
A psychiatrist is a specialist, the competence of which is the diagnosis and treatment of various forms of mental disorders, as well as revealing the reasons for their triggering. The doctor is engaged in consultation of patients, from healthy, and with mental disorders. He prescribes them medications which can cure existing problems. In addition, the doctor performs a General examination of patients, determining its capacity and mental health.

Do not confuse a psychiatrist with neurologists, psychotherapists and psychologists. A psychiatrist engaged in the treatment of various mental disorders, regardless of their degree of severity and manifestations. The psychiatrist is able to prescribe a serious medications, prescription and has a pronounced effect.

As for psychologists, they have a psychological support, but medical experts are not and drugs I can't recommend. Psychotherapists treat mental disorders of moderate severity, priority methods, such as interviews. Of course, therapists can prescribe drugs, but they are not drastic and is aimed at removing the patient from stressful conditions. Drug therapy is not a priority method of treatment from therapists.

Psychiatry, as a science, has many affiliated areas, each of which has methods effects on patients and principles of working with patients:

  • Organizational psychiatry. This direction is intended to provide therapeutic care to patients with mental disorders, based on the study of the causes of various mental illnesses and aims to reduce the level of diseases of the plan in society.
  • Psychiatry forensic. This direction is investigating the reasons that led to mental disorders in humans, but in the framework of criminal liability.
  • Psychiatry social. This direction seeks to develop methods of rehabilitation for people with mental disorders in a society. Working in this field doctors help people with problems more successfully and quickly adapt in society.
  • Psychiatry age. This direction deals with the study of mental disorders in different age groups: children, adolescents and the elderly.
  • Drug and alcohol abuse. This direction is intended to provide psychological help to peoplesuffering from various forms of addiction.

The content of the article:

Which diseases can be healed by a psychiatrist?

Cavity to enumerate all the diseases faced by the psychiatrist in one article is impossible, so you should consider the basic, most common pathology:

  • Paranoid ideas plaguing the patient;
  • Delusions and hallucinations;
  • Suicidal tendencies;
  • Pathological phobias;
  • Epileptic condition;
  • Chronic insomnia;
  • Schizophrenia; (see also: Causes, signs and symptoms of schizophrenia)

  • Delirium tremens;
  • Based on that the person is not able to overcome on their own, such as: gaming, alcohol, drugs, etc.;
  • Bulimia and anorexia;
  • Mental disorders, due to past injuries;
  • Alzheimer's Disease;
  • Repetitive hysteria and other diseases.

The consultation of the psychiatrist

Diagnosis of the patient's condition starts at the first reception at the psychiatrist, for which:

  • The doctor interrogates the patient, or the person who brought the patient to the appointment. The assistance of a relative is needed in that case, when the patient is unable to truthfully answer about their own health, or can't come to the reception without assistance.
  • The doctor puts the primary diagnosis, based on the received information.
  • Is the determination of the course of therapy. Not always patients can leave the outpatient observation, in some cases, hospitalization is required.
  • Developed the final strategy for the management of patients.

You should not be afraid to go on reception to the psychiatrist. This doctor, like any other, follows the laws of medical ethics and reception happens to him anonymously.Registration is done rarely, when there is a real need. A survey of patient is performed only with the consent, in writing. If the person consent to sign a can not, then he is doing the relatives or guardians. Hospitalitynet person only when he poses a real threat to society. But will be done before hospitalization, the patient must undergo not only a psychiatrist but a whole examination, the results of which and the decision on necessity of treatment in valvulotomy conditions.

When you need to visit a psychiatrist?

There are certain signs indicating that a person must seek the advice of a specialist:

  • The emergence of a sense of fear of those moments in life that previously seemed to be easily solved. Often this symptom is accompanied by increased aggressiveness of the person, or his apathy to everything around.
  • Neorussia an alarm that has no reason.
  • Constant insomnia, amid persistent feelings of sleepiness. (See also: Causes and symptoms of insomnia)

  • The feelings of hunger that cannot be satisfied, or, conversely, apathy to the process of eating and lack of appetite.
  • Problems with mental abilities, a violation of the process of remembering, the inability to concentrate.
  • An irresistible desire to be doping, that is, to diversify his life to drugs, alcohol or tobacco, or other addictions.
  • Appearance does not depend on how the situation of States, not adequate for her, which man cannot control. For example, panic, aggression, tearfulness, resentment, fear of communication, etc.

When to take the child to a psychiatrist?

Expert advice is necessary when enrolling a child in preschool and comprehensive school. These visits are considered routine, however, sometimes required unscheduled trip to the doctor.

Attention parents deserve the following symptoms:

  • Aggression and brutality exhibited by the child. This refers to the expressed forms of these emotional manifestations.
  • Inadequate child's behavior. The complete lack of phobias, or, on the contrary, their severity, unawareness of the child's own age, problems with memory and attention, detachment from reality.
  • Signs of bulimia or anorexia. Suicidal tendencies, a propensity for the intake of drugs.

Helping a close person: when it is necessary?

Some mental disorders are able to suppress the will of the patient, forcing him to break away from reality and withdraw into themselves. Many people in this state, completely rejecting the need of treatment and refuse to go on reception to the doctor.

Relatives and friends of the sick person must help him to overcome this condition, so do not leave unattended when:

  • The identity of the person is distorted, transformirovalsya under the impact of the disease.
  • People focused on delusions, the more it interested in nothing.
  • The person shows unmotivated aggression.
  • People often talks about suicide and the more attempts to commit suicide.

Psychiatric treatment: how it goes?

Methods the patient getting rid of of mental disorders are diverse. The basic treatment scheme is a combination of intake of drugs with corrective therapy. Medications help to calm the excited mind, to restore its lost functions, to normalize the patient's condition. Autotreninga, hypnosis, discussions, suggestion, and group classes all are effective complementary methods of primary treatment.

Such radical therapies as a treatment for shock, water, cold in psychiatry are banned.