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Causes, removal and treatment of polyp of the cervical canal

  • How long is the bleeding after removal of a polyp of the cervical canal? If you have selected less traumatic method of getting rid of tumors, bleeding might not occur at all. Sometimes spotting can continue for 48 hours. Gradually they are becoming less and three days later they disappear entirely.
  • What do heavy periods after removal of polyp of the cervical canal? When education is removed from the body, menstruation should return to normal. Her personality can also influence a woman's age and the number of removed polyps. Month after surgery normal should be less abundant and less painful. If their volume is, on the contrary, increased or disrupted the cycle, you should contact a doctor for advice.

  • Removal of polyps of the cervical canal – 5 methods

    When a woman is determined by the choice of methods of surgical intervention, it is important to remember that after any surgery she will undergo the procedure of scraping the entire cervix. Only in this way will be able to get rid of abnormal cells that can lead to relapse of disease. Techniques directed to removal of cervical growths, there are several.

    Surgical diathermy

    This way exists quite a long time. During the procedure is excision and cauterization of the polyp. For this purpose a doctor uses an electric knife. Through the device passes a high-frequency current. In the result, the cells of the polyp get burn and die. In place of its attachment wound is formed, which is covered with the top crust. It is an additional protection against infection and occurrence of bleeding. However, this method has certain contraindications. The operation does not appoint the woman if she bears a child, did not give birth earlier, and suffers from a blood clotting disorder.

    However, surgical diathermy is an undeniable advantage, which is the omnipresence of technique, making it affordable for every woman.

    However, giving preference to such intervention, it is worth remembering about his shortcomings:

    • After moxibustion on the site of the polyp will remain a scarwhich could complicate future pregnancies

    • The recovery process can take several months;
    • in case of incorrect rejection of the formed crust may open bleeding;
    • The procedure is quite painful.

    However, the procedure is used everywhere, as it is not only affordable, but also gives the opportunity to get rid of polyps, which are attached to the cervical canal with wide legs.


    To implement this intervention uses low temperatures that can reach minus 80 degrees. On the polyp and the impact of liquid nitrogen. The affected area is frozen, then is cut off. The former site of the polyp is formed by healthy epithelial tissue of the cervical canal. Cryosurgery is an advanced method of getting rid of polosnyj growths, so it has several advantages, including the lack of bleeding and pain. In addition, this method is suitable for women, not having children, because after the intervention of the cervical canal will not remain in the rumen and, therefore, will not have complications during childbirth.

    The only significant drawback of the procedure can be called long recovery time of tissues. It can take up to two months. Also, the woman who decided to cryotherapy, may be faced with the fact that in small towns there is no possibility of the procedure.

    Laser polypectomy

    The doctor has the opportunity to use the laser to remove a cervical polyp, when it's isolated and not too large. During the procedure, the doctor monitors its progress through the hysteroscope. A significant drawback of this technique is that it cannot be used to delete multiple entities. In addition, the cost of laser cauterization is quite high, and ensure that in the near future will not happen recurrence, no.

    However, surgical intervention using a laser beam has its advantages. First, significantly reduced the risk of perforation of the wall of the cervical canal as the doctor independently adjusts the intensity of the laser exposure and depth of his penetration into the tissue. Secondly, during the treatments will not have the bleeding as the blood vessels instantly koaguliruut. Thirdly, the recovery period is quite small, and after only a few days the woman will stop any discharge and menstruation will start without delay.

    Amputation of the cervix

    The indication for removal of the cervix along with the polyps is a recurrent pathology. In addition, the cervical canal is removed, if it is determined that the tumor is already malignant or has degenerated atypical cells.To perform the procedure all the above ways, access to the cervix the doctor gets with the help of laparoscope. This removes the conical part of the neck, as well as of the mucous membrane lining the cervical canal. However, the uterus does not suffer, and in the cervical canal begins to emerge intact mucosa.

    This surgery allows women to preserve reproductive function. It is suitable even nulliparous women with recurrent polyps of the cervical canal.

    Hysteroscopic method

    This method of removal of the cervical structures is the safest, most modern and painless for women. For the procedure requires a special instrument – the hysteroscope. The doctor inserts it into the vaginal cavity, in the desired area of the cervical canal. Examined with available cameras each tumor, the surgeon removes them using miniature scissors (resectoscope) or the loop. She jumped on the stalk of the polyp and it unscrews at the base. If you are using the resectoscope, the polyp is simply cut off. The choice of tools depends on the size of the cervical of education. To minimize the possibility of recurrence, the place where is attached to a leg, cauterize.

    The time is optimal to perform a hysteroscopy the end of the menstrual cycle. The operation is carried out not later than 10 days from the date of completion of the last menstruation.

    Despite the advantages of the procedure, which is to its safety, painlessness, and the ability to conduct a thorough curettage, hysteroscopy can be applied in each case. For example, it does not perform, if a woman bears a child, if she has a pathological narrowing of the cervical canal, infection, cancer or inflammation.

    After it was carried out the removal of cervical polyp, treatment does not end there.

    The woman needs to adhere to recommendations given by physician, including:

    • Banned for two months to visit baths, saunas, steam rooms, as excessive overheating of the body can cause bleeding;
    • You should not lift weights, you need to give up physical activity;
    • A visit to the doctor should be regular, because of the possibility of recurrence of polyps and the existing risk of malignancy;
    • Sex life isbanned for the next two weeks. Also, you should avoid swimming in open water to minimise the risk of infection;
    • Banned the use of tampons during menstruation. Within two months you should use sanitary pads;
    • Intimate hygiene should be particularly careful, and to avoid infection and wound infections. For cleaning in the first days after the intervention you can use antiseptic, for example, Miramistin or potassium permanganate solution;
    • Planning pregnancy should be postponed for the period that will be recommended by your doctor. Most often the interruption is no longer than six months, although sometimes may be somewhat shorter;
    • Sometimes, in order to avoid infection after surgery (especially after amputation of the cervix), the doctor recommended for several days to take antibiotics;
    • Upon detection of any abnormal discharge from the vagina or when heavy blood loss is necessary medical examination.

    After removal of polyps woman continues to be on the account at the gynecologist, as education may recur. For this reason, it should be tested every six months, mindful of the asymptomatic course of the disease.

    As for the forecast, cervical polyps recur about 30% of cases. Any specific preventive measures do not exist. It is important to rule out any traumatic cervix of the situation and to get rid of endocrine and gynecological diseases.

    Drug therapy

    With regard to effective drug therapy cervical polyp, then it does not exist. At the present time there are no means to eliminate the tumor from the body or to reduce the severity of the pathological process.

    So if a woman is offered the medication at the diagnosis of "polyp of the cervical channel", it will be directed only to treatment of co-morbidities, which became the instigators of tumor growth:

    • So, hormonal therapy promotes hormone balance, decrease in circulating estrogen, increasing amounts of progesterone. This will help to reduce the risk of recurrence of polyps following their removal. Physicians are assigned to either oral contraceptives of the combined type (Janine, Regulon, etc.), or progestins(Cough medicine, Monitor, etc.). Should long-term use of hormonal methods, as they are not able to have a significant impact on the body. The minimum course is of three months;
    • Antibiotic therapy is indicated in cases when the polyps develop on the background of infection or inflammation of the genital organs. Preparations are selected individually, it depends on the specific disease;

    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed for such background infections, such as cervicitis or adnexitis;

    • In addition to treating the woman recommended to undergo vitamin therapy. This will help to strengthen the immune response. Special attention should be paid to vitamin b and minerals such as magnesium, zinc and iron.