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Hematology is a separate branch of medical science that specializiruetsya on the study of the peculiarities of the structure of the blood and bone marrow, as well as a variety of pathologies associated with them.

Any marked symptoms of disease of the blood and bone marrow do not give. However, a consultation with a specialist haematologist should come in the case if a person observes a violation of appetite, and in parallel, occur tingling or numbness of the toes, pale skin and bruising without prior injury.

What cures a hematologist?

A hematologist is a doctor who deals with abnormalities of blood and their therapy. In addition, the responsibilities of a physician of this specialty includes the elucidation of the etiology of the disease and selection of the most effective methods for their early identification, elimination and prevention. The percentage of prevalence of pathologies of the blood among the General mass of disease is 8%. This diseases such as:

  • Lymphoma;
  • Anemia;
  • Lymphocytic leukemia;
  • Myelogenous leukemia;
  • Multiple myeloma;
  • Autoimmune thrombocytopenia;
  • Macroglobulinaemia.

  • The office of the hematologist: peculiarities of the reception

    Almost like any other doctor, the hematologist is now accepting patient examination and medical history. When the range of problems to be defined, the doctor will send the patient to the passage of specific diagnostic techniques, as well as give you tips to taking the required tests. After it received the results, the hematologist will determine the best treatment plan.

    A specialist in diseases of the blood and bone marrow most often sends his patients to the following studies:

    • Ultrasound examination of abdominal organs and lymph nodes;
    • Biopsy and subsequent histological examination of the lymph nodes;
    • Blood examination by means of x-ray (specificity is determined by the doctor);
    • Performing coagulation (the study of the performance of the systemblood clotting);
    • CT scan of internal organs and bone scintigraphy;
    • Sternal puncture with the inclusion of the study of the morphological structure of the bone marrow.

    You should not be afraid that after a visit to a hematologist, the patient is required hospitalitynet. Up to 80% of all patients being treated in outpatient conditions, however, in order for therapy to be truly effective, we need the formulation of more accurate diagnosis.

    Hematology: basic sections

    This branch of medicine has its own subsections, including:

    • Hematology General. This subsection deals with the detection and therapy of anemia, leukopenia, pancytopenia and other pathologies, which are accompanied by their type.
    • Hematology Oncology (Hematology). This section includes two branches of medicine: Oncology and Hematology. Under study and therapy in this section fall malignancies of the hematopoietic system: acute leukemia, myeloproliferative disease.
    • Theoretical Hematology. This branch deals with studies of hematopoiesis, blood transfusion, and molecular genetics.

    When to go to a hematologist?

    When the following symptoms, you should go for a consultation with a hematologist:

    • Causeless temperature increase of a body.
    • Loss of body weight.
    • The strengthening of the sebaceous glands associated with excessive sweating.
    • Pale skin.
    • The lack of appetite.
    • Tingling and numbness of the fingers.
    • The formation of hematomas without a previous injury.
    • Flushing of the skin of the face.
    • The drop in the level of hemoglobin.
    • Identifying the formations on the neck, in the armpits and in the groin area, swollen lymph nodes in size.

    Hematologist child: when you need advice?

    Diseases of the blood and the hemopoietic system are often found in childhood.

    Not to miss the onset of the disease, parents need to know the main symptoms that you should pay attention to:

    • The appearance of the nose and other bleeding.
    • Expressedpale skin, sometimes it can be yellow color.
    • The formation of bruises.
    • Complaints of pain in the joints, bones and spine.
    • Pain in the abdomen and in the head.

    If your child has pathology of the hematopoietic system, it needs to be on the account hematologist and visit it once every 7 days. Each visit should be performed blood tests that are essential for optimum adjustment of therapy. In the Russian Federation those children who have diseases of the blood remain under the control of hematologists to adulthood. In some other countries, this age increased by three years.

    The reception of the hematologist: preparation

    As diagnosis is not possible without the conducted a preliminary examination of the patient and without putting them to the tests, the following rules should be followed before heading to the reception to a hematologist:

    • Until the consultation and from the moment of the last meal should take at least 12 hours.
    • Eve is not drink alcohol or smoke.
    • Under the ban gets medication. Of course, if there is an urgent need to make something, to refuse therapy does not, however, this must be reported to the doctor.
    • You should not drink plenty of fluids before you go to a specialist (for 24 hours before visits).

    It is important to understand that diseases of the hemopoietic system can lead to serious consequences from the side of the body. However, with timely treatment to the doctor, they tend to be successfully amenable to correction.