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Massage therapist

The massage therapist is masseur. He owns a set of techniques by which affects the human body, this massage technique is based on the scientifically grounded from the point of view of physiology methods. This allows the specialist to manage the functional conditions of the body.

Each person uses a different technique, depending on his diagnosis. The therapist determines not only the set of methods of exposure, but the dose that maximizes the health of the body. It is important to choose a competent specialist, as incorrect technique of massage can face the emergence of a feeling of weakness and discomfort after the session, even in a healthy person. In the case of children and weak people, their nervous system is more susceptible and sensitive, and so health problems can be serious.

To choose a specialist that you could trust your own body, it is not enough just to focus on responses of acquaintances. The qualification of the masseur, which is the criterion of his professional skill. It's not just paper, but a sort of diploma which is issued at the exam results. The construction of the examinations in accordance with medical standards.

So there are four categories that are assigned to therapists:

  • The third category indicates that a professional has completed a course or training institution in the relevant specialty. He owns several massage techniques, can only perform hygienic massage of the body or body part.
  • The second category indicates that specialist graduated from the specialized courses, however, fluent in many massage techniques and has the right to do this health problems in humans as therapeutic events (fractures, high blood pressure, etc.).
  • The first category indicates that specialist not only knows all techniques of massage, but also can independently to appoint them, to set the diagnosis and find treatment method at its discretion.
  • The highest category characterizes the therapist as a professional. It has its own design, creates a massaging technique, able to write scientific papers or to open their own schools.

The content of the article:

What the massage therapist?

Massage is a procedure for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Perform massage for both adults and children with health problems without them. There are many massage techniques, they can count more than a hundred.

However, most massage therapists practice the following:

  • The classic technique which includes many techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, etc. Selection of specific techniques, the therapist selects proceeding from the human disease. The aim of classical massage is the restoration of functionality of an organism or organ systems. In addition, classic massage promotes relaxation, reduces nervous tension and pain. If the classic massage has a qualified specialist, in conjunction with medication, it will contribute to the speedy deliverance from the problem.
  • Preventive massage is aimed at preventing the development of various pathologies. It improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes, improves the immune forces. Apply preventive massage for the prevention of gynecological diseases, vascular pathologies and heart diseases of the joints, spine, etc.
  • Therapeutic massage is often prescribed by different doctors to improve the health status of the patient. It can recommend neurologists, dentists, podiatrists, gynecologists, cosmetologists and other specialists. Course therapeutic massage is often a part of various rehabilitation programs.
  • Massage sports. This variety of massage techniques helps prevent the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. During the preparatory sports massage the patient's muscles are warmed up, are to tone and strengthen. It is often prescribed for a sports event, before an important workout, and more. Restorative sports massage is used in cases when muscle needs to be right after exercise. This technique promotes relaxation of the muscular system of the body.
  • Massage hygiene, which is primarily aimed at health promotion, prevention of various diseases by increasing immunity. The effect is especially noticeable in the case where the hygienicmassazh vypolnyaetsya odin raz v den, na regulyarnoj osnove.
  • massazh kosmeticheskij. eta raznovidnost massazhnoj tehniki ispolzuetsya kak profilaktika razlichnyh kozhnyh problem. v chastnosti, kak sredstvo uhoda za dermoj, dlya profilaktiki uvyadaniya kozhi, dlya podderzhaniya tonusa. etot vid massazha mozhet byt lechebnym, gigienicheskim i profilakticheskim.
  • massazh protivocellulitnyj. eta metodika daet maksimalnye rezultaty, kogda on vypolnyaetsya sistematicheski. takoj massazh sposobstvuet ustraneniu zhirov, povysheniu elastichnosti i uprugosti kozhi. inogda, posle vypolnennogo anticellulitnogo massazha u cheloveka mogut voznikat kratkovremennye oteki, giperimiya kozhnyh pokrovov, neznachitelnoe vospalenie. odnako, takie pobochnye effekty ne nanosyat vreda zdorovu i svidetelstvuut o polze vypolnennoj procedury. 
  • massazh relaksacionnyj, kotoryj pozvolyaet vosstanovit utrachennye sily, ukrepit organizm.
  • massazh detskij. pri gramotnom vypolnenii on odnoznachno prineset polzu kazhdomu rebenku, bez isklucheniya. takoj massazh sposobstvuet regulirovke raboty nervnoj sistemy, ukreplyaet myshechnyj karkas, yavlyaetsya profilaktikoj zabolevanij oporno-dvigatelnogo apparata i formiruet pravilnuu osanku. poetomu vrachi mogut rekomendovat prohodit massazh kak detyam s zabolevaniyami, tak i absolutno zdorovym.
  • tradicionnaya vostochnaya tehnika – eto tajskij massazh. etot massazh nevozmozhen bez duhovnogo edineniya mezhdu klientom i massazhistom, dlya chego ispolzuetsya sootvetstvuushaya obstanovka, aromaty, atmosfera.

kakie zabolevaniya lechit massazhist?

massazh naznachaetsya vrachami pri mnogih boleznyah, sredi kotoryh:

  • gipotrofiya, a imenno hronicheskoe rasstrojstvo pitaniya uspeshno poddaetsya korrekcii s pomoshu lechebnogo massazha. u bolnyh uluchshaetsya tonus myshc, normalizuutsya metabolicheskie processy, povyshautsya immunnye sily. tehnika vypolneniya massazha pri gipotrofii plavnaya, nezhnaya, bez rezkih dvizhenij, chto daet zashitu ot razvitiya vospalitelnogo processa.
  • displazii, harakterizuushiesya narusheniem formirovaniya organov, tkanej i chastej tela. terapiya sostoit iz poglazhivaushih procedur, rastiranij, razminanij i vibracij.
  • vrozhdennayaclubfoot in children is correctable with massage of legs and feet.
  • Muscular torticollis congenital nature arising during the passage of the baby through the birth canal, also successfully adjusted using pressure point massage techniques corresponding zone.
  • Diseases of internal organs – liver, kidneys, gall bladder.
  • Diseases of ENT-organs. For example, if you use a short sinus massage sinus.
  • Inflammation of the prostate.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Chronic gynecological diseases.
  • Arthropathy (see also: joint disease: types, symptoms and treatment).

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, hypertension.

It is worth remembering that although massage is effective in treating many diseases, however, it often needs to be used with other methods of therapy. This can be a medication, passing physiotherapy, etc. Only in this way can achieve a really positive result.

When should I contact the masseur?

  • As treatment, massage can be recommended to all the people who have problems with the nervous system. He, depending on the state, can be invigorating or relaxing.
  • Insomnia, nervous excitement – all this is a testimony to the massage.
  • Repetitive work, sedentary lifestyle, typical working conditions, forcing long time to strain the same part of the body.
  • Kyphosis, scoliosis, lordosis and other violations of posture.
  • Osteochondrosis in which a massage is a great way to prevent development of the disease.
  • Frequent colds, chronic bronchitis, infections of the respiratory tract.
  • Headaches.
  • The excess body weight.
  • Depression, chronic fatigue, stress, reduced performance is to improve the human condition able massage.

In addition to the treatment and prevention of disease, massage courses you can visit to fight against skin aging, flabbiness of muscles, cellulite and so forth Exactly massage is an excellent cosmetic tool in the fight for beauty and youth.

Read more: Cellulite – causes and stages

What tests need to pass beforea visit to a massage therapist?

Although there is no clear evidence of a need for to pass certain tests to pass the course of massage, however, make it extremely desirable. The fact that the massage has certain contraindications that can be detected by blood and urine tests.

Man, before heading for a massage, gotta find out if he had any of the following contraindications:

  • Fever;
  • Acute inflammation;
  • Tendency to bleeding;
  • Hidden internal bleeding;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Cancer;
  • Syphilis;
  • Sores;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Aneurysm of vessels.

To ensure that visiting massage service will benefit, you should consult with the district or physician. If there are any diseases that are not absolute contraindications to massage, it is necessary to inform his master. He may change the technique of the procedure, replacing it with a more sparing.

What diagnostic methods are used by the massage therapist?

The massage therapist before the therapeutic massage be sure to familiarize with the available assessment of the individual patient according to his disease. Also, the therapist strictly follows the recommendations given by the doctor.

Perhaps the appointment of radiological examination in the case when the patient seeks recovery massage after injuries. X-ray images need to massage before performing massage for pain in different parts of the back, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spinal curvature, etc.

Also, before beginning this procedure, the therapist independently performs diagnostic palpation of the problem area.