
Homeopathy is a therapeutic method that was first proposed by S. Hahnemann a German physician and scientist. The basis of this method lies the principle of "like can cure like". To understand it, consider the following example: so in case of poisoning with mercury vapors will suffer kidneys, and therefore its therapy you will need to take a smaller dose of mercury and kidneys will be able to cure.

Treatment, with the use of homeopathic remedies can only a doctor with a diploma of higher medical institutions and received additional specialty homeopathic therapy. The more that specialist's experience, the greater the likelihood that he will be able to save the patient from the disease, because of the range of his knowledge over the years become increasingly.

Homeopathy seeks to strengthen the inner reserves of the body, to activate and, thereby, to heal people from disease. The disease is usually regarded as a reaction of the organism to the pathogenic factor. While the symptoms are external manifestations of the internal struggle, which is always strictly individual. The body's reaction largely depends on the age of the patient, his Constitution, reserves of the immune system (see also: What is immunity?), of heredity.

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Who is a homeopath?

Drugs classified as homeopathic are not able to accumulate in the body, not cause allergic reactions almost never have side effects. At the same time, they can cure many chronic and acute diseases. The therapy is done in small doses, the medicines themselves are of vegetable origin.

Homeopathy treats not the disease but the diseased person. The main goal of the doctor is not to suppress individual symptoms of the disease, and to completely get rid of them.

The basis for the preparation of homeopathic medicines may be:

  • Mushrooms;
  • Minerals;
  • Plants;
  • Products of animals, such as snake venom;
  • Living organisms, such as bees or spiders.

Classical homeopathy, as a science,features almost a thousand vehicles, many of which specialists use regularly.

A homeopath is a doctor who treats his patients with homeopathic medicines. He knows the dosage, frequency of administration of the different funds and their performance relative to certain diseases.

What illness is cured by a homeopath?

The list of diseases available for treatment of this specialist is huge.

Among them:

  • Disease and gastrointestinal ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, etc.;
  • Heart diseases – ischemia, arrhythmia, hypertension, etc.;
  • Of vascular disease – varicose veins, atherosclerosis, disease of capillaries, endarteriit;
  • Pathology of the spine and joints;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system, including bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.;
  • ENT diseases – tracheitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.;
  • Diseases of the dermis – dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis.
  • Disease gynaecological – fibroids, fibroids, cysts, infertility, etc.;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Urological sphere;
  • Neurological disorders;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • Disease arising in childhood.

The list can be continued indefinitely, as diseases that can be cured with homeopathy a lot. However, there is a condition that this branch of medicine to treat not taken.

These include:

  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Venereal disease;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Conditions requiring urgent surgical intervention;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hypothyroidism.

When you need to see a pediatric homeopath?

Children's homeopath is a doctor with specialty pediatrician, but with additional specialization in homeopathy.

Come for a consultation to a specialist along with a child is necessary in the following cases:

  • Rehabilitation of newborn children in the case of obtaining a birth injury atcomplicated childbirth when mother's toxicosis during pregnancy, jaundice or pathological reactions to the vaccine.
  • Frequent illness of the child at preschool age and at an early age. Recurring respiratory catarrh, sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoids, bronchitis, etc.
  • If the hyperexcitability of the child, with hyperactivity, with detection of the CRA, in neurosis and in identifying dystonia should consult with a pediatric homeopath.
  • Skin and allergic diseases, among which the pediatric specialist often have to deal with atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, rashes pravymi.
  • Of the digestive diseases of children often amaze gastritis, constipation, goiter.
  • Diseases of the urinary system – bedwetting, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, nephropathy.

Referring to the homeopath, the parents may not be aware of the exact diagnosis, but to feel that something is wrong, what is happening to his body they are required. In addition, it is not necessary to wait until the child displays symptoms of illness, routine inspection can prevent infection colds infections from rickets and other problems.

How is the reception at the homeopath?

To begin with, the doctor listens attentively to the complaints of the patient, and then carries out a detailed inspection. Attention is drawn to the body type of the patient, on the patient's skin, mucous membranes etc. After examination, the doctor performs palpation of the problem area and explains the history of the disease. In addition, the homeopath will be interested in questions of heredity, food preferences, lifestyle, physical activity, working conditions, transferred surgical intervention and trauma.

To confirm the diagnosis, a homeopathic physician is armed with the following methods:

  • Electropunctural diagnostics by Voll.
  • The muscle test.
  • Vegetative resonance test.
  • Iridology.
  • Polimochevinnykh.
  • Oxygeninduced.

In addition, the doctor may recommend follow the standard research methods – ultrasound, CT, MRI, lab tests, etc.

After you have received the results, the doctor will select a homeopathic remedy.

When to consult a homeopath?

The appointment with the homeopath should go to if conventional medicine was unable to help the patient. However, this is a critical point to wait which should not be. According to the experts, people often apply toolate and hopelessly sick.

It is worth remembering that homeopathic remedies in properly selected doses do not cause harm. Therefore, they can be used pregnant women, children, the elderly, patients with poor health and reduced immunity.