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Infectious disease

The content of the article:

Infectology is a branch of medicine that deals with the study of diseases of infectious origin. There are many infections of the intestinal, respiratory system, blood, skin, etc. So the scope of activities of the doctor-infectious diseases is quite wide.

He is responsible for identifying infectious diseases, treatment and preventive measures aimed at their further proliferation among the population. Therefore, for the infectious diseases, it is important to thoroughly examine the specifics of development of infectious diseases, mechanisms of transmission and clinical course.

In addition, the work of infectious disease is inextricably linked with the activities of epidemiologv and microbiologists, as any infection causes the disease is caused by ingested pathogens.

The main sections of Infectology

To understand the specifics of the infectious diseases, should know the areas in which applies his knowledge:

  • Therapy blood infection, called vector-borne. In this case, the cause of the disease be the insects, the bite of which in the human body get agents of any disease.
  • Therapy retransmission blood infection. Transmission of these disease – contaminated blood transfusion, contact with infected blood during an injection with one syringe, etc.
  • Therapy of intestinal infections, when the causative agent gets into the human body orally, for example, through dirty hands or food.
  • Therapy skin infections when the pathogen is transmitted by contact.
  • Therapy of respiratory tract infections when the infected person is through airborne route.

What cures infectious disease?

Diseases that are in the competence of infectious disease:

  • Fever – typhoid and typhus fevers;
  • Infection with Salmonella;
  • Helminthiasis and malaria;
  • Botulism;
  • kor, koklush, parotit;
  • malyariya;
  • skarlatina;
  • poliomielit;
  • porazhenie adenovirusnoj infekciej;
  • toksoplazmoz;
  • sibirskaya yazva;
  • vse vidy gepatitov;
  • gripp;
  • chuma;
  • holera;
  • beshenstvo;
  • difteriya;
  • virusnye infekcii, porazhaushie nervnuu sistemu;
  • yashur i pr.

priem infekcionista

na prieme u specialista, pacient, v pervuu ochered, stolknetsya so standartnym oprosom, celu kotorogo yavlyaetsya vyyasnenie vseh zhalob bolnogo i vyyavlenie bespokoyashih ego simptomov. sbor epidemiologicheskogo anamneza – eto sleduushij shag v rabote doktora. poetomu ne stoit udivlyatsya, esli vrach budet vyyasnyat sushestvovanie kontaktov s inficirovannymi ludmi, sprashivat o poslednih poezdkah i puteshestviyah. v zavershenie priema doktor vypolnit obshij i fizikalnyj osmotr pacienta.

dlya utochneniya diagnoza, infekcionistu mogut potrebovatsya dopolnitelnye dannye, kotorye on smozhet poluchit, ishodya iz rezultatov analizov. posle etogo budet dana konkretnaya shema lecheniya i rekomendacii otnositelno togo, kak ostanovit rasprostranenie zabolevaniya i ne dopustit zarazheniya drugih ludej.

krome togo, inogda trebuetsya vvedenie ekstrennoj vakciny bolnomu, naprimer, ot stolbnyaka ili beshenstva.

analizy i issledovaniya, naznachaemye infekcionistom

  • analiz krovi na biohimiu;
  • analiz krovi na vyyavlenie gepatita;
  • vypolnenie immunofermentnogo analiza krovi;
  • vypolnenie pcr-diagnostiki;
  • zabor mazka na floru;
  • vyyavlenie respiratornyh ili kishechnyh infekcij s pomoshu serologicheskogo issledovaniya.
  • kogda neobhodim priem u infekcionista?

    osnovanij dlya posesheniya infekcionista mozhet byt mnozhestvo. patogennye agenty sposobny vyzyvat dovolno sereznye zabolevaniya, kotorye ugrozhaut zhizni cheloveka.

    poetomu, pri obnaruzhenii sleduushih simptomov, pohod k vrachu otkladyvat nelzya:

    • vozniknovenie silnyh golovnyh bolej.
    • problemy s nochnym otdyhom – otsutstvie sna, a v dnevnye chasy – povyshennaya sonlivost.
    • The appearance of aches in muscles, pain in the joints.
    • The emergence of chronic fatigue.
    • Flushing of the skin, rash and swelling of the dermis.
    • Irregularities in functioning of the digestive system, including constipation or diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
    • Swollen lymph nodes in size.

    When to take the child to infectious diseases?

    The growth of an infectious disease each year is only increasing, and this problem affects not only adults but also children. In addition, their immune system is immature and therefore even a seemingly minor infectious disease can lead to serious health problems. If the acute phase remains untreated, the disease can become chronic and damage the quality of life of the child. Often, that unfavorable environmental conditions may cause the development of immunodeficiency States.

    To go with children in reception to infectious diseases should be at the occurrence of the following problems:

    • Any rashes on the skin or mucous membranes of the child;
    • Symptoms of intoxication of the body – aching muscles, headaches and eye pain;
    • Diarrhea;
    • Blood in the stool;
    • Vomiting or nausea;
    • Icteric hue of the skin;
    • Body temperature is kept at around 38 degrees. (See also: high fever without symptoms of the child)

    Preparation for the reception of infectious diseases

    To go on reception to the expert, to prepare no need. However, if you plan on testing, you should:

    • To refrain from taking food for a period of up to 12 hours.
    • Do not smoke or consume alcohol drinks at least days.
    • Not to take any medicines, if needed, the doctor should be aware of the incident.