. There are three categories of people who this technique is not recommended by definition:

  • Expectant and nursing mothers;
  • Diseased kidney failure and other serious diseases of the urinary system;

  • Allergies (lemon and honey is a strong allergen).

Reviews of doctors on house cleaning vessels

In General, most experts agree that cleaning of the vessels with the help of natural remedies is a useful and safe procedure which should be done once a year. After the standard ten-day course you'll experience an unprecedented rise of energy: improved digestion and sleep during the day, you will be less tired, forget about causeless headache, and weakness.

The main advantage of this technique lies in its accessibility and security. Why spend exorbitant amount of money on medicines to cleanse the blood vessels and strengthen the immune system, if you can refer to the nature?