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Treatment failure folk remedies

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Treatment failure with black cumin oil

Black cumin oil is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, its tonic effect on the nervous system helps the body in adapting to daily stress, stimulates mental activity.

Other useful properties of black seed oil:

  • It stimulates the digestive system, preventing the process of fermentation in the stomach and intestines, causing normalizerbase its microflora, and breathing becomes fresh.
  • Detoxifying effect, removes from the body toxins, stimulates processes of self-purification of the bowel;
  • Normalizes hormonal balance, which is successfully used in the treatment of female and male infertility;

  • A positive effect on the processes of lipid metabolism due to the higher content of essential fatty acids, preventing atherosclerosis, fatty degeneration of the liver; black cumin oil is a good prevention of pathologies of the cardiovascular system;

  • Used for colds to stimulate the processes of expectoration.

How to take black cumin oil? It is necessary to take 1 teaspoon before or after meals. Before the food is taken to strengthen the therapeutic effect after a meal you need to take those people who have trouble digesting oil on an empty stomach.

Can black seed oil be taken with hormones? Oil can be combined with hormonal therapy, the main thing is not to use hormones at the same time with oil. The break between receptions of these funds shall be not less than 3 hours.

Read more: Useful properties and application of black seed oil

Restoring hormonal levels Flaxseed oil

Len – record holder among plants for phytoestrogens, these substances in the seeds contains more than soybeans, which are traditionally used for the correction of a hormonal background. The seeds and oil of flax contains lignin, a plant hormone with estrogen-like action, which has beneficial effects on the female body.

For the correction of adverse symptoms of menopause and improve the health of women in this period is recommended within one month, take 2 tablespoons of Flaxseed twice a day, drinking plenty of water. After a week the tides will be much weaker, lost the nervousness and trouble sleeping and after two weeks, the application will be noticeable the maximum result.

For the prevention of intestinal disorders is recommended to use flax seeds in food consisting of cakes, salads and as an additive to a variety of dishes – 1-2 tablespoons per day. Flax seed oil is rich in essential fatty acids, in large quantities contains omega-3, which allows it to be used for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Read more: how useful flax seed oil? (linseed oil)

Sage with hormonal failure

Sage helps in treating hormonal failure in women with a lack of estrogen due to increased levels of plant hormones with estrogen-like action. This plant is used for solving several problems associated with hormonal deficiency – infertility, anovulatory cycles, pathology of the uterine endometrium.

With an insufficient amount of estrogen essential for normal maturation of the follicle and release of the egg it, consequently, ovulation does not occur. To solve this problem in the first phase of the cycle (10-11 days from the end of the month) take sage in the form of decoctions and infusions. The process of ovulation in the first time after taking sage may be delayed, and it can be about delay in menses, not pregnancy-related.

Another problem arising from the lack of oestrogen thin endometrium. The endometrium, the inner lining mucosa of the uterus, has a special structure required for attachment of a fertilized egg to the walls. The process of its formation is regulated by hormones estrogen and progesterone, the violation of their concentration leads to the inability to conceive. Sage restores the normal structure of the endometrium, contributing to estrogen production. Under reduced levels of progesterone, supplementation of sage combined with Antiseptic and Utrozhestane, which receive in parallel the first phase of the cycle.

Remember the rules of caution with herbal medicine – treatmentonly after becoming familiar with all the contraindications, also need to control the level of hormones to get tested. The dosage of the drug appoints specialist, as large quantities of sage is toxic and can cause poisoning.

Sage tea for treating hormonal failure is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of crushed dried leaves of plants pour boiling water (70-80 degrees) and fifteen minutes, insist in a warm, then strain through cheesecloth, folded several times. Drink infusion before eating a quarter Cup three times a day, skipping an evening reception.

In some cases, the sage is contraindicated?

  • If the analysis on hormones has shown the excess estrogen, then drink the sage is not recommended. Under its influence may increase the growth of follicles and elevated estradiol levels amid a fall in progesterone follicles can not burst and formed a cyst. The shift in the balance of hormones towards estrogen dangerous in early pregnancy, because there you need the influence of another hormone – progesterone. Sage and contraindicated during lactation.
  • In diseases of the thyroid – hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism – sage can only aggravate the situation, it is better to abandon it in favor of the hops, raspberry and lime, which also contain phytoestrogens.

  • When uterine fibroids and endometriosis sage strictly contraindicated, as with other plant hormones with estrogen-like activity.
  • Individual intolerance and allergic reactions are also contraindications to the use of sage.

Read more: Useful properties and application, sage

An integrated approach to herbal medicine

Treatment failure in herbal medicine takes a comprehensive approach and includes plants that are rich in phytohormones – substances of plant origin which when ingested, can show activity, characteristic of natural human hormones, but several times weaker. This is a significant advantage over prescription drugs of hormone therapy that have a lot of side effects.

To restore normal hormonal levels use the grassy part of peppermint, strawberry and lemon balm, Valerian root, fennel and Linden flowers. They are used alone or in the complex therapy for add-onspotent medicinal herbs upland uterus, sage and wormwood.

Wormwood 1 to day 5 of the menstrual cycle

Make the tarragon only in the first days of the cycle (1-5) during menstruation.

Note that this plant stimulates menstrual bleeding, and normal monthly use is optional.

Recipe wormwood: two tablespoons of dried herbaceous part of the plant is rinsed with hot water (one Cup) and boil for fifteen minutes in a water bath. The resulting broth drink two tablespoons half an hour before meals, three times a day.

Sage 6 through day 15 of the menstrual cycle

Sage accepted strictly in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (before ovulation!), with 6 for 15 day. To prepare a teaspoon of vegetable raw pour a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for fifteen minutes. Strain the infusion and divide it into three parts to drink for twenty minutes before each meal.

The pharmacy can buy sage, packaged in bags. One sachet is enough for a glass of water, the resulting infusion divided into two or three doses.

Upland uterus and/or red brush with 16 for 25 day menstrual cycle

Upland uterus can be consumed together with the red brush or is it the second phase of the cycle, which lasts from 16th to 25th day. Recipe infusion: a teaspoon of vegetable raw materials is filled with water 200 ml and infused warm for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion to drink twice a day, half a volume at a time. You can prepare an infusion of one of these plants or to prepare the mixture (take half a teaspoon of upland uterus and red brush, then follow the same recipe).

Attention! When brewing herbs used hot water temperature of 70-80 degrees Celsius, but not scalding water.

The course of treatment is 3 months. Additionally you need to take selenium and folic acid.

Fenugreek seeds with reduced estrogen and prolactin

Fenugreek seeds are traditionally used in the East for the treatment of gynecological diseases. An important advantage of this plant in comparison with other plant hormones is its safety for nursing mothers. Moreover, the fenugreek stimulates the production of prolactin, providing production of milk during lactation, and is often used for this purpose.

Hormones fenugreek reduce the amount of testosterone, and stimulate synthesis of estrogens and promote early recovery femalethe body after childbirth. Its anti-inflammatory properties as well as the ability to normalize uterine contractions are used to reduce pain when menstruation.

Uses of fenugreek:

  • The infusion. For infusion, pour a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for twenty minutes, then strain. The resulting infusion to eat inside during the day in equal portions. The course of treatment is 5-6 weeks.
  • Broth. 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds crushed, the resulting powder in the amount of one tablespoon pour a glass of water and boil on a water bath for 10 minutes. Take broth 1/3 Cup of broth before meals, 3 times a day.
  • The finished powder of fenugreek seeds brewed and drunk as a tea to restore the body with exhaustion, improving its tone and adaptability. The inhabitants of Egypt add to this tea is milk, sugar or lemon to taste, drink from fenugreek seeds helps them to better endure the heat.
  • For the treatment of liver diseases and male infertility whole fenugreek seeds are germinated and eat inside.

Read more: the benefits of fenugreek

Treatment failure beet juice

Juice therapy is effective in restoring the hormonal not only because vegetable and fruit juices contain plant hormones, but due to high concentration of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances, complementary biochemical resources of cells.

The most beneficial to treat hormonal failures considered beet juice, but it should be consumed with caution, given that in large amounts it can cause discomfort in the stomach and pressure surges. To get used to beet juice gradually, the maximum daily dose is one Cup in the first week of use it can be diluted with carrot juice or water.

Read more: the Benefits and harms of beets and beetroot juice

Contraindications: low blood pressure, diarrhea, kidney stones.

Cinquefoil for violation of the thyroid gland

Treatment of dysfunction of the thyroid gland cinquefoil white takes a lot of time, its durationdepends on the degree of severity of the disease. In chronic pathologies may require 2-3 years of treatment, during which the necessary number of roots weight of 300 grams.

Cinquefoil white thyreostatics has unique properties not found in other plants, so it is often used to alleviate hyperthyroidism. In the medical purposes use the roots and the ground part of this plant, pharmacological studies show no toxic substances in the extract of Potentilla.

Recipe tincture from the root of Potentilla white

To prepare the tincture use the roots of Potentilla and forty-degree alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 10. Vegetable raw material is poured and insist in a dark place for one month. To the useful components moved to the tincture completely, it is recommended to fill again the dry residue with alcohol (half the previous volume) and leave for another three weeks.

Take a tincture Potentilla before eating, mixing 30 drops with boiled water, treatment continued for a month, then be sure to take a week break. To resume treatment until the thyroid condition is not normal.

Read more: Useful properties and application of root and tincture white cinquefoil

Tea from peppermint reduces the amount of male hormones

Properties of peppermint is to reduce the amount of androgens, normalizing the hormonal balance of women, used in the treatment of menopause. Mint has anti-inflammatory action, normalizes the nervous system and removes the nervousness and sleeping problems that often accompany menopause. This tea from the mint leaves need to drink before bedtime.

Peppermint topically applied to treat skin diseases and in cosmetic purposes. Lotions from mint infusion allows you to quickly remove acne and other skin rashes, wiping ice cubes on a mint water tightens pores and tone the skin, adjust the sebaceous glands, preventing excess sebum production. In addition, trace elements, vitamins, bioflavonoids and phytosterols contained in the mint leaves, intensifies metabolic processes in the tissues of the skin, stimulate its regeneration and prevent wrinkles.

Another area of application of peppermint is weight gain. The full tonic effect of extracts, infusions and decoctions of mint enhances the metabolism that is needed for effective weight loss. The body is cleared from accumulated in it of toxins, fatty tissueburned faster, and the figure gets the desired shape. Mint infusion helps to consolidate the results of training and control appetite during dieting.

Prepare the peppermint infusion: a tablespoon of dry mint pour boiling water and insist in a thermos for fifteen minutes.

Read more: Properties and uses of peppermint

Japanese Dioscorea (wild Yam)

Wild Yam since ancient times is used as a rejuvenator. Its action is based on saponins, which are substances that have steroidology structure and in the body can play the role of precursors of hormones. Thus, diosgenin can be the basis for the synthesis of progesterone. Dehydroepiandrosterone, is synthesized in the body under the influence of the extract of Dioscorea, gives rise to the production of several dozens of hormones, mainly sex. Production of these hormones is significantly reduced with age, which contributes to the overall aging of the organism. The condition of deficiency of sex hormones is called hypogonadism. It appears premature skin aging, fatigue, destructive changes in the internal organs, a slowing of metabolism.

Drugs wild Yam contribute to maintaining hormonal balance, strengthen the immune system and reinforce the body's natural defenses against the aging process.

Wild Yam or Dioscorea you can buy at the pharmacy, it belongs to Badam – biologically active additives.

Twine normalizes the menstrual cycle

Exercises stretching is very useful for women's health, solving a range of problems, starting with the General toning up of the immune, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, ending with problems with the menstrual cycle. In addition to the above advantages, twine prevent injury making the ligaments more elastic and training musculoskeletal system. Contrary to popular belief, the splits at any age, although exercise with stretching often practiced at a young age.

What are the benefits of splits for women's health:

  • Developed hip joints, increases the elasticity of the ligaments, resulting in the birth takes place easier;
  • Regular exercise is an excellent prevention of injuries as reinforce the power of skeletal muscles and bone tissues;
  • Improves the function of the cardiovascular system, the blood, even in those vessels where the blood flow previously hadweak;
  • Accelerating the metabolism, the processes of tissue exchange becomes more intensive;
  • Decreases pain during menses;
  • Formed the beautiful contours of the body – muscles are stretched in length and not in width as it is with intense strength training, doing legs and waist, visually more slender.

Recommendations for those who want to do the splits:

  • Since the beginning of the training until the day until you can completely sit on the longitudinal and transverse twine should be at least two weeks. While in untrained people, the process can take several months, but the splits can be in 20 and 50 years.
  • The success of the training in their regularity. Sessions should be held at least four times a week, and ideally 30 minutes daily.
  • A hot shower before exercise warms up muscles and makes them more pliable;
  • In the first days of training, better to exclude from a diet meat, as it makes ligaments more severe.

okolova Nina Vladimirovna, doctor-naturopath, herbalist